Old Crank
Old Crank's JournalDaily Distraction 31/07/2022 Posted in Photography
More from Venice
Daily Distraction 31/07/2022
More from Venice.
From the phone. If you visit you can stay in Padua. It is just 20 minutes outside of Venice, the train ride in is cheap and rooms are less expensive. Plus it is a university town so it has a lively night life.
The weekend before Carnival they have a boat parade with funny costumes.
The masks, I think these are the ones made from leather,
Non traditional Venetian glass
Daily Distraction 30/07/2022 Posted in Photography
Venice 2019
Daily Distraction 30/07/2022
Venice from 2019. All unretouched from my phone.
We skipped most of the main sites that one must see.
Got away from most of the crowds.
Were there the week before Carnival.
Daily Distraction 29/07/2022 Posted in Photography
Venice graffiti
Daily Distraction 29/07/2022
Today we have some graffiti from Venice.
I have noticed that is some areas in Europe there is a move to
spray painted stencils and some where they use a printed paper
which is applied to the wall like wall paper. None of those paper examples are here .
Daily Distraction 16/07/2022 Posted in Photography
Munich city center winter
Daily Distraction 26/07/2022
To help with the current heat waves in much of the US, here are some pictures of Munich city center winter 2019.
If this doesn't give you the chills...
Garden ornaments
Daily Distraction 25/07/2022 Posted in Photography
Salzburg details
Daily Distraction 25/07/2022
Details from Salzburg.
Nice to have cubic dollars when redoing your ceiling
This is a panel on making cloth, using the graffiti method
Panel 2
Profile Information
Name: RalphGender: Male
Current location: München, DE
Member since: Tue Nov 14, 2017, 06:17 AM
Number of posts: 5,235