JMCKUSICK's JournalFor your consideration
Did you know that next season, age wise, Anthony Edwards will be playing his fifth season while Michael Jordan was beginning his first?
Crazy huh?
Wouldn't it be nice
If this weekend was actually spent by the government to identify the nearest maximum security federal prison, put in place contingency plans for bad scenarios and come Monday morning, they arrest him for violating his bail AND bond agreements.
A guy can dream can't he?
Since the historians came out a couple of
Weeks ago with the rankings of all the presidents, my dear friend suggested instead of calling him 45, why don't we start being more accurate and call him 45th?
Have any of you heard
Of that these supposed virgin cherries? I saw something somewhere the other day, but I can't remember where.
Have you tried them?
Do you know where I can get them?
Thanks for the help.
They're supposed to be super nutritious and pop when you bite into them.
Serious question
Is it that far-fetched to game out that Nikki Haley's strategy has more to do with the impending collapse and death of MAGA and Trumpism with the full clean-up in aisle congress included that will soon follow the first real dent in tfguys armor.....a criminal conviction?
It really pisses me off that
The order against tfg is a legal document with specific listed penalties etc. How is it fu**ing possible that the people writing for these newspapers etc..., can't read and come up with five or six different numbers on a document that is extraordinarily specific.
No wonder it's so easy to hate the media. Even on the same channels on the same program, people report different numbers.
Am I out of line here?
I'm really struggling
With how we have a hard time being objective about this hearing.
We are not determining whether the filing by Romans attorney was bullshit.
It was. What matters here is only their responses to a hearing properly scheduled by a judge. Their obligation as both attorneys and private citizens was and is to be truthful in their filings and testimony.
If it is determined that either was not, it will detroy the entire case . Period , the end.
Emotions have no place in the arena of the courts. Just the facts.....
Think Michael Cohen, Michael Avenatti, etc....
Most everything they have contributed to the public discourse may be 100% true but as their ability to do anything, even under oath, was destroyed the moment their crediblity was forever compromised.
All the rest is window dressing at this point.
Global warming
Why on earth don't we discuss global warming from a human comparable?
The human body has a survivable temperature variant option of maybe 5 degrees. I cannot survive long term if my body temperature stays above 101° and below 97°.
Why can't we just explain that the Earth as WE NEED it to be for our. survival has a similar "body temperature" range
Please tell me the flaw in my argument.
Repugs have been screwing their voters for decades
Why is it never framed as we did this to Dems, but the real victims are Republican voters. My town has a 10-15% pro business local government col tax. I pay that only because of where I live.
Most repugs that run town councils and county governments could give two shits about me or any other "regular joe" that lives here. One man owns two gas stations here in town as well as two others in town 30 miles away. He charges on average 35 cents a gallon more here than his stations 30 miles away.
All politics is local, and if we don't start challenging those local leaders, with these hard facts we will continue to speak foreign languages to Republican voters and lose them. Concrete examples of how their votes hurt them the worst. Hospital closings, worse health outcomes, higher true cost of living, class imprisonment, a lifespan difference of up to 20 years etc..
I'm just venting but most people truly don't know just how badly their families are getting screwed.
New ad campaign that should run from now
To election day.
Some half dozen variations of how much the next four years of tfgs would stink.
1. Wow that speech reeks of ......
2. With that lackluster performance, tfg really stunk up the joint.
3. Something smells rotten in the tfg campaign
Etc... add yours in comments.
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Member since: Wed Feb 24, 2021, 01:57 AMNumber of posts: 351