flibbitygiblets's JournalAssholes like to have someone tell them it's okay to be an asshole
Who knew our country was so full of jerks? Someone like Obama makes assholes feel shame, and they hate that.
It's like watching Jerry Springer to make your own family & relationships seems "not so bad".
Something else I'd like Michael Cohen to help us all understand: Loyalty to Trump
I utterly fail to understand why anyone would be loyal to someone so vain, self-absorbed, incapable of humility or empathy, who gaslights and blames victims, who is so OBVIOUSLY full of shit and a con artist.
Why do we need this information? Because if someone can actually explain it, maybe we can use it against Trump's blind, stupid, arrogant followers.
Michael Cohen is famous for saying he'd "take a bullet for Mistah Trump". Not until Trump left Cohen swinging in the wind and facing dozens of years in prison, did that fool see the light and become (his words) a "patriot".
What will it take for 1/3 of America to do the same?
Waiting breathlessly to see how Melanie will decorate the WH this year.
Last year I believe the theme was "Have yourself a bleary little Christmas (instead of mistletoe, she went with the world's largest cameltoe)".
Yeah, pretty sure that was it.
Ivanka calls for prison reform for women as demands to Lock Her Up over email scandal continue
Source: TheUnitedStatesBlues.com
President Donald Trumps attacks on Hillary Clinton came back to haunt him this week after his daughter Ivanka was exposed for using personal email to conduct government business. And the calls to lock her up have been raining down.
In the mother of all hypocrisies, Ivanka was caught using her private email account for much of 2017.
Read more: https://theunitedstatesblues.com/ivanka-calls-for-prison-reform-for-women-as-demands-to-lock-her-up-over-email-scandal-continue/
Oh Ivanka-donk. You going DOWN, b.
When's the last time you mooned someone? Or got mooned?
"mooning" friends or even strangers was such a quintessential mid-70's thing, often done in the rear window of a car as an alternative to "flipping the bird" as a response to some minor traffic faux-pas (or sometimes for no reason other than just to be funny). I haven't thought about it in decades.
But now we have one of those security doorbells that takes motion-sensor video, which goes straight to me & the spouse's cellphone. So, it's been game-on to see who can out-do each other..
Don't cry little baby. That's just her resting witch face.
Why is there no "Protest Info" forum on DU?
I believe people would be more apt to show up if we knew where the hell to go.
I read somewhere on DU that there's a protest at the WH tonight. Avenatti is going to be there.
Why don't we're have a forum dedicated to protests in the Activism area? It's hard to find this info because it's not centralized.
Would any one else be willing to host such a forum?
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