EndlessWire's JournalAbout that North Korean Xmas gift...
Ya'll know that Kim has threatened to give us a Christmas gift this year, 'cause he's mad at Trump. No one knows what's up, but Kim has started up his long-range missile factory and we have photographed activity there.
People who know stuff say that if he fires off a missile, the world would have to respond. So, it could be something like a policy change, big deal, or a shot at Guam, like last time.
Trump creates diversions when he needs to direct your attention away from his misdeeds. If one doesn't work, he does another. So, my question is, is this going to turn into the NK diversion that we all worried about last year and the year before? Personally, I don't think NK can risk it, what would it get Kim?
But what if he cooked up something with Kim? We know that Trump has it in for Cali. I'm not sitting up at night worried about NK, but I want to reasonably anticipate what the orange nut job might do in order to get out of impeachment. He doesn't even have to really do anything, just tell us that Kim did something and he's declaring martial law.
The analysts have said that Kim wants Trump reelected. Would a missile launch really help that much?
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