llashram's Journaland on and on it goes

I would also ask what prompted the African-American students to take part in degradation like this. They are perpetuating a legacy as shameful as the pogroms against the Jewish-Americans down through the decades-long hate perpetuated by open acts such as this.
what does this represent?
damn trump to hell's eternal suffering, this appeals to me...today as a harbinger of how things might go. I hope not because at 74 the minions of fascism's state won't do anything for me. The rich get all the breaks although in this case not as they intended...
https://www.rawstory.com/ I had a paywall for the WAPO article. so I found this Gaetz repuke article in rawstoryAll on the
RW of American politics is changed. Compromise is BS. Confrontation is them. They have no morals, integrity or principles of decency since Nixon and trump just solidified all negative traits in a narcissistic political party. They are extremely dangerous to our democracy with their 'brownshirts' turning community, school board meetings and public hearings into a shamble of fascist bullshit.
This post is gold.
to the pigs
who relegates POC as non-American. What of the POC who voluntarily fought as an American to defend our rights to try to be free. They mean nothing to these oh-so-pure white supremacists, right? And all I can see with them is their dark souls of hate.
this is America
https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2022/police-bikers-blocking-stonewalling-journalists-reporters-uvalde/?utm_source=pocket-newtabjust a reminder of the oppression even the families of the victims are facing...from these biker police officers and police from other jurisdictions
should President Biden
ask all countries mentioned here to the summit
racial-interracial data from America
hard truths here--https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-data-racial-murder-idUSKCN24I
Found specifics on interracial couples--Caucasian and African-American and their children given the "replacement theory" hate and CRT hypocrisy in this era of racial hate. Crime statistic lies about crime-interracially-racially.
America is one FU country---racially. And d. trump finally allowed the world to see just how FU this country is racially
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