cinematicdiversions's JournalSo what Lone Survivor Shows can you name where only one of the cast is still alive.
We of course were talking about Mary Tyler Moore this weekend with lone survivor Betty White
And you have Different Strokes with Lone survivor Todd Bridges. (Don't worry, Janet Jackson is still alive she was a guest star.)
And of course Tina Louise from Gilligan's Island
So what other lone survivor stars can you name?
Buying Precrumbled Feta Cheese is a venal sin.
Still people avoid eating tree parts and inferior cow milk and crumble your own feta.
08-30-2021 Braithwaite, LA-Hurricane Ida Levee Overtopped
Amazing Footage I hope no one was hurt.
surviving a zombie apocalypse cardio
We had a few police officers die this week from Covid. They were are large men in thier forties and fifties.
We had half a dozen teachers die as well... per the photos, all of them also seemed of a certain size.
It seems clear whenever I see a program highlighting someone who tragically died of Covid invariably two things are evident more than not. They are unvaccinated and they are obese.
We have children dying becuase they cannot yet get vaccinated and they are vulnerable because of their excessive weight and lack of fitness.
It is clear that the lung health and overall health seem to have a considerable benefit for a good outcome from this plague. Yet I can't help but notice how everyone seems to go out of thier way to leave this unmentioned.
This is in no way to downplay the need of getting vaccinated. That is job one.
But cardio is job two to survive the plague. This has been obvious from day one. The more we ignore the need or good lung health and a healthy weight, the more people that will suffer needlessly.
New Zealand police break up one-person anti-lockdown protest in Auckland have three nationalities. Certainly one of them should allow me to move to New Zealand.
I know new Zealand isn't perfect what with the high cost of living, occasional earthquakes and that whole one ring to rule them all debacle a few years ago.
Still, it seems so civilized for a country filled with rural white farmers.
Why can't we be a civilized as they are?
Man dies after having sex using epoxy adhesive instead of a condom
I am not sure if this is LBN, general discussion, or the lounge...
Police say a man may have died after using a high-powered epoxy resin to seal his private parts during intercourse to ensure protection from pregnancy.
A local police investigator reportedly said that 25-year-old Salman Mirza decided to use the epoxy instead of a condom and it may have complicated his health condition.
"Since they did not have any protection, they decided to apply the adhesive on his private parts to ensure that she does not get pregnant," the paper reported.
And of course the money quote.... Police said that Mirza "died due to multiple organ failure."
This is like a Darwin winner squared.
Man Photographed as Baby on 'Nevermind' Cover Sues Nirvana, Alleging Child Pornography
Spencer Elden, the man whose unusual baby portrait was used for one of the most recognizable album covers of all time, Nirvanas Nevermind, filed a lawsuit Tuesday alleging that the nude image constituted child pornography.
Now my question is if you have this album in Itunes will the Iphone Child Porn photo cloud tracker alert authorities to your possession of child porn?
Toddler Cites Freedom Of Choice In Refusal To Use Potty
CHESANING, MINoting that it was her right as an American citizen to decide when and where she would urinate and defecate, 3-year-old Madison Ackrite told reporters Wednesday that she was simply exercising her constitutionally guaranteed freedom of choice when she refused to use the potty. My decision to pee-pee and poo-poo in the place of my choosing is a private health decision, said Ackrite, noting that there was still a lot she didnt know about the potty, and until she had done enough research to satisfy her concerns, she would continue to relieve herself in her pull-up diapers, as was her right in accordance with the rule of law. Unlike a lot of the kids in my daycare, I am not a sheep. If you want to use the potty, that is your personal choice, and no one is stopping you. All I ask is that you respect my decision, which is based on my personal belief that I hate going to the potty. I hate it, hate it, hate it! At press time, Ackrite refused to answer whether or not she had emptied her bowels on the living room floor, arguing that her refusal to divulge such information was protected by the courts.
Sounds about Republican.
Fire chief: Only about 30% of St. Pete first responders are vaccinated
When St. Petersburg fire officials revealed to city leaders on Thursday that their best guess is less than 30% of first responders are vaccinated, they had to explain their findings.
The last time we tried to wrap our arms around it was back in the spring, and the best we could come away with was 30%, said St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue EMS Chief Ian Womack, Its very difficult to measure because theres no mandatory reporting when you get the vaccine.
Still, the number was very troubling to Mayor Rick Kriseman.
From my perspective, if youre not vaccinated but yet youre a first responder, it raises an issue of if youre living up to your oath, Kriseman said.
I know this is a union thing in many ways but seriously the city should be able to dismiss any employee not fully vaccinated at this time. They are putting the public at risk and that trumps a contract or employee rights.
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