Pepsidog's JournalDems have a strategy, lie down and get kicked in the gut.
Its hard to keep supporting Dems who continually get trampled by republican thugs. Bill Clinton was the last Dem to stick it to the republican establishment. He took their best shot and frustrated them at every turn. Is there any dem with the spine and courage to fight these immoral and unprincipled, treasonous weasels? Franken was wrong to resign. Rs will turn it around on us. Dems have no shot with the current leadership. We need new blood to run the party, fighters who know how to get down in the mud and fight these vile creatures called republicans. I have no hope that 2018 will be any different. Trump could admit to being a racist, fascist dictator bent on world domination and the sacking of the Constitution and would still have the support of his base and republicans in Congress. And Dems will continue to naively take the high road and be the doormat of political parties. This is our reality so we better get accustomed to it.
Sure do need more reps like this to speak up and voice the courage of their convictions.
My original comment was geared more towards democratic reps and leaders publicly defending the party on msm. It just seems that the republicans dominate and stear the conversation. Its nit all Dems fault, look at how spineless Chuck Todd cut Pelosi off at the knees recently on MTP. We need more spokes people like Howard Dean. Dems need to communicate their message in plain and simple language. I loved Obama, but most of the time he spoke over the head of most citizens. Dumb ass Trump as vile and distateful as he is, knows how to communicate his hideous, racist, fascist message so his supporters understand. We just need more passion and a simple and clear message that conveys our ideas.
I am still stunned watching RW women yelling lock her up.
As a Father, I took my youngest daughter of 4 children to vote for the first time in 2016 and told her what a historic moment this was, electing the first woman president. Of course, it didnt turn out that way and looking back I am still stunned to see women chanting lock her up regarding Hillary. Except for Obama, for the most part, the men who have led this country during the past 40 years have done a lackluster job. 2016 was the time for an intelligent, thoughtful woman like Merkel in Germany to try and bring the country together. Obviously Hillary was a much more devisive figure and the enmity towards her far greater than I think we on the left expected. But still, to see these mindless, brainwashed republican woman snarl and yell lock her up to me is just incredible. As a man, I have always viewed woman as the more rational and mindful gender. And most of these women are middle age or older. I wonder if republican women reserve their hatred for all democratic women candidates or just Hillary. They embraced the female version of Trump in supporting Palin. I suspect I just answered my own question. Very sad for our country.
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