JMCKUSICK's JournalI think I lost my cat in the only way thati can deal with.
I introduced you all to my Mufasa a few months ago. We rescued him as a starving 4-6week old kitten when he was just a pipsqueak of skin and bones.
To make a long story shorter lol, Mufasa has spent the last two and a half years bringing nothing but joy to me mostly, but to my roomy and her son too. He was "raised" by our 5 year old MaineCoon/Orange Tabby who he tortured with his demands to play and rough house more and more even though he was it a quarter his size.
He has always been very courageous, incredibly curious and way to smart for his own good
A cats personality grows only in proportion to the nourishment it receives and my Moofy got daily doses to the point that he would tell me what he needed.
Anyway, my heart is kind of breaking as I write this because we moved recently, to a new place about 2 miles from my old place and we took 3mitties with us, ( the stepson and me) as his mom wanted more time to herself.
The first two weeks went well, all the kitties adjusting or so it seemed. About ten days ago, Mufasa disappeared without a trace and of course I'm calling for him just about every hour when I get a call from my ex gf, the mom of the lad staying with me staying Mufasa was at her door.
So I went and got him and we repeated this runaround Three more times in the next week.
He was still amazingly affectionate as usual when he was here but he seems drawn to our old place.
I talked to him the night before last as he cuddled with me even more than usual. I told him that if he wants to live there, he can and as painful as it is to let go of a baby that I've bonded with more than any cat I've ever had, then I'd let him go with only the insecure wish that he comes back to visit from time to time.
He loves being outside and his "territory" is as thoroughly explored and safe for him at the old place as he's enjoyed himself for more than two years. I'm rambling on through tears, but pray and hope he comes home to see his dad often.
Any advice? First time I've had a cat leave by choice lol
Does anyone have an update on Itsjustme?
I miss your posts and for obvious reasons wish you a speedy recovery if that's what's called for.
A challenge to anyone required to work Black Friday
Call in to work early Friday morning with L-Tryptophan poisoning.
My recommended script is as follows
Hey Boss? I won't be in today, I've been diagnosed with L-Tryptophan poisoning. I called Poison Control and they recommended that I lay still until the symptoms subside, hopefully sleeping, as that will reduce the symptomatic experience. I'm really sorry. I will keep you updated as this condition warrants. Good bye.
Please respond back if this works please.
Meet my Mufasa
We rescued this handsome young lad 2 years ago as a drowned rat impersonator when he was about 4-6 weeks old. He was nothing but skin and bones but he trusted us just enough to bond a little and the rest as they say is history.!AgtcZdrb22CWgSCWZ3H8KAwlN1Ez?e=e48QDn
If you still have any doubt
that these tfg nuts are truly brainwashed and extremely dangerous, just begin to draw a straight line from: They believe everything he says when the facts state the exact opposite without scientific dispute, all the way to what kind of delusions must've had to exist to wholly support and participate willingly in the slaughter of 6 million Jews and all the other "undesirables".
All of a sudden the distance between the 2 lines almost completely disappears.
A Plea offer for Trump and his kids
The state will dismiss this civil suit with prejudice the entire lawsuit under the following conditions:
1. Donald J Trump and ALL his companies will pay adjusted property taxes on the valuations they listed for banks and insurance companies for all properties listed in any financial disclosure form, loan application, statement of financial condition and any other unmentioned occurrences of fraudulent valuations with penalties and interest going back to 2008.
2. It is further ordered that said valuations will be the floor for tax purposes going forward to ensure tax compliance in the future.
3. DJT and all tax filings and payments associated with his companies (including kids) shall be presented at least 60 days prior to the deadline in effect to ensure a pre tax audit can be completed and signed off on by the court appointed special master.
4. Any sales of ANY properties whether condos or companies under any form of control by the Trump Family will require full documentation of the buyer, the shell company owner if applicable and deed restrictions that will prevent unforeseen chicanery.
5. ANY further attempts to "Cook The Books" in the future will result in the immediate forfeiture of all assets that were part of the initial lawsuit.
The goal of this post was to inject what I thought would be something akin to torture for the Trump family. Obviously I am alone in my
fantasizing lol.
I've played my share of poker tournaments
Next to Math, the most important skill in poker is the ability to read your opponents. It is with that amateur skillset that I suggest that TFG's body language when he isn't talking to a camera is one of total defeat.
Slumped shoulders, the fact that he's there in the first place, the rage in his press statements.
I'll say it like this:
It is really hard to win a tournament and TFG lost almost all of his chips playing stupidly so TFG is sitting with the proverbial Chip and a Chair and that's all.
To put his predicament into hard terms, he is drawing to an inside straight flush, the only way he can win. The odds of that are about 2%.
I'm really glad he can't fold.
Close your eyes and listen....
I hereby place President 01135809s' name for nomination for President of the USA.
On a side note, wouldn't it be nice if someone changed their name and filed paperwork to run as a R?
Has anyone noticed the viciousness with which
Ramsswamy speaks of the poor and wirking class?
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Member since: Wed Feb 24, 2021, 01:57 AMNumber of posts: 351