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In reply to the discussion: I am not afraid to post this: [View all]MartyTheGreek
(692 posts)Ref: Col Corso, The Day After Roswell
In the book and later in life at UFO conferences, Corso said when the soldiers went inside the crashed craft and peered outside the dome, they saw daylight! - night Vision! When they looked under to consul they found "glass wires" - Fiber optics! Corso was ordered by his general to take bits and parts to Bell labs and he gave them pieces of what we now call a circuit board. Their scientists were excited as they were working on something similar at the time. Corso was instructed to tell Bell Labs to make products for the country and keep the patents.
During a conference, Corso stated that when they did the alien autopsy, their skulls had crystals inside and they thought it was part of the crafts navigation system. Does Musk's neuro link sound familiar? Who needs mechanics when you can just think it?
Is it a coincidence that the Roswell crash was near the bomber group air command that dropped the nukes on Japan? Roswell included the Trinity crash site too but Roswell gets all of the attention.
So we go from the Model T Ford in 1907? Air flight in 1914? And, we're walking on the Moon 60 years later? One lifetime? UFO believers say we got help! Supposedly the TR-3B Triangle craft is reverse engineered to about 89% antigravity according to an aerospace guy who would know.
Think about it, we just defeated Germany and Japan post WWII and now Army AF is going to tell the public suddenly we have a new enemy? How the story went from crashed saucer to a weather balloon within 24 hours?
Today, Dr. Greer was on a podcast saying the drones are ours but under control of a secret cabal and it could go two ways. The cabal could fake an alien invasion event and they have tech that can plaster an image two miles wide in the sky to make it a monster or god scene or we have a coordinated disclosure and we can get the tech to use to our benefit and the alien advanced science to geoengineer the planet to restore it. Here's two related links:
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