llashram's Journalonce King Dope
gets the military completely in his back pocket, if it hasn't happened already, with his appointments, we are the dictatorship called America. And if King Dope feels he can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and no one would care, he gets hold of the military keeps getting their asked for budget increases, which is really all the generals want and millions will be in harm's way. If King Dope gets reinstalled next November.
You are correct
he is a human being with ALL the foibles and weaknesses we all share and exhibit daily. We need all allies on board and manning the big guns. Time to take him out of the shame room, please. Your last line sums things up perfectly.
trump is and always has been
jealous of true warriors, even those who have had to make the ultimate sacrifice or have had family members do so. He is jealous of and hates vets because they remind him of what a snivelling little coward he is. Trump is a pitiful, pitiful little wannabe dictator. I wonder if he still has that copy of Mein Kampf on his night table by his bed?
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