tulipsandroses's JournalThe Family Of A 14-Year-Old Called A Health Center To Help Her. Instead, Cops Came
The Family Of A 14-Year-Old Called A Health Center To Help Her. Instead, Cops Came And She's Now Sentenced To 11 Years In Juvenile Detention.
The parents of a 14-year-old girl in Oregon are fighting to get their daughter's case reopened after she was convicted of attempted murder and arson and sentenced to 11 years in a juvenile detention center.
According to KEZI, Saraya Rees was arrested last year after she poured a small amount of gasoline in front of her parents' bedroom door. But her family was hoping to get help for the 14-year-old instead of seeing her arrested.
Saraya's mother, Shannon Rees, said her daughter was taking anti-depressants after facing severe bullying in school. A local pediatrician then took the teenager off of the medication, according to the family. Rees said she contacted a local health center to get help for her daughter, but police arrived instead to arrest the 14-year-old, KEZI reported.
"She never attempted to light the gas, she was calling out for help in the way her mind told her was best, Rees told KEZI.
With more than 3,000 likes on a Facebook page created for the teenager, the parents are motivated to keep fighting for justice.
"We created this page to gather support against the injustice Coos County, Oregon served to our daughter," the family stated on the Justice4Saraya page.
There is also a Change.org petition regarding the case, which has already passed its goal of 100,000 signatures.
"Just in case you didnt know...WE DID IT!" the family said on Facebook. "Sarayas petition blew right through our goal number of 100,000 signatures! This has literally happened since Saturday morning! Just a few days! We are overwhelmed, shocked, and so damn grateful to every single one of you that has helped with this, in any way!"
Does this country have the stomach to do what must be done? Investigate this administration?
(No question in my mind ,bar their success at vote suppression that Trump will lose and we are highly likely to take the senate)
So the question is Will this country do what must be done"
Or will we just breathe a sigh or relief and try to go back to life as normal as we can? This administration is corrupt. They should be punished for their crimes. Trump is not the only one. But does this country - we the people - have the stomach to back up the next administration to do the necessary work? Or will we just go about our lives, just happy to be rid of them.
Are we going to say its just politics when the Republicans start their pushback against any investigations.
Meet Trump's New Press Conference Advisor
]Civil War reenactment in Florida ends after 40 years
Civil War reenactment in Florida ends after 40 years
Each January, Hernando County scrambled to put out the welcome mat for what has been called the largest Civil War reenactment in Florida the Brooksville Raid.
Hundreds of re-enactors clad in blue and gray would descend from across the state, bringing cast-iron skillets and muzzle-loading rifles, ready to warm breakfast over campfires. Theyd drill and skirmish, fire cannons and tell onlookers what life was really like during the war.
Suttlers, the street vendors of the reenactment world, would come, too, selling historic wares. Women, with long dresses and bonnets, would attend the annual Ladies Tea. Students, bused in from throughout Florida, would be there to watch the proceedings, along with Boy Scouts lots of Boy Scouts.
Now, that 40-year tradition has itself become history. Organizers have announced that there will be no Brooksville Raid in 2021, and unless a new site is found, perhaps none in the future.
The Tampa Bay Council of the Boy Scouts of America, owners of the 1,300-acre Sand Hill Scout Reservation, the events home since 1991, decided not to renew the agreement with event co-sponsors, the Hernando Historical Museum Association and the North Pinellas County Scout Sertoma Club.
There were several issues that were discussed and contributed to the decision, said Jim Rees, chief executive officer for the council. Ultimately, the committee determined it was not in the best interest of the scout council to continue. He provided no other specifics.
On their Facebook page, Brooksville Raid organizers cited the pandemic and declining profitability as factors.
Organizers and those who commented on the post also mentioned declining interest among young people in joining the reenactment community and the recent racial unrest across the country.
Is this also due to fear of it being a racist event? commented Peggy OConnor. I am truly saddened at the cancel culture thats now encroached to our county.
The virus is just an excuse, to stop them. Tell the truth, its all about the racism tension, wrote Alton Jones.
Hernando Countys history is riddled with racial strife.
Its county seat, Brooksville, was named in 1856 for U.S. Rep. Preston Brooks of South Carolina, shortly after Brooks, a hardline supporter of slavery, beat abolitionist Massachusetts Sen. Charles Sumner nearly to death with a cane on the floor of the U.S. Senate.
A 2015 report by the Equal Justice Initiative noted that between 1880 and 1940, Hernando County had the third-highest rate for lynchings in the entire South.
In 2017, the county agreed to spend about $6,000 to erect a 6-foot-high fence around the Confederate statue at the Government Center to protect it from vandals.
Last month, a Black Lives Matter rally in Brooksville brought a flurry of social media support for keeping the statue and a fictional hanging tree site at the Government Center.
About those black women covering up the BLM mural on 5th Ave
The republicans have found some more black women to prop up as idiots to further their cause: The Daily Reformer is calling Bevelyn Beatty a hero. She finally hit the jackpot to get the most media attention with this one.
Her recent forays into the spot light
John Lewis Was an American Founder Without activists like Lewis and C. T. Vivian,
I've heard this a few times today - Second Founding Fathers - John Lewis, Rev CT Vivian, MLK, Rev Joseph Lowery, Andrew Young - - MAGATS are going to lose their shit talking about rewriting history - To channel Nikole Hannah Jones - yes we are trying to re-write history - The American History as its been told - has never been a complete story.
John Lewis Was an American Founder
Without activists like Lewis and C. T. Vivian, America would remain a white republic, not a nation for all its citizens.
This was only the beginning. Vivian and Lewis fought and bled for the cause at sit-ins, in the Freedom Rides of 1961, when police and the Ku Klux Klan worked hand in hand to brutalize protesters trying to desegregate public buses, through the March on Washington in 1963 and the Selma-to-Montgomery marches in 1965, where Lewis had his skull cracked open by Alabama state troopers. Without these men and their allies in the civil-rights movement, the maxim in the Declaration of Independence that all are created equal would be but words on paper written by slave masters. Absent their sacrifice, their bravery, and their brilliance, America would remain a herrenvolk republic, not a nation for all its citizens.
One Love by Bob Marley 2020 style remade for UNICEF for COVID 19- We need this right now
We lost two Great Giants Rev C.T Vivian and John Lewis.
Rest in power - you showed us the way. We got this!
Florida's hidden data skews COVID-19 test results
Florida might be minimizing the depth of its COVID-19 problem by underreporting its rate of positive tests, experts say.
The method used to calculate the positivity rate a critical measure of the pandemics progression puts more emphasis on negative tests, skewing the results in that direction.
A person who tests positive is counted only once, but negative tests can be counted repeatedly if the same person got more than one test.
In addition, just as the pandemic raced out of control this month, the state changed the formula. It now mixes two different types of tests, including one that produces more false negative results.
US Supreme Court blocks Florida ex-felons from voting in 2020 elections
A divided U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday upheld an appellate courts decision to temporarily block hundreds of thousands of Florida felons from voting, making it unlikely that they will be allowed to cast a ballot in the states primary next month and possibly in Novembers crucial presidential election.
The high courts order came just four days before Mondays deadline to register for the August primary, when voters will choose candidates for Congress, the state Legislature and local ra
A divided U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday upheld an appellate courts decision to temporarily block hundreds of thousands of Florida felons from voting, making it unlikely that they will be allowed to cast a ballot in the states primary next month and possibly in Novembers crucial presidential election.
The high courts order came just four days before Mondays deadline to register for the August primary, when voters will choose candidates for Congress, the state Legislature and local races
However, Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Elena Kagan joined in a written dissent, saying the high courts order prevents thousands of otherwise eligible voters from participating in Floridas primary election simply because they are poor.
Writing for the dissenters, Sotomayor said the order allows the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit to disrupt Floridas election process just days before the July 20 voter-registration deadline for the August primary.
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