tulipsandroses's JournalSince we are talking about Joy- She is featured in Elle Magazine's May's Issue
https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a19706888/joy-reid-msnbc-am-joy-interview/Joy Reid Is Quietly, Steadily, Stealthily Changing the Game for Women on TV
A weekend-morning MSNBC show, lodged firmly in the posthangover, prebrunch hours, wouldnt ordinarily be the stuff of trending topics. But the rules have changed since November 8, 2016. Now Reids show, AM Joy, regularly pulls in viewers, and 2017 marks the first time in 16 years that MSNBC beat out CNN in the Saturday-morning time slot. Twitter swells with real-time reactions from #Reiders, especially when Reid schools a guest in her trademark patient, no-nonsense fashion. (After Shonda Rhimes retweeted a clip of Reid calmly demolishing a guest who was spouting Clinton Foundation conspiracy theoriesappending the comment Just in case youre wondering how to dismiss foolishnessReid confesses, I died. Oh, I died!) Given the cacophony of cable news, where the loudest panelist often wins, Reids approach has few antecedents on the right or the left, but perhaps thats why she has so many newly minted fans: In a sensationalist climate, she refuses to let facts wriggle out of her grasp
Joys fearless authenticity is perfect for this moment, when people feel like, Am I crazy? Are things absolutely bonkers right now, or am I losing my mind? says her fellow MSNBC host Chris Hayes. To find someone who is as commanding as Joy is, whos like, No, things are pretty nuts, and heres why, that really resonates.
Reid never thought shed be the one in the hosts chair, but her childhood couldnt have scripted that path more clearly. Growing up in Montbello, Colorado, she was a word vulture, calling dibs on the crossword and front page of the newspaper and plowing her way through a set of bound classic books her mother had bought from a door-to-door salesman. As a latchkey kid with a single mom, she says, TV was, in some sense, my babysitter. One night, she begged her mother to allow her to stay up late for a news program. It was a countdown to the [1979 Iran] hostage crisis and would eventually be renamed Nightline, Reid recalls. She watched it nightly until she graduated from high school, along with a steady diet of TV news shows. My goal was to be a guest. I just wanted to be a guest on Chris Matthewss show, on Meet the Press, and on The McLaughlin Group. I was like, Those will be my three shows. Ill be sitting there with Freddy the Beadle Barnes.
How I Almost Became Tomi Lahren
The post about the Conservative woman Kanye likes reminded me about this.
Makes me wonder how many of these conservative pundits actually believe the crap that comes out of their mouths
How I Almost Became Tomi Lahren
If my conscience hadnt stopped me, I couldve become another bitchy blonde right-wing pundit.
The first time I realized I was a brand was in 1998. It was after I filmed the MTV reality show, Road Rules (or as I like to call it, The Wheel World). MTV had partnered with a company and they wanted to use me as the voice of the product. I was asked to read a first person script that said I was from a small town in Pennsylvania. Problem was, Im not from a small town in Pennsylvania. Im from Pittsburgh, and while it sometimes feels like a small town, it certainly doesnt match the image they were trying to convey. When I mentioned the inaccuracy, they said, It doesnt matter as long as people think youre from a small town. It makes you more relatable. We just need you to say the line. So I did
Because I was on a reality show before the genres boom, I bought into the notion that the shows were about real, if highly edited, people. They arent. Theyre about brands. People are complicated, but brands are simple. Follow the proverbial script, and you can make money. And I did for a while as I continued to appear on the shows as a means of bankrolling my education.
After I finished my doctorate, I wanted to combine my love of television with my academic experience, and met with several agents who were willing to take me on as a client. There was only one catch: I needed to be politically conservative. We hear a lot of rhetoric about how the mainstream media is liberal, but when it comes to blonde, reality stars (with or without PhDs in religion), well, the demand falls among the conservative outlets.
I was told it would be easy for me to get work as a talking head, reporter, or host as long as I was willing to promote the conservative agenda. I didnt have to believe it. I just had to say I believed it. Could I proclaim a supposed war on Christmas or conduct sympathetic interviews with bakers refusing to make cakes for gay couples? If so, there could potentially be a huge payday.
Anyone listening to Macron?
Why is it the president from another nation has given the most inspiring speech I have heard since
President Obama?
This is from over a year ago - but the more things change, the more they stay the same
We know the way that Blackness is inherently seen as a threat makes even living while Black a dangerous activity, but what does the irrational and deadly fear of Black people actually sound like when communicated in words? On a Reddit law enforcement forum called ProtectAndServe, a verified police officer going by the name sf7was started an insightful thread called People, please stop making my job so difficult highlighting just that. Officers flocked to the thread to vent about white people panicking at the mere sight of people of color and calling the police.
Sf7was gave this example: So Im working last week and get dispatched to a call of Suspicious Activity. Yall wanna know what the suspicious activity was? Someone walking around in the dark with a flashlight and crow bar? Nope. Someone walking into a bank with a full face mask on? Nope. It was two black males who were jump starting a car at 930 in the morning. That was it. Nothing else. Someone called it in. People. People. People. If youre going to be a racist, stereotypical jerk
keep it to yourself.
Other examples given by former and currently serving officers included a Black person fishing in a community pond and someone from the Middle East looking mean.
Tellingly, the thread was centered around the problem of making [police officers] jobs so difficult, not the problem of how white fear is often a death sentence for Black people. Even when self-aware of its own irrationality, whiteness still finds a way to center itself at the expense of Black life.
Disturbing! Police lost Waffle House Killer after he stole a car and they chased him last Tues!
This was just revealed in the police news conference! He stole a car from a dealership last Tues- police gave chase- they abandoned the chase due to safety issues supposedly - The car had GPS and was later located at his apartment complex. So WTF happened from Tues to Sun?
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