llashram's Journalthis is the
prognostication of some of the warriors among us Americans
Many many empires have tried to conquer and bring into submission Afghanistan and its people down through history. And how many warriors such as ours said the very same thing? Come on people. The original reason was the bin Ladin terrorist camps. We did do that job. We know how to do the continuing job, if necessary.
4 years of terror
culminating in the deadly explosion of willful trump agitated cultural/racial hate insurrection intent on a coup d'etat on 1/6/2021. This treason led and inspired by some of the evilest men ever to administer our country at a national level. Those who occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the Oval Office showed me one thing. True America is still searching for its soul and is continuing that quest to try and conquer its cultural division(s) and racist white supremacy ideology born out of the Slavery Era of enforced human bondage and racial separatism in this country from 1619-1964-65.
To have had, in my family, serving in the then known 'coloured' units of American soldiers from the Buffalo soldier-scout willing to fight and die for an ungrateful nation to soldiers of colour who served during one of the most openly racist 4 years of American history in Iraq, Afghanistan and other AO's is an example of serving honourably exemplified. And with all the RW openly racists individuals serving and getting military training during the last 4 years that further makes an example of POC serving honourably despite acrimonious interaction from soldiers I know from VA and other places.
For many, many generations with African-Americans hanged, burned alive, with whole towns and communities of POC razed in racist hate and murder in the name of some skewed idea of racial superiority, African-American men and women have continued to serve an ungrateful nation. And don't get me wrong the Irish, Asian, Hispanic-American, the questing immigrants from Central America trying to escape the corruption, drugs, rape, human trafficking and murder, the Middle-Eastern American have and do periodically suffer under the onus of being not quite the right skin colour or culture for the racist white American. Yet, historically have always been more readily accepted by the white racist American than the African-American citizen or soldier. A divide and conquer strategy used extensively in history in American political strategy. Even, as seen recently in New York, African-Americans get caught up in bigoted and prejudiced hate and fall prey to this strategy which enrages and saddens me. And others attacking Asian-American senior citizens in San Francisco the same for me. This recent hate caused directly by the trump administration in blaming the American Covid pandemic on the "Wuhan virus" or "Chinese virus". And this was used as one of many distractions from the trump family's corruption and looting of the American treasury.
Intra-race hates among non-white races is still a problem with the killing of black upon black crime over "turf" of which they do not usually own in the least. In the modern Cuban community of which a majority are RW still striving to show they are anti-Castro. My grandmother was Cuban, my grandfather met her as a soldier in the Cuban incursion during the American imperialistic expansion mainly in the Pacific during the Spanish-American War 1866-1898. So I do know a little of what I speak about here.
But I digress on my thoughts immediately upon waking this morning.
Given the events of the last 3 months in which we are trying to turn the corner on division and hate. I thank the fates for a competent administration led by President Joseph Biden and vice-President Kamala Harris. And then the fates for the 85 million Americans that turned away trump and his hateful base of racist ignorant minions bleating their willful desire to continue to create division among true Americans who desire justice and equality for all.
Done. No more to be said.
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