LizBeth's JournalLord of the Rings Dialect Coach, Star Wars Actor Andrew Jack Dies of Coronavirus Complications at 76
The Star Wars actors rep, Jill McCullough, said in a statement to Evening Standard that he died Tuesday morning at a hospital outside of London as a result of complications hed developed from the deadly respiratory illness.
Jacks wife Gabrielle Rogers was unable to be with him in England due to being quarantined in Australia, McCullough said.
Andrew lived on one the oldest working houseboats on the Thames, he was fiercely independent but madly in love with his wife; also a dialect coach: Gabrielle Rogers, said McCullough. Tragically she is stuck in quarantine in Australia having just flown in from NZ last week. She was unable to see or talk to him at the end of his life and there is a chance a funeral may not be held.
Who else says Pelosi had to once again take front stage,
This time face time with Mitchell instead of Trump and get what is needed to get things done. We are lucky as hell to have Pelosi.
Reinfected. When all this first started going, there was conversation about reinfection.
Then I started hearing that one could not be reinfected. A couple days ago I read in Japan a woman was infected twice. It seems pretty solid. Yet, I am not hearing any conversation about reinfection and to me that would be a big difference in the conversation. Has anyone else heard anything on this? Opinions?
8:29 a.m. ET, February 27, 2020
Japanese woman reinfected with coronavirus weeks after initial recovery
From CNN's Junko Ogura in Tokyo
The 40-year-old woman, an Osaka resident, tested positive on Wednesday after developing chest pains and a sore throat, the prefectural government said in a statement. She first tested positive in late January and was discharged from hospital on February 1, after being treated for symptoms at a hospital in Osaka.
The Japanese Ministry of Health guidelines state that coronavirus patients must get tested twice before their release.
The woman had contact with tourists from Wuhan while working as a tour guide in mid-January. An Osaka prefectural official told CNN that she did not attend work, wore a mask at all times and did not have close contact with anyone while she was not in a medical facility.
I have someone arguing Trump has been better for women, blacks, poor last 3 yrs than Obama
in all 8 yrs. I googled and saw headline and seeing it is about the economy. Can someone help who is in the know so I do not have to do the research. I am assuming they are talking about the economy. Obama walked in to disaster. Took time to start mending. Growth was slow but progressively moved upward. Trump came in and adopted Obama economy continued to grow giving Trump the ability to make this statement. Is this correct?
Also, I read Trump is going after sanctuary cities. That is not a plus on his side.
He has certainly hurt ACA which is not a win for poor.
The racism and hate certainly hurts our women, gays and POC.
Any info would be appreciated.
Edit to add: When I read that from him I told him, DONE. Done done done. I was done. I often get there in conversation with him. But he says, facts, done because of facts and there are others reading my feed that are not so informed. Many Republicans that do not like or cannot stomach Trump but can vote Biden. This is for the other readers. It is not for this man. Long ago, I relegated him to, done.
Pete and Amy on stage. Bring out Harris and declare her his VP nominee.
Wouldn't it be great to have Pete and Amy on stage and then bring out Harris and declare her the VP choice?
My IPhone is doing something new today. Spam risk, telemarketer.
It is identifying calls that are coming thru. The first was telling me it was a telemarketer. Just now I got a call and it said spam risk. That is so cool. Something happen I didn't hear about?
Does anyone want to educate me on Bitcoin?
I have a guy talking to me investing in this and I know NOTHING about this. I have followed the market and know a bit about that but nothing about Bitcoin. Talking Bitcoin 101. He is looking at BCH Bitcoin cash.
Educate me. Whatever you think of it. I am clueless.
Edit: I have no interest in this. I am only educating myself to have a conversation with this guy. Beyond foolish. But I didn't know anything about it and had to learn so I could have a conversation with him, tonight.
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