BoRaGard's JournalZuckerberg zucking up Plot 2025 on META
freaking billionaire republicans are out to destroy America and American democracy.
"Heads up everyone! Facebook (and Threads) is using a Conservative magazine as the blanket fact check on the Project 2025 posts. Their algorithm is taking "Project 2025" as the keyword for nuking posts in opposition..."
Progressive Realism - emerging D concept?
From Post Opinions on @Threads today
British politician David Lammy is telling us (US Dems) to keep doing what weve been doing, but to start calling it progressive realism,
@realrobertwrighter writes.
Real progressive realism offers a better path.
OK. Now what does Progressive Realism mean?
Your entry must be 25 words or less, and include the box top.
Clooney to star in "Raiders of the Lost Democracy."
NY Times tucks tail, whimps out on @Threads
Two newsy tidbits here. No links. You want 'em, go find 'em.
First, it appears the Zuckerberg social media platform @Threads is as of this month a busier place than Musk's twisted X-twit. Threads is a happening place, still growing fast.
Second, the New York Times just quit and deleted its official Threads account. They were getting a tremendous amount of blowback as in recent months they have been staggering along on a MAGA-lite path of perdition. They deserved the blowback. But they couldn't handle it.
They just quit. Ain't gonna try anymore. Total freaking whimp out on the world stage.
Well, NY Times, you FAIL. In time when honest courageous journalism is in urgent demand, you are in betrayal mode, just a huge stinking CLOUD OF DARKNESS, adding to the freaking death-of-democracy gloom.
Clarence T. driving luxury G.O.P. gift bus on deluxe vacay
"See you later, all you suckers and losers. Ha, ha. Me and Ginny and our republican big-money buddies are bouncing along and cackling, on the G.O.P. Luxury Party Bus. Ha ha. I got mine. Too bad (ha ha) about all you Sucker Americans." - Clarence T. (R-SellOut)
Kremlin sends congratulations to G.O.P.
"Excellent work, dear compliant G.O.P. Comrades. Your obedient repub puppet Supremos have done it again. We would not be nearly as successful messing up America without your unprincipled participation. Thank you for so meekly betraying your so-called principles, and backing our deep-ops Felon." - Evil Empire Ruskis
Hear ye, hear ye. All rise for Judge Chutkan
That includes you--you lying, cheating, adulterous, treasonous, farting, republican rapist Felon.
America needs to settle your hash.
"Full ahead." - Captain Joe (D)
"...In the face of sustained and alarming challenges to democracy, and universal human rights, all around the world, democracy needs champions."
You're the U.S.A.'s Democracy Champion, Joe. While those poor souls with weak knees and snowflake hearts melt like cheap chocolate from a predictable blast of republican fascist bullshit and felonious lies, honest Americans remain steadfast. We know who you are. We are with you. That's all there is to say."
"Aye, aye, Captain Joe. Full ahead." - Non-Sucker, Non-Loser Americans
Who are the 19?
The republicon Felon "claimed" he had 19 people who would swear the GOP draft dodger never disparaged America's soldiers and war dead by calling them "suckers and losers."
But the report of the Felon's heinous remarks made it appear he said it to the General in a one on one conversation.
Who are these alleged "19" who somehow allegedly know that the Felon never said what he said? Are they clairvoyant.
MSM needs to follow up on this bigly. And get the General to speak up in public right now.
Cool, calm, collected - the Felon's con?
The repubes and their black-ops ruski comrades know the whole wide world is expecting their Felon to freak out tonight, or at least to act out bigly.
But I'd bet a gunny sack of belly button lint that the Felon and Blowhard Bannon have been noodle-to-noodle, working up a stinking republi-scam for tonight: maybe pretend to be cool, calm, collected. You know, out of character, but inviting viewer's "conFIDENCE."
They are going to see how many more "suckers and losers" they can con.
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Name: BeauregardGender: Do not display
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Member since: Tue Apr 23, 2024, 04:02 PM
Number of posts: 2,157