rampartc's Journalnow we have to get the sucker to take the stand in his own defense
and get him to flail wildly.
please let trump testify at his impeachment
I would love to see the buffoon break down under oath.
the incorruptable saints
we had a thread yesterday about st Theresa, in which I realized that three saints by that name are incorruptible. st Theresa of lissoux ("the little flower" , my grandmother's favorite, did not even make this list
in fact, this miracle(?) phenomenon(?) while far from common, there are more incorruptables than I had thought possible.
st Cecelia, a 2nd century roman martyr, appears to be rxtant after all these years.
an English king (Edward the confessor) is incorruptible.
st veronica was finally immersed in a flood, and reduced to bones, except for her heart which remains incorruptible.
has anyone seen one of these miracles? are all the incorruptables catholic or do other cultures produce examples. is this truly a miracle or can science explain?
ransomware attack on louisiana state computers
I need more info but the governor said that the cybersecurity team is on top of ot and that it should not effect the election results.
ransom amount was not mentioned.
congratulations gov john bel edwards
50%-50% but most of the precincts which have not reported are in orleans and east baton rouge, so I am confident that I can now relax for the 1st time in months.
i'm off to work at the election today
the governor needs your vote. the repubs already have their supermajority legislature. only gov Edwards can slow them down.
please turn out and bring your friends and family.
elrction nov 16. early voting starts saturday.
please come out and vote for our governor, john bel Edwards. and please remind all your democratic friends.
the debate between edwards and rispone underlined the difference.
we really can not allow this mini trump to lead his super majorities into ruining the accomplishments of the past 4 years.
dumbest rwnj tweet of the day .........
https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1179071039491465217?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1179071039491465217&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.discussionist.com%2F10152065956%23post9is the foreign aid to ukraine important to usa vital interests?
if so. with holding the money is contrary to usa vital interests.
if not, why is it in the budget?
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Member since: Sun Sep 23, 2018, 10:57 AMNumber of posts: 5,835