OldBaldy1701E's JournalInsanity. Pure, absolute insanity.

What in the holy hell is wrong with these people?
They are so desperate

They are really trying so hard to create bad press where there is none. This is how desperate the rethug party has become. I think they know they are losing too many of their base to keep any seat anywhere for long. So, they have to try this hail mary pass. (This is a video on YouTube... posted five days ago.)
GODS will this end?
https://www.startribune.com/14-year-old-killed-in-shooting-at-woodbury-graduation-party/600065266/14 freaking years old. What a waste. And, all for dick-waving. (The number one reason this country is going to hell in a dump truck.)
Maybe it is just me
But anytime one finds oneself on a message board that boasts being 'democratic' and yet discovers that there is an 'ignore' button that lets people shut off input... well, I just don't find that to be very 'democratic'. Stifling potentially disagreeable discourse is a tactic used by... other political groups. Why does it exist here? Like I said, maybe it is just me.
Why does someone have to go insane before other will believe them (WARNING possible trigger)
When they say, "Hey, I am really suffering here and may need some help"? It seems that today, a person has to do something completely crazy in order to get attention. This has the opposite effect and garners the wrong kind of attention. It is a sad statement on our society when someone is in need of assistance and no one can find it within themselves to help. Personally, I am tired of being alone and of no use or worth to anyone else. I had dreams. I had goals. They weren't crazy. But, they became so for some reason. I don't think it is too much to ask that a person be able to pursue a living that makes them happy (as long as it is not evil or malicious). Yet, our society seems to feel that any pursuit other than the pursuit of wealth and power is a waste of time. Well, if I am a waste of time, then let me go. (By the way, this only applies to the 'unwashed masses'... if you have money, you can get plenty of help. Of course, only a small percentage of us have that kind of money, so that 'help' might as well not exist.)
(I suppose I should stop posting on anonymous message boards as well. All I am doing is wasting others time. No one here can help me either, so it is silly to even bring it up.)
Thank you, Thank you!
To whomever gifted me with hearts, you are a wonderful person(s) and I can only hope to be worthy of them.
I give up
I have now made my third attempt to post a topic with a picture and for the third time it didn't work. I will relegate myself to just replying to things I guess. This should not be so difficult.
The Cold Consequences
I just recently returned from walking around my block. Now that I live in Minnesota, that can be quite the trek. But, I had to do it. You see, earlier today I had some spicy fried chicken. (Darn Cub.) And today was a 'walk' day. As some of you know, I am three months out of quadruple bypass surgery. So, fried chicken is a no no. This only doubles the reason for walking. This is Minnesota folks, and it is a balmy 19F at the moment. (Around here, that is outside weather.) As an old southerner, I am not built for such conditions. However, sixteen years of land surveying did 'toughen' me up some. (Yeah... I just learned what to wear and what to do). So, I set out. Let me tell you, it is freaking cold out there. And, it was no fun plodding along that icy sidewalk. But, I had to do it. I needed to do it. I have gained a decent chunk of weight since I moved up here and I had long ago planned to start. But, the chest tightness also started. Since then, I have made little progress. Now, I have to. Now, my spouse needs me more than ever. I froze to death for over 40 minutes, but I did it. My face feels like I shaved it with a year old razor, but I did it.
I tell this story to make a point. (D'uh). There were consequences to that walk. It was cold. It was late in the day, so it was colder than it had been earlier. But, I am not a child anymore. I am a responsible adult. And, as a responsible adult, I know when the time comes to take the consequences of my actions. When I make a mistake, I take responsibility for it. As Americans, we are about to have a socio-economic shift in our culture that will be leaving a decidedly corrupt regime behind. Those former office holders and their enablers have done some things that require being held responsible for. There has been talk of 'healing' and 'moving on' and I agree that we need both. But, neither will happen until we see some consequences for the evil fostered by those former office holders and those who did their bidding. And, not just a bit of theatre, but somer real accountability. My opinion is that if we do not see these things, our culture will shift in a direction that will make the past four years look like a toddler's birthday party. I don't want that. Do you?
Profile Information
Name: Dalton IveyGender: Male
Hometown: The Outer Banks
Home country: USA
Current location: Minneapolis, MN
Member since: Wed Mar 6, 2019, 01:24 PM
Number of posts: 7,106