Pepsidog's JournalI blame Dems, they should not have agreed to the corporate bailout. HuffPost was screaming
about this heist all day yesterday. It should have been a people bailout, and thats all. How many times must we Dems get shit on until we learn. So Trump will become an actual billionaire now because of Covid. His checks are already being written. We are suckers !!
Your are like me in many ways but much more articulate. My wealthy sister and I had an argument
recently when I mentioned poor, African Americans who grow up in poverty with crime and violence in schools have it much more difficult than we middle class, well educated white folks. I was speaking to her from what I see while defending both poor Black men and women in criminal cases who constantly get profiled while driving and even shopping in stores. My sister and her husband, who are Trumpers, were incredulous, like no way, they have the same opportunities as we had to make it in America. The ignorance and arrogance is simply astounding. White privilege is a very definite aspect of our society which most whites people either deny or dont understand. No All Americans do not have the same opportunities and start at very different places.
Kavenaugh must be impeached for lying about all the stuff we knew were lies. Example, The Renata
Club, Boof, blacked out drinking as a teen. A full and proper investigation needs to be done and he should be impeached and removed. If i lied and acted like he did at his confirmation I would be disbarred and locked up. This lifetime appointment for federal judges needs to be revamped as well.
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