Traildogbob's JournalYes. I love Bush's Best
Except for the name. But at this point, Bush is not so bad. Ya cant go wrong with beans. Dont know about Army, but too many beans on a DDG Tin can Navy Ship, with racks stacked four high, was dangerous. We did have chemical weapons masks mounted on our racks though.
Dear. Betsy et al
For those so concerned about childrens loneliness and social needs while school is closed, tell me this. After the child infects the parents, they spend weeks if not months in ICU then die, who will be there to prevent their loneliness? Who will pay the extravagant hospital bills? Who will pay for and arrange funeral? Who will care for these childrens welfare then, that you are so concerned for. Will Mnuchin come foreclose their homes. Thinking all those kids will not be back at school anytime soon after that Trauma. Maybe Ivanka can do an add and chair another committee like her just go find a new job task force.......just go find new parents. Pro Life Jesus party. God Sent trump to do this? What an ass.........that God is.
Retirement question
If trump gets convicted of crimes committed while in office, after defeat, can his retirement be revoked? Even after he is dead, I think Melanoma will get to leach off tax payers for the rest of her life. Have they not criminally looted our taxes enough? And, Pence for being complicit, or even criminally involved. Thom Hartmann said this AM, that if trump resigns and appoints Pence for pardon, HIS pension would sky rocket. That is sickening to think we pay them for life, after theft and treason.
No positive Test.
Just have it on there as a warning. Lies are acceptable these days. Actually. No statement needed, just the biohazard emblem would do me. My clever ruse will not help the bus driver that was beatin into brain damage for asking those boarding his bus to put on a mask. The dangers are real from these idiots, and not everyone has the military training I had to Take Care of the situation many are being faced with. A particular set of skills, and I got very good at it, in theater., a war one! Threaten me or my daughters life because of trump/Fox BS, I will gladly use those skills. Not promoting violence but making a statement as an only parent of an ICU nurse. Many fathers, and mothers, will not stand for this idiocracy, and will go into flight or fight mode. Every species does it. The Gubment taught me the fight mode. Thank you for funding that education by the way.
Need help DU
Does anyone know where to purchase a mask with a BioHazard emblem on it, and also says positive tested stay back? Thinking if these idiots give you shit about mask, take it off, get up close, tell em I tested positive yesterday, while you carelessly dry cough into your elbow. no worries Karen, its just a flu, a fake one, 99 percent harmless.
The flag change
Trump and Mississippi trumpers will completely be ok with the new flag, If they remove the confederate part and have the blue and white strips trade places. Putin will see he gets re-elected. During that time, our National flag will be the new Mississippi one. MAGA! White up top, for known reasons, then blue and then red as Putie likes it.
Pence speaks
At todays Preeser for Covid a great reporter asked Pence if he and trump have any responsibility for the rally and youngins for Jesus KKKlanboree, and the infections and spread it likely created. His answer, the constitution, freedom to assemble, and freedom of speech. I wish she would have followed up and asked about gas, rubber bullets, unidentified soldiers, National Guard excessive force, chopper blades used against peaceful right to gather in DC, for trumps bible show. And the 75 year old man with brain damage. Any constitutional rights for them?
Texas Patriots
We should be celebrating the true Texas Patriots out there sacrificing for the economy and Dow as their brave Lt Governor suggested. They are Making America Great willing to die for Abbott and the Lt. Gov. Salute to you Patriots dying for their portfolio. This is Tongue in check, joking, that is cool now right? The exact way the GOP leadership is role modeling for all our youth. Make fun of dead, for profit. All on Gods coat tail.
Ironically, trump, his extreme racist GOP minions and base, may very well Make America Great, finally, by bringing together a massive army of antiracist Warriors, old and young, of all colors. They live and breathe owning the libs and wet their pants daily at the thought of doing so. But, the owning has taken a massive switch to the libs ownership of the MAGS after the MASCAR ruling on the confederate flag. The white right has created a nationwide outrage, from young, old, and multiracial force that really want America to become great by inclusiveness of everyone and equality to all, so long overdue. The confederate dismantling nationwide is THE basis for leading us to greatness. Owning the MAGS is so satisfying, and may MAKE AMERICA GREAT if this movement succeeds....winning. But, MAKING AMURKKKA GREAT, not so much. It may finally be their end, at least in full view, and leading the GOP agenda. Winning, really loving the winning. Thank you Donald. MAGS, you gettin owned were it hurts you most. You can take your flags and unmasked breathing mouths to trump rallies and spread the science driven virus all over each other. Bless your hearts, YOUR God may love you. Go spend your socialist checks on flags. Sorry to Tread on You, not!
3. Trump is not orange
He is trying to look golden. Like his apartment. He is fascinated with LOOKING rich, God warned about worshipping golden cows. You can paint a useless rock gold. Still a useless rock that will sink like a rock in a lake of incompetency. Hopefully, never to be seen again. He is FOOLs gold in every sense of the word. Fools buy the shit at full price. Never to be convinced they are fools to have bought it. Will follow it to the bottom, hopefully to never be seen again.
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