allgood33's JournalSo much stuff in the fan the media doesn't even cover NK saying US must get out of S.Korea and Japan
or they won't do anything about nukes. On any other given day or evening this would be HUGE news but not tonight...
Time for McConnell to man up and put that legislation to protect Mueller up for a vote.
Mueller must be protected at all costs.
After all of today's events that included Trump caving to RW radio pundits, bold action is needed to hold our nation together.
If the GOP Senate does not stand up to Trump now, they may as well stay home because
Trump will own them and that means Russia will own them.
I'm sorry but Wolf does not know how to debate Miller's BS.
One thing, Trump just bragged about stopping all these people at the border. Well that was done without his wall.
I hope democrats are watching this segment of Blitzer and Steven Miller. They will need to have their challenges ready for this creation.
Mattis has set the tone. Isn't it time for some GOP with a patriotic spine to switch parties
before the next wall vote?
Chuck and Nancy, keep those Democrats together and do not cave!!
It is now or never for our country and our government. We either are able to stand against a would-be fascist dictator or we throw in the towel altogether.
Can 45's pocket veto be overridden?
Are there enough GOP with a spine and a soul to stand up to this corrupt, treasonous bastard?
Is it treason yet??? Now it might be because of the way 45 did this move. Aiding and abetting...
Spouse just said 45 withdrew troops to save money for the wall. That is how he thinks.
He really believes the US is now his Apprentice show.
Good for Van Jones on the prison reform bill, but it is just too damn bad that he and others would
not give Obama the same space on the ACA. The talking points now about the prison reform bill is that it is a "first step" "not going to let the perfect be the enemy of the good" "we have to move slowly and get more done." YES! YES!
Those sentiments are "establishment postures" that were scorned so vehemently by progressives in past elections.
Now let's turn that new pragmatism into a movement against the GOP and their voter suppression and election fraud. We have 18 months to get it right.
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