Traildogbob's JournalTribute to the flag
The pregame tribute with Johnny Cash speaking his own words and President Barrack Obama awarding the medal to the soldier certainly had to make Twitler and GOP pee on themselves. Certainly looked to me to be a dig at the recent criminal Antibes of GOP. The ragged old flag, currently being torn and ripped like rarely before.
Shit ya can't write
How rich is it watching KellyAnne rant about trusting statements from non credible people on a TV show, not under oath. The daily White House TV show? Can we put CONway under oath just one Time? Never mind, watching that GOP swearing in for an oath says it all. It means nothing. Placing their hand on THEIR bible is as meaningful as placing it on a copy of the Enquirer. Saw a video of Perry this AM in an interview saying and raising his Christian hand, "As God is my witness I never mentioned Biden's name with tRump" prior to heading over to meet new Ukrane leader, after scrapping Pence visit. These are not God fearing people. They use his name like they use abortion, to rob us of everything.
Bolten on board?
Trump gives Bolten his life long dream of Iran war, gives him a heads up a day before assassination as stocks for Military Industrial Complex, Raytheon, Lockhead etc. raise significantly and will skyrocket after the war begins, i.e. Cheney bank account, and NOW, is too willing to testify. Much more cash than his damn book will ever produce. So a little "quid pro quo" as is tRump's deal go to, gonna need a favor there Bolton, and we are to believe Bolten will say anything that harms his sugar daddy. Lying is nothing more than breathing for any of these GOP assholes. Hand on a bible, oh please, may as well be an Enquirer paper, Jesus is just a front for them. And obey an oath of office.......they only obey the sloath in office. Twitler.
Watch how fast McTurtle will approve of this testimony.
Response to original post by MartyTheGreek:
Registering for the draft
It is my understanding that young people still have to sign up for selective service. Maybe on the form you have to tell who you voted for or if you did not vote. You vote for pro war assholes, you go first. You are too busy to vote, don't want to get involved in politics, you go next.
So many headlines in the last few days here have been, tRump Blasts, McConnel Blasts, GOP Blasts, Graham Blasts, and the kicker, in lock step with all THOSE Blasts, Putin Blasts everything THEY Blast. See a pattern?
If they show the traitoristic shit stain during the Army Navy game with his 2nd grade size font hat again, I am gonna shoot something. Does the motherfucker have any work that needs attending, something other than tweeting all day or fucking up football games, on our dime?
Please help me
I need help from DU folks in my research. I am trying to find a copy of the "redacted version" of the White Evilgelical Bible. Does it look like a post Barr investigation report on tRump? How many pages would the allowed scripture occupy? I believe it looks like a Readers Digest short story. In bold print, 24 font size, third grade level words.
Koch chicken
Any one else wonder how much of the Koch chicken goes directly to that family value Christian chicken sandwich fast food company? The real criminals were Koch. Donnies peeps. Not one single charge against them and their slave chicken factory.
Guns over people GOP Party of Death
The GOP is the Party of Death. Period. Everything they stand for and legislate end up with dead American people. Wars, For their pocketbooks, poison air, water and food, for their pocketbooks, destroy healthcare so you can not add a year or two after the cancer they create, for their pocketbooks, end Meals on wheels for seniors, for their tax cuts, i.e. Pocket books, Steal Social Security trust fund for wall streeters to gamble with, killing seniors, for their pocketbooks, guns gun guns guns, for their pocketbooks, destroy the planet through climate poisoning creating catastrophic extremes, killing thousands, for their pocketbooks, end all safety regulations on everything, killing Americans, for their pocketbooks, destroy democracy with foreign enemies and making voting useless, killing Americans with their unchecked power, for their pocket books. Lock kids in cages separate from family Christian refugees (not white ones) $750/day per human, for their pocketbooks, support and encourage white extreme terrorism, for their power and pocketbooks. Please feel free to at to the list. Republican's kill Americans every day, for the pocketbooks. Pro life, moral party, party of Jesus family values. These murderers of American people have and are committing treason in plain view, for their pocketbooks. But Benghazi right. Hillary killed those four Americans. The horror of a lost American from them is bullshit, for their pocketbooks. 🐘🇷🇺💰💰💰💰💰💰🐘💀☠💥🌍🔥🌑 is this God blessin MurKKKa. All the God blessin bullshit trump spit out yesterday. 🖕🏼🖕🏿🖕🏾🖕🏽🖕🏼🖕🏻🖕GOP.
Pence interview
How hard would it have been to ask Pence when questioned about tooth brushes, tooth paste and soap for kids, one follow up. He said they needed to have money appropriated by democrats in congress. How many tooth brushes could be purchased with $107 million golf outings, 2 plus years of KKKlan rallies $$$, and flying trump spawn to be seen with the queen $$$? Christian like???
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