BoRaGard's JournalKeep America Free - new D slogan
to blunt the sly mind-f*ckery of the MAGA-republican slogan:
MAKE* America Great Again
* Note carefully the action verb in this command. It's "make" - i.e. force people to Make America Great (according the definition of "great" by the kristofascist forces and billionaire bros running the big time, 24/7 propaganda machines.
One can, on reflection, see the implied threat in the MAGA command "Make." As we saw at the RNC convention, that's precisely what they intend -- and Project 2025 is the way they plan to MAKE their WILL triumphant.
Basically, a critical part of the G.O.P. schtick is anti free will. That's a cancerous streak of their perverted soul impulses. Controlling others' minds, wallets, beliefs, and bodies.
While giving lip service to it (lying), they piss all over the distinguishing human spiritual capacity: Free Will.
Whatever became of Boaty McBoatface?
Where is she now? What has fate brought her way? Is she still a good target for seabird poo? One wonders about these things.
Asking for Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Quit the QuitCaucus ca-ca
?20210117153608MAGA paganism (R) -- #MAGApaganism
The magas have turned their backs on the teachings of Christ (love one another as I have loved you, love your neighbor, and of course The Parable of the Rich Fools). They have instead embraced and continued to worship a gawd fashioned in their own image: an adulterous convicted felon/rapist/fraud/liar.
Remember, even the self-annointed "elect" may be suckered. I
Consequently the #MAGApaganism and #magaPAGAN hashtags may well continue on a warped trajectory to virality.
#GriftBilly (R) now trending
Whiner plus Whiner equals The Whinos (R)
I hereby prophesy that a Great Whining will henceforth be bellowed incessantly from the foul bowels of the republican soul as it seeks to crush American democracy with the sinister and secretive aid of putin's black-ops russian skullduggery.
"Fight, fight, fight (rabid Republicans with guns)" - DJ Headwound Trump
Alack and alas, an unspeakably vile assassination attempt by a rabid republican devotee prevented the republican Felon from completing his so-called "thought" yesterday, as he publicly posed and preened on stage.
As a public service, I have parenthetically added to the title of this thread the whole, well-formed, common-sense thought that the republican Felon really wanted to say. Right?
Y'all are welcome
How about some common sense gun control, G.O.P.?
It's not just America's children that are being slaughtered by guns, it's all of us, including your leader. Make common cause with the rest of America, Republicans, and take common sense action to stop the madness
Don't change horses midstream
Zuckerberg zucking up Plot 2025 on META
freaking billionaire republicans are out to destroy America and American democracy.
"Heads up everyone! Facebook (and Threads) is using a Conservative magazine as the blanket fact check on the Project 2025 posts. Their algorithm is taking "Project 2025" as the keyword for nuking posts in opposition..."
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