Vidal's JournalMr. Bone Spurs Speaks
How can Trump criticize the judge who said Bergdahl doesn't need to go to prison?
The man is a coward who cheated to get out of the draft.
Surprise! Trump Could Save Millions From GOP Tax Plan
This is just stating the obvious.
Franken's letter to Sessions
Go Al!
"Sen. Al Franken writes incredibly intense letter to Jeff Sessions demanding answers for his lies"
"Once again, developments in the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election have brought to light evidence that you failed to tell the truth about your interactions with Russian operatives during the campaign, as well as your awareness of Russian contacts by other members of the Trump campaign team. This is another example in an alarming pattern in which you, the nation's top law enforcement officer, apparently failed to tell the truth, under oath, about the Trump team's contacts with agents of Russia-a hostile foreign power that interfered in the 2016 election. We must get to the bottom of what happened so that we can prevent it from happening again, and I am deeply troubled that this newest revelation strongly suggests that the Senate-and the American public-cannot trust your word."
This proves his demented desperate dementia.
"Six times in 24 hours, desperate Donald calls for DOJ and FBI to investigate Hillary"
Disappointing Friday
I was expecting more indictments to be unsealed and delivered today.
Is anyone else disappointed this didn't happen?
When can we expect to see more arrests? I'm getting impatient!
Word of the Day: Schadenfreudelicious
This is how I feel about Manafort finally getting nailed.
Joy in watching him suffer:
Schadenfreudelicious: Scha-den-freu-de-li-cious ˈ/SHädənˌfroidəˌdiˈliSHəs/
Adjective: "a quality of something that elicits a particularly luscious schadenfreude."
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