SeaDoo77's JournalTrump Would Do Anything For A Construction Loan Mr. Putin - ANYTHING
And I mean anything.
Peeping Tom Trump - From Now On His New Name
Just because you own the event, this doesn't mean you can walk in on naked girls in the dressing room. Teenagers. Why was the peeping Tom not arrested?
I'll Bet Trump Watches 16 to 18 Hours Of TV A Day Average
He's obsessed.
Kinda like me / us.
Think so?
Mueller Protecting Us From Russia While Being Attacked By Republicans - Treason
Traitors are attacking Mueller while he investigates Russians attacking our democracy.
The KLAN Is All In For Roy Moore
Ya gotta believe.
Did anyone ever ask Roy Moore if he ever attended a KLAN rally?
Under oath with a polygraph?
If Not For Fear Of Trump's Lawyers How Many REAL Victims Would Be Coming Forward?
Anyone want to guess?
Vote Republican - Ignore Jesus Message - Go To Heaven - Not
After spending a whole lifetime working for the rich, and helping them profit by crushing the poor, how can any Republican expect to go to heaven? Voting Republican is a ticket to hell.
Republicans serve Satan.
Hey Newsscum Trump Is A Sexual Predator Far More Important Then Pipe Bomb Dud
Where are the 24 / 7 interviews of women he has attacked?
If he had an email server imagine the coverage.....
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Member since: Tue Nov 28, 2017, 12:10 PMNumber of posts: 540