General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Message to Llewlladdwr & all other Southerners: Perspective on the South bashing. [View all]Hulk
(6,699 posts)I'm one that often responds with "let them secede", if that's what they want. It IS frustration; but it's also a response to some of the jack-asses who live in "Dixie" that seem to think they, and their narrow views of what America is, are keeping this great nation together despite the damned liberals.
I guess I've watched too many documentaries recently on the Civil War, and I've driven through the South recently; and I can tell you from my experience and my opinion of what the South was in the Civil War period, and what it is yet today, make for a really backward, religious nut cake-land that had me fearing for my life as I traveled through the country. I always have to preface my comments with "I know there are some really great folks that live there....", but there are an awful lot, and I mean an awful lot, of ignorant, backward fools that seem to think their way is "something special" that makes this country great. Just the opposite. It's because of their narrow minded views and over-religious intolerance that this country is being pulled down and dragged back wards.
I want to also say that this isn't JUST found in the South. An awful lot of rural America is the same....for good reason. Listening to the radio while driving across the country, in most of the rural parts of this country ALL YOU GET is right wing, nut ball idiots like Hannity, Limbaugh, Ingraham, Savage, Levine, etc, etc....and then a HEAVY DOSE of religious screw balls spilling that Bible illogical crap to their audience, with NO opposing views at all.
Until we address the airwaves and AT LEAST give this county the option of listening to the crazies and OPB and progressive views, we are going to be stuck in this rut.
My apologies for coming down on "the South", but it's really an opinion of this country that is doused with nothing but nonsense, right wing propaganda, both religious and political.