SeaDoo77's JournalDeficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit
Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit
Get ready for the "Republican Agenda".
They are babbling about "bipartisanship" right now.
They want Dems to help them rob the poor to further enrich the rich by cutting "entitlements". Their lifelong dream.
Don't fall for it.
There's No Way To Fix Deficit Without Entitlement Reform - CNN HOST Just Spewed - BULL
Some girl they pay to spew BS on CNN just said that "there's no way to fix the deficit without entitlement reform". This is a pathological lie. Pure bullsh*t.
We can fix the deficit if the billionaires paid taxes like us working people have to. No need to cut grandma's checks. Raise the cap!!!
God I hate the corporate controlled media / messaging.
Ever wonder why the media never talks about money in politics corrupting the whole system? Of course it's because that's how they get paid.
Trump Is A Russian Spy - It Seems Obvious
Just watch him attack the FBI while they are investigating Russian interference and spies.
Rec if you agree.
Warning FBI Attacking Republicans - Obstruction Of Justice
Is still a crime.
And a whole lot of y'all look reeeeeel guilty.
Just think. If Trump wasn't guilty, you wouldn't be attacking the FBI.
You think we haven't figured this one out.
Not only are a bunch of you going to jail, you seem to want to lose EVERY SEAT in Congress.
Keep attacking the people trying to keep us safe from Russians.
Keep it up.
Republican Scum - You Do Know Russia Is Still Attacking Us Right? Right? Putin Wins
While you attack law enforcement.
You are truly traitors.
Lock 'em up.
Every single Republican attacking the FBI lock 'em up.
The only thing you are doing is helping Putin.
MSNBC Screen Graphic - Trump Conservatives Ramp Up Effort To Discredit FBI
Discredit FBI while they investigate how Russians influenced our election.
Buncha fking traitors.
And the Russians are still attacking us.
Republican CongressScum - Just Because You Don't Answer Your Phone Doesn't Mean We Are Going Away
We are here, we are pissed, and we are coming for you next fall. Every one of you stinking lying traitor bastards.
Caution: If you are a Republican, and you run into me, I recommend you stay at least 100 feet away. Not for your safety, but because I usually tell Republicans I never have to see again what I think of Republicans in general, and where they can go. And what they can do to themselves. One dude told me he would pray for me after I called him a traitor. I told him I didn't want anyone praying to Satan for me. Of course he is over 65 and has GUARANTEED HEALTHCARE.
Republicans want to take away my healthcare because a bunch of Fox Lies Watching Racists hated the black guy who used to be in the White House. You remember. The guy who actually acted like a president.
My hatred for Republicans, the Republican Party, and what they truly stand for is seething. SEETHING.....
You cut regulations so polluters can pollute more while the area where I grew up burns every year. My friends houses burn, and burn, and burn, but Republicans do nothing.
There is no word FOUL enough to describe Republicans these days.
I will leave it there.
Peggy Noonan - Republican Apologist - You Make Me Sick
And all yer Republican friends are evil lying scum who love making people suffer.
The tax fraud bill steals from our children to make the already rich richer.
And when you "deregulate" polluters pollute more so millions more die on our toxic planet down the road.
You, your party, and your ideology is pure sickness from top to bottom.
Burn in hell with all yer Republican traitor scumbag friends.
Anyone Poll Millennials To See How Many Of Them Like The Tax Scam And Want To Pay
Out the 2 trillion plus interest to the already rich?
No millennial polls?
How sad.
Hint, made it a "cell phone" only poll.
I Hate More Republicans / Republicans More Every Day
I didn't think there were sewers that low, and they keep digging.
Profile Information
Member since: Tue Nov 28, 2017, 12:10 PMNumber of posts: 540