OAITW r.2.0
OAITW r.2.0's JournalSo, I just posted to Mr. Elliot's thread that was self deleted.
And it was deleted...
So, I will paraphrase what he asked. Our media has always been Republican. I differed. My reply-
Back 50 years ago....
I read the Boston Globe, every day, religiously. Front Page, particularly the Spotlight series, local....and, of course, the best written sports section in the country (IMHO).
We did have a huge liberal/progressive/social justice movement back in the early 70's, in New England. Don't know about other regions, but the Boston Globe was the paper thoughtful people read. The Boston Herald was the "Fox News" equivalent in their day. Without RW funding, it probably would have collapsed if it were reliant on subscriptions to survive.
New Riders of the Purple Sage - Hello Mary Lou - 1969
I believe Jerry Garcia is playing steel pedal on this track.....
Rolling Stones - Midnight Rambler - Let it Bleed - 1969
https://music.&list=RDAMVMYkVlISFmbzcOn edit....appreciate the "heartbeat".....
John Denver - "Country Road"
https://music.&list=RDAMVMRh0yZeWEnYQThis song is probably #1 in China Karaoke (or it used to be back 15 years ago).......they love this song, even if they don't understand the words.
John Prine playing Steve Goodman,,,My Old Man.
I can relate, lost mine in 76......
Phil Lesh and Friends - Cosmic Charlie
Yep. Phil got this song....
Been in manufacturing all my life,
Never met a Trumper who has a clue as to making a product happen. By definition, they were never part of a group trying to develop new products.
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Name: Skippa's DadGender: Male
Hometown: Dexter/Maine
Home country: USA
Current location: here
Member since: Thu Dec 7, 2017, 10:28 PM
Number of posts: 28,485