in2herbs's JournalDoes anyone on DU know about raising chickens?
This morning I broke a jumbo size white egg to scramble and onto the pan drops two full size, same size yolks. Is this common? I usually buy large eggs. What would have been the outcome if the egg had been allowed to hatch?
Does anyone remember the off the cuff comment tRump made at one of his rallies just a month or two
ago when he said he wasn't worried about the 2018 election, but that people needed to vote in the 2020 election?
IMO Putin is not going to mess with our 2018 election at the ballot box --- because that is where everyone will be looking. IMO it will be a calculated energy shut down of our power grid that will interfere with voting and getting election results in 2018 and Trump knows.
If the twelve Russian intelligence officers named in the Mueller indictment do not submit to the
jurisdiction of the U.S. courts, can they be tried in absentia? If so, how would this affect any prosecution of the as-yet unnamed (co)conspirators who are American citizens?
This thought makes me want to vomit, but we need to think outside the box about short range and
long range tactics to protect democracy now and in the years to come.
What would be the negative and positive political consequences if all Democrats were to re-register as Republicans? We wouldnt be giving up our democratic ideals, wed just be fighting to preserve them under a different political party identification.
How would our re-registration affect the courts decisions on issues such as redistricting, gerrymandering, voting rights, even Citizens United if all states looked red? What would be the effect on the 2020 census? Would we be able to pick up votes from Republicans who never would vote for a candidate unless there was an R attached to their name? As new Republicans would we be able to change the Republican platform to a progressive instead of the current regressive platform? How would a change in party affiliation affect leadership positions on Congressional committees?
Is it worth a discussion? Would our current members of Congress be willing to lead on this?
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