Black Kos: An MVP Kamala Harris guide. How to answer, 'What has she been doing?' [View all]
If you dont know what MVP Harris has been doing you havent been paying attention, or looking in the right places
Madam Vice President Kamala Harris is, in my opinion, the hardest working VP in recent memory. Her schedule is grueling youd know that if youve been following her independent of what the U.S. mainstream media bothers to report. She is greeted with joy, appreciation, and respect wherever she goes, both here in the U.S. and outside of the country.
Ive already posted about her recent groundbreaking trip to the Bahamas in Caribbean Matters: VP Harris visits the Bahamas to meet with Caribbean leaders as did other non-biased, mostly Black, U.S. media outlets, and the entire Caribbean media.
What has pissed me off ever since she took office are the questions raised about
What is she doing? or Wheres Kamala? which are part and parcel of a not very subtle campaign to undermine her (and the Biden-Harris administration).
I was elated to see that Emilys List just announced that they are going to help fight back against her erasure, and the misogynist campaign against her.
Facts matter.