Pepsidog's JournalI really wanted Hillary to win and was proud to accompany my two daughters to vote in 2016. We were
devastated by her loss. We thought the Supreme Court would be taken care of by progressive Justices for the next 30-40 years. After reflecting the past 18 plus months what I have slowly come to realize is the deep seated, visceral hatred of Hillary that was cultivated and nurtured by right wing nut job media with help from the Russians. That hatred is pathological. Until we deal with the likes of Fox and Murdochs of the world, another Trump candidate or worse is possible. Fox News is the problem. Trump was terrified when he thought Fox was put off the Helsinki Humiliation. Until we deal with Fox and the legitimizing of lies we cannot move forward.
The real enemy of the USA is Fox News and Murdochs. These republican propagandists need to be held
to account for dividing a nation and turning its citizens against each other purely for profit. We all saw Trump panic when he thought he was slipping with Fox. No Fox hosts with the exception of Shep Smith should live in peace. They should be hounded and harassed at every public appearance whether it be a a local restaurant or public event. Murdochs should receive the same treatment. In the fight to preserve the Republuc, these fear monging, lying pieces of garbage must be called out. Murdoch, not even born in the USA, has made billions destroying and tearing the fabric of our society which was once considered intelligent and progressive. Their support of the fanatics on the right has blurred, confused, and obsfucated the minds of millions of Americans who now consider foreign governments efforts to undermine a presidential election acceptable behavior. The Fox News problem is our biggest problem.
"No leaks" is all you need to know about how Mueller and all the people in his investigation feel
what is happening and it should terrify Trump and Republicans. Just think about all the people involved from secretarial staff, court staff and grand jury members and not a single leak. This means they know they have a solemn duty to find the truth and there is no messing around or political gamesmanship happening. I think Mueller will come through for us as it must disgust him witnessing the destruction of our democracy and the delegitimization of our institutions. The rule of law is under attack and Mueller will respond accordingly.
Republican Kool Aid drinkers are no match for a smart and prepared spy cathcher.
Strzok is a genuine American hero, our best counter-intelligence agent the FBI has. Republicans had no idea what they were in for and thought because he had made a few unfortunate texts on the bureaus dime that they could skewer him. First rule of law when cross examining a witness is never ask a question you dont know the answer to and dont ask open ended questions. Its scary to see just how misinformed these Republican scum are. They have no idea what the hell is going on. They are just as bad and misinformed as the MAGA wearing, racist dolts screaming at his rallies. They truly subscribe to all the deep state Hannity hysteria that passes for republican policy these days. We better win 2018 & 2020 otherwise we are doomed for good.
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Gender: MaleHometown: New Jersey
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Member since: Tue Jul 25, 2017, 11:03 AM
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