General Discussion
Showing Original Post only (View all)I believe that there are several who post or lurk here who are either Democratic Party leaders or [View all]
have access to them. I hope they will read and consider this. While I am speaking only for myself, I am reasonably certain that many here will agree with what follows.
I do want unity. I do want to be able to have actual discussions with those in the Republican Party and return to regular order and vigorous debate in both houses of Congress. But, I will not---CAN not---participate in stretching a band aid we call "unity" over the deep wounds that Trump, Cruz, Hawley, Jordan and others have willfully---even gleefully---inflicted on a nation which Democrats love AT LEAST as much as any Republican. Those wounds have to be cleaned, have necrotic tissue sheared away and then carefully sutured or they will not truly heal. They will fester and spread their toxic corruption throughout our body politic.
"Band aid" unity merely conceals the true situation and, like all band aids, will be soon discarded.
Some Republicans need to be forever purged from public service. Some Republicans need to be prosecuted for their crimes. Still others need to renounce "Stop the Steal", the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and other seditious and violent organizations or groups. MANY, if they want to once again claim to be decent Americans, need to apologize for their assault on democracy.
I know that I have less information than our leaders. I know that what I have written above will not make their jobs any easier and I understand that much of it will take several years. But, I believe they should know that, in my opinion, any glossing over of what just happened, any "let's just move past this" attitude, will be harmful to the rule of law, the Democratic Party, what is left of the Republican Party and, worst of all, America.
I will conclude this by stating that, in my opinion, the United States of America, as we know it, cannot survive "band aid" unity.
Who am I to presume to advise leaders? I'm just one of those "We, the people" guys who always votes Democratic and has marched, canvassed, written LTEs and contributed
monetary support to my party for 50 years. I do not believe I am alone.