Collimator's JournalIf You Want To Give A Donation In Donald's Name. . .
. . . Or in the name of any Republican whose politics and/or values are pure crap, this is the way to do it.
Someone struggling to get out of poverty gets a useful resource, and your "favorite" politician gets a lovely card letting them know of your gift in their name.
Stephen Miller: What Can He Be Thinking?
The key point that I wish to make is that Stephen Miller is Jewish. He has been compared with Joseph Goebbels with eerie accuracy; but the fact remains.
Many of Israel's current policies and actions towards the Palestinians in their midst are questionable. Despite my concerns, I can understand, on some level, the motivation behind them. The fear of being vulnerable as a minority people in the larger world who need a national homeland to ensure their continued existence is deeply seated in their collective psyche. It does not justify their injustices, but the thought processes that inform their actions are fathomable.
Stephen Miller's thought processes are not. He has obliquely allied himself with alt-right marchers who shout "Jews will not replace us." while carrying Nazi flags. What could possibly be the desired end-game for a person in his position?
A lack of heart and empathy for those outside of one's own in-group has some logic behind it. It it short-sighted and incomplete, but not without some immediate value in regards to survival, if not morality. Miller's lack of empathy seems almost unselective. Who or what does he care about? In his indifference to the plight of others, what does he seek to gain? What, precisely, is his vision of the "proper" state of this country, and the world?
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Bawlmer, Murlind
Home country: United States
Current location: Trump Household
Member since: Wed Dec 6, 2017, 11:45 PM
Number of posts: 1,692