Traildogbob's JournalIs it just me
Or are there any others that look at these daily 200-300 point rises in Dow and know it is just Wall Street and billionaire manipulation to re elect Trump. 30 million unemployed, millions facing losing homes and the Dow soaring to keep trump for more tax breaks, pollution, and thievery. How many of you are wallowing in cash with portfolios as thick as the Binders full of women Romney has on his desk?
Great seeing the outrage
Here about the USPS. Listening to DeJoy lie like a Trump Friday was damn infuriating, but worse was hearing Rons Johnson closing, apologizing and butt licking him about how the Dem conspiracy and coordinated fake Dem call ins to hurt his reputation. AND, fucking Rand Paul asking DeJoy how can the senate help him to privatize the USPS. Has ANY state done more to fuck the whole nation than Kentucky by keeping Paul and McTurtle in power.
Just fuck you Kentucky GOP brainless zombies. With a rusty bent crow bar.
South Dakota biker
Anyone see the video of the Sturgess biker woman walk up to a baby Bison and get attacked. Wanna bet she was an anti Masker trump supporter? Should there not be an IQ test to ride a bike? Trumps bikers, thousand of the with trump banners!!!😆 is in taking out Trump votes one at a time. They have had enough of GOP habitat destruction and Trumps cabinet. Sorry, no sympathy for stupid. They risk your life with Covid, and may kill you in a car/bike crash.
Call me what you will, The video made me laugh. Trump hell says it is ok to laugh at tragedy.
Tax returns
Wondering who else has been wondering where your refunds are. I am at 4 months since filling. Went to IRS2Go and IRS site. Will not accept my entry. Called my tax preparer today. She called IRS yesterday, they are 4 to 6 months behind. Understaffed. More GOP fuckery. Like Post Offices. Those refunds could help people hurting bad and go back into economy. GOP do not give a fuck about people. Nor one fuck, and trump is at his course for 3 day break. But his cult is fine with it.
Really? And he mentions he has done more than Roosevelt in the same segment? Muir should cram his walking cane up his drug riddled nose like a Covid test.
Did he get that from Kanye yelling at Jared, to bring diet cokes for his and Donnies election strategy meeting.
Is that a Jewish National Reserve habitat under supervision of trumps private National Park Police.
I dont know how many of you watched the video streaming here from the white guy, standing in the most racist city in the country, holding a Black Lives Matters sign, but THAT is the underbelly of this country. Completely sickening drive bys of white scum shouting at him. That video should be streaming in every VA hospital so all the Black Veterans can See what their service was for. If any black athlete ever plays a sport on any team in Arkansas, ever again, maybe take a look at the people there and what you mean to them. Sorry, I do not know how to post the link, it was on the video section here at DU earlier today.
And that same town is very hard core Jesus country.
A disgusting representation of humanity, especially the most pristine genetic strain of our species.(sarcasm there if I need to state it.)
Here they come
I live in WNC. I just had 7 Apache Helos fly over my home, semi rural mtn side. They were at probably an illegal altitude. My home is around 3,500 feet MSL. They almost blew my hat off while out in the yard. I understand trump came to NC today to avoid John Lewis Memorial. I live in that asshole Meadows district. (Before Putin sent him to DC) Thinking they may be staging at storm trooper takeover to Beat John Lewis ratings sweep of himself. (UN)lock and load. War is coming to a town near you. Second amendment anti tyrannical gubment takeover whiny Needle dick bitches, whats up?
The war machines were 200 feet over my head. Gettin Great out here. And Melanoma whats to redo the Rose Garden. Guessing with many trump head on Rambo body golden statues.
The GOP are like a swarm of sweat eating knats hovering around trumps ball sack like a hive, taking turns entering his asshole to tickle his enlarged prostrate. If Knat swarms have a queen like bees, CONway and Mc-a-Ninny are sharing that throne. Worker Knats and soldier knats have specific jobs.
We need to spray pesticides on that ball sack to kill em all. Pest control=Massive voting.
Media hijacking
I live in monkeys ass red Western North Carolina. For 20 years I have had Direct TV, now owned by AT&T. I never wanted to pay the additional charge for local TV so I always had New York feeds for ABC, CBS and NBC. Also Paid extra for the California feeds of those same stations to have a 3 hour delay to see missed shows. Two months ago AT&T said Congress passed a bill making that illegal. Now I HAVE to view local and it it packed with pro trump commercials and Tillis, all making me vomit. Plus a Heavy helping of Jesus shows. Congress does not want Red states to be exposed to librul feeds like New York and California. Media is out to, no, already is, brain washing us all for oligarchy takeover. This country and GOP conservatives are destroying Democracy and this country. With Russian help. Our right to vote being destroyed. We ARE at Fucking War. While we are distracted by trump hell, right/white wing Congress is fucking this country up,
Voided election
Lots of talk about Trump not accepting results of the election after Nov., Well hVe to see what happens. So after all voter suppression fails and he gets slaughtered, His last play is to deny results and use the constitution to Have states not verify electoral. My question, if he sees he lost, and McConnell, Graham, Collins, Ernst, et al get slaughtered, do we not believe they will also do everything to deny the vote to keep their jobs. How far down will the voiding results go? To states, counties, cities and how long then will they keep the congress appointed positions, 4 years or a new election?
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Member since: Wed Dec 5, 2018, 03:45 PMNumber of posts: 10,617