Chainfire's JournalTax cut? Help me..
In a response to the virus, Trump wants to suspend payroll taxes to boost the economy.
Help me out, I do not understand how this helps people with the illness.
If you are working, you are probably feeling safe and are not ill, and are still getting your normal income.
If you are not working you are not paying payroll taxes so a tax cut helps nothing.
If you cut the payroll taxes without cutting the taxes, it will be hell to pay next April. (after the elections)
What is the theory behind the proposed Trumps tax suspension?
Who is really going to get the $800,000,000 Trump is talking about?
The Economic schizophrenia continues
I am am sitting back with a slushy, a bag of popcorn and some milk duds watching the battle between greed and fear, while the bulls and the bears fight over my pension.
For those of you who think that masks are only for keeping others from getting your illness
I will beat this drum one more time, then leave it alone
This is a headline from a current story from Reuters:
As coronavirus cases exploded across the world, federal medical workers tasked with screening incoming passengers at U.S. airports grew alarmed: Many were working without the most effective masks to protect them from getting sick themselves. (end of headline)
The Government and health care industry is downplaying the roll of masks for protection of the individual wearing the masks because there aren't enough masks to go around. If the gov admitted that masks were an effective preventive measure then people would be up in arms because there were not enough available to protect them. That scenario would indite the government in general and the health care institutions in particular that failed to plan ahead for a pandemic, and we would be demanding the heads of those responsible.
Again, I remind you, look at all of the photographs of health care workers that are in or near the scene of a virus case. All of them are wearing masks and none of them will have been diagnosed with the virus. I will believe the government line when high government officials will visit those sick with the virus without wearing a mask, and then just washing their hands when they leave the area. Let Trump board the cruise ship and meet with the victims, without a mask and I will admit I was wrong. Let them put their health where their mouths are.
I contend that is either/or proposition, either the masks are effective or the health care industry is pissing away a hell of a lot of money on unnecessary masks for health care workers. Take your pick.
The point of this post is not because I am paranoid about the situation. I am cautious but not afraid. What the point is, is that I am just damn tired of being lied to by the people elected to protect me. The truth will help us, lies will not.
We CAN handle the truth.
What does Trump do next
Stock market still tanking
People afraid of the Trumpvirus
He needs a distraction. Perhaps we can go to war with Canada.
Mulvaney says....
The way to best deal with the Coronavirus is to turn off your TV......
In the spirit of Obama Care, may the disease from now forward be known as Trump's virus.
You all know, of course, that this shit is no more real than man-made climate change. It is a continuing plot devised by Crooked Hillary and Nancy to attack Trump.
Someone didn't believe the the DJ
15 minutes to go and the DOW is down nearly another thousand points. Apparently the horse's ass and pony show last night didn't get the desired results.
Edit: Closed down nearly 1200. I think somebody is scared.
Last night's dog and pony show.
Trump timed his latest campaign appearance to preempt the national news broadcasts. Free prime time, complete with self adulation, opulent praise from his number two for the the great job he and his economy are doing, attacks on Democrats. The only thing missing were the red hat crowd chanting "lock her up." I had CBS on one screen while listening to the Trump crap on the other and was pleased that CBS did not fall of it.
The main thing I got from Trumps lackluster performance was that I should not worry about the Coronavirus, as the seasonal flue, which does have a vaccine, is far more likely to kill me than Coronavirus. I felt so relieved.....
I have visions of Pence, in a long white robe, with a shepherds hook, standing on a large rock, on the coast barring the virus from passing.
I feel so much safer now that I know Pence has this.
I listened to about 20 minutes of the dog and pony show until I just could not stand it any more.
Is the only job of the Vice President to sing the praises of his master? I worked for a while in state government, so I have seen a lot of bootlickers, but Pence takes the prize, that bastard is the biggest bootlicker I have ever seen publicly or privately.
I am comforted that 65,000 (or what ever the number was) people a year die of the regular flu and that we only have one serious case of Coronavirus. The implication was that if a person dies of a flue-like illness in the future, all you have to do is skip the expensive test, and he died of seasonal flu; problem solved, pandemic ended.
The Don says he has this so, based on his judgement, honesty and forthrightness I believe him.
It is so hard for me to accept this Alice in Wonderland existence we are living through today.
How do you prepare for a pandemic?
I am a person who has always tried plan ahead.
I live in a hurricane prone area. At the beginning of the hurricane season, I lay in a couple of weeks of food supplies. I keep one of my two vehicles full of gasoline all the time. I keep a couple of thousand bucks in cash in the safe. I make sure that there are no missiles laying around the yard. I tend to weak trees. I built my house, well inland, well above the flood plane, to stand up to hurricane force winds and I built a strong room in the center of the house for additional safety. I have experience with storms and know what to do to stay safe. When a storm starts forming I keep a close eye on the weather reports in order to make a decision as to whether to stay or go. Sometimes, regardless of how prepared you are, it is just time to go.....
Now the national rhetoric is rapidly changing about the coronavirus and the WHO and the NIH has made it fairly clear that the virus is indeed coming to a town or city near you. The wizards in the stock markets have bet on it.... If you see a pandemic coming, there is no where to evacuate to, there is no way to reinforce my home against it, and it is very liable to outlast food supplies. I live in a economically depressed area where health care is very thin, health insurance is not the norm and people only go to doctors when they are in crisis; meaning that if it comes here, it will likely explode in the local population.
If I were young and very healthy I may not be very concerned. My wife and I are definitely not young. How do you rationally prepare for a pandemic?
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