Ferrets are Cool
Ferrets are Cool's JournalOMG, I almost just threw up on my tv....
a corporate national ad praising Mitchie boy for his great work HELPING the working folk of America by passing this abominable tax bill.
Not for the faint of heart...
two of my favorite artists together again...
Things have gotten really bad in America when
someone asks you "Who is worse, Trump or Kim Jong-un?" and you actually have to stop for a moment and think about it before answering.
I watched The Indian Detective last evening...
on Netflix. It was a very good binge watch. I would recommend it highly.
"A Toronto police officer (constable) investigates a murder while visiting his father in India."
"Lost" on Netflix
is being removed on January 4th. I am so bummed. I have watched it completely, but wifey has only gotten to season 3 with me. I am going to have to find another way to see the last three seasons with her.
In your opinion, will the #METOO movement maintain
steam or fizzle out like Occupy?
I hope it remains a viable movement and brings change, but I do wonder if anything "good" can maintain itself in this environment.
Your thoughts?
Concerning the "protest votes" that I keep hearing
cost Clinton the election. Can someone point me to a link or "something" that proves that the "protest vote"
was what lost the election to the PGIC.
I have searched and searched and cannot find definitive proof of this, only conjecture.
One of the clearest things I did find was on the NPR site...https://www.npr.org/2016/11/12/501848636/7-reasons-donald-trump-won-the-presidential-election.
It lists 7 reasons why she lost and nowhere do I find protest votes.
This is something I've been curious about for some time and thought I would ask for help here. Please keep this civil if possible.
Just heard a part of Kobe Bryants speech last nite
never a fan, especially after his tryst while married, but one thing he said made me shake my head. "If you work hard enough, dreams come true." That is one of the biggest lies ever told. Most work their asses off all their lives, giving it everything they have...and here we are, our elected officials giving away everything we have worked for to their rich doners. So don't give me that bullchit line. I stopped believing it long ago. Rant off.
There was a lot of hyperbole at the beginning of the
Patriots/Steelers game about it being the "game of the year". WOW, did it turn out to be a GREAT game. Right down to the end.
I wish there was an Anime section on DU
I would love to discuss Anime with like minded people with no/few spoilers.
I usually watch an average of 2 hours of anime a day at the end of my evenings.
At the moment, I am watching a very laid back slice of life series called Non Non Biyori. Sometimes I just like to smile and enjoy my time watching anime and sometimes I want something much more serious like Phantom of Requiem.
Anyone else here like to talk anime?
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Member since: Wed Aug 23, 2017, 05:43 PM
Number of posts: 22,077