Do you know this widely cited meme, introduced in a 2015 tweet?
I never thought leopards would eat MY face, sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating Peoples Faces Party.
Its hard to explain why this is perfect, but it is. If Donald Trump wins, there will eventually be a lot of sobbing among people who voted for him.
Some of this will involve the frightening reality of authoritarianism; if you think youll be unaffected by a second Trump presidency because you arent undocumented or Puerto Rican or a Democratic politician, I encourage you to reassess. But Ill get to that next week. Today I want to talk about more prosaic economic issues.
Many analysts have pointed out that Trumps proposed tariffs would hurt most Americans, with only high-income individuals gaining enough from his tax cuts to make up the difference. Trump, of course, insists that taxes on imports which are, essentially, a sales tax wont hurt American consumers. But, as The Washington Post reports, corporations are already getting ready to raise prices.