LaMouffette's JournalThe inhumanely trafficked immigrants shipped by Abbott/DeSantis should be fast-tracked into
becoming naturalized American citizens. And throughout the process, they should be reminded over and over again that it is Democrats welcoming them with open arms to this country, not the Republicans who shipped them around like cattle.
Do extensive background checks, of course.
And I know that the Repubes will jump up and down screaming, "See?! See????!!!! Open-border Democrats! Open-border Democrats!" But I say let 'em. We will have recruited thousands of newly hatched proud American Democrat voters.
As added punishment, the domestic terrorists who are found guilty of attempting to overthrow the
government on January 6 should be put on the DHS/FBI "No Fly List." This should especially include all Republican Congress members found to have helped in the planning of that act of domestic terrorism.
Not being allowed to fly within the US or internationally would put a bit of a crimp in their campaigning next time they are up for reelection.
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