Grasswire2's JournalPelosi "negligent at best" -- Charlie Pierce
It seems to me that if Pelosi believes that the president* is venal and power-mad enough to discredit, if not defy, the results of a national election, she must realize that the crisis already is upon us. ... If that is the case, waiting for 2020 and hoping that cooler heads prevail at the ballot box strikes me as negligent at best.
CALL TO ACTION! Remove Internet Connectivity From Election Systems!
Join this effort. It's the only sure cure for meddling.
Hand Marked Paper Ballots, Hand Counted on Site.
Trump uses Russian Made Equip in WH to communicate directly with Putin!
What could go wrong??
Has he NEVER seen a spy movie???!!
Or not even "Enemy Of The State"?
while we were honoring world press freedom day...this happened
Drone-dropped swastika leaflets calling press the enemy target Sacramento State, Ariana Grande concert
Why in hell does Chuck Todd have Washington Free Beacon guest??
That smarmy guy is disgusting. Matthew Continetti.
Media Bias Factcheck rates the Free Beacon between RIGHT and EXTREME RIGHT BIAS.
Maybe Barr's testimony today will shake something more loose from Mueller.
We know now that he can react to attacks on his work product.
John Pavlovitz: If we really loved our country...we'd be in the streets by millions now
Lots of comments on his twitter admonishment...
Link to Schiff's CRIMINAL REFERRAL on Erik Prince.
Schiff says he is no longer being briefed on Counter Intelligence on Russia probe.
Not for more than a year, he said.
Must FRAME this election as Trump v. The Constitution.
Not Dems v. Trump.
Trump is longing to claim victim status in this election. A coup, yada yada.
Seize the narrative, Dems!
The righteous ground is defense of the Constitution.
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Member since: Sun Jul 22, 2018, 03:20 PMNumber of posts: 13,644