My PRESIDENT changes LIVES for the BETTER! [View all]
I was never doubting voting for our POTUS, but I have a new angle on things and have decided from now on, I will tell anyone who will listen, that these pieces of legislation, no matter how buried they are by the MSM or 'silly' they may seem to others are truly LIFE CHANGING pieces of work...and he's only just begun to help us...
Years ago in the 90's when everything seemed so easy and peachy and the $ was flowing, etc...I was in Community College and took student loans out to help me get by. As a single mom in my 20's it seemed reasonable to do so to help cover expenses whole I tried to complete my education so I could provide for my kid...not to mention the loan shark at the school said some nice things to make it sound better. And I believed at that time I'd be done with my BA in no time...
Fast forward to years later, in 2004, after leaving my abusive ex and realizing my life was not only in ruins, but so was my financial status. my loans had slipped into default because for years i'd had no control over anything, much less the bank acct. At that time, the dept of ed wouldn't even negotiate...there was no assistance to help me get back on track...they had a fixed amount per month and I gave up. Going back to school wasn't even an option....
Today, after deciding that I really want to try and finish my BA degree, I got up the gumption to contact the Creditors and see what we can do...
She offered me three different programs available for my repayment and to get my credit back on track! These were JUST put in effect because of the Legislation passed last year and it was retroactively put in place on all defaulted loans - my interest was almost wiped clean and now i have a manageable sum to work from...She also said that after 6 months I will be eligible for Pell Grants again and can start school!
I love my President because I know HE helped make this possible!