XanaDUer2's JournalAny ground -beef-over-rice recipes?
I'm looking for something like Piccadillo
Served over rice. Anyone have any special recipes they make with groundbeefcare to share? I'm so bored with everything
Thinking of moving back to Florida
Cost of living and affordable condos are driving this thought. Grew up in Miami. Florida needs more Democrats, too.
Modest 1-bedroom condos here in SE NC are 170k.2-bedroom condos on Florida's west coast, 90k.
Just sat through an ice storm here. Miss the bright weather, too.
I've spent the whole day on DU and
Watching the Twilight saga. What a life. At least it keeps me distracted from anxiety
So hard to find garlic bagels
Forget cream cheese. I got some Thomas' bagels with everything. Using as little cream cheese as possible from my stash, I am now shaking garlic powder on the applied cream cheese.
Please let the cream-cheese supply chain loosen up
KAYAK commercial
Of woman pounding steak, then hits the tablet, and it shatters. Creeps me out
They'll be eating glass.
Thank you all
I wanted to thank the kind people on this forum.
I have a therapist and can talk to Mr Xanaduer, but sometimes have no place to blow off steam. That's why I appreciate the people on here.
Kind feedback, I can blow off manic steam or vent.
You all mean so much and improve my life
Feeling manic
ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING makes me worry. Working on meditation and mindfulness.
I just mailed my COBRA paperwork, with a $750 check. Cannot get aca if I'm eligible for COBRS, so okay.
The effing paperwork required my SSN and DOB. Plus, my check. There's no way around that to register. I'm so worried about ID theft. I had to mail it yesterday.
I saw my eye doctor during a time my insurance lapsed. They told me they'd bill me, but ignore it until the insurance is reinstated with COBRA. it's been sent to a billing agency. I'll need a new "policy number", so the eye doctor can re-submit. Not sure if there is a new policy number.
I feel crazy and manic today
Anybody make vegan buffalo chickn nuggets?
Any recipes? Food Lion has its own brand of Buffalo sauce.
Constant hang-up calls on landline
It's driving us crazy. We're on the "Do Not Call" list. We keep getting calls like a man saying, " Is the lady of the house there?. Hello?". My male partner finally answered the phone and told him to stop calling. I use my landline. Sometimes for imp business. I snapped last week with a caller who keeps calling my partner about something and demanded they stop calling everyday.
Can I get their number and call my provider? Lots of hang up calls. They're creeping me out and making me anxious.
Anyone deal with this? I feel like telling them to stop should end it. Is there something we can do? Tia
Evening unease
Hello all. Hope everyone is having peace and calm in their lives.
I've always been a night person. Used to love sitting up late, watching TV, but I'm getting old so I don't stay up past 10 pm usually. It used to be that coming home from a stressful day of work, was the happiest time of my day. I had no such feelings then
I find myself feeling unease or dread as evening advances. It's the oddest sensation. I start worrying that Mr Xanaduer might get ill or die; my anxiety level goes up. Watching an absorbing TV show does help. I have no idea why I'm getting these feelings as it gets dark.
It feels like things are closing in on me. Anyone else have feelings like this? I'll be turning on Vera soon
Profile Information
Name: MaryGender: Do not display
Hometown: Miami
Home country: United States
Current location: Earth
Member since: Sat Jul 4, 2020, 11:14 AM
Number of posts: 15,102