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"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau
Account status: ActiveMember since: Tue May 17, 2016, 04:25 PM
Number of posts, all time: 314
Number of posts, last 90 days: 0
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Last post: Sun Jul 10, 2016, 09:50 AM
Willing to serve on Juries: Yes
Chance of serving on Juries: 23% (explain)
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6 more women accuse Fox head Roger Ailes of sexual harassment — including one who was 16 at the time
Sat Jul 9, 2016, 12:12 PM
Democrats bet the House on Trump
Wed Jul 6, 2016, 08:04 AM
When Karl Rove deleted 22 million White House emails and the media yawned.
Tue Jul 5, 2016, 01:15 PM
Monsanto's Mommy Bloggers and Clandestine Spies
Tue Jul 5, 2016, 04:18 PM
Ghostbusters, GMOs and the Feigned Expertise of Nobel Laureates
Tue Jul 5, 2016, 03:56 AM
Latest Poll Votes
On a scale of 1-10 please rate the political efficacy of a "fart in" *
Sat Jun 18, 2016, 03:04 PM