Thanks Trump..disgusting TRASH [View all]
I was in the USAF in the Philippine Islands when Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law imprisoning his political opponents and ending democracy. Now we are losing it in the US...
Congrats Trump! You have been a liar and con man all your life and now you have shown a blizzard of fear, lies and hate can win over decency and honesty..Half the country doesnt care... A crooked, lying white man has beaten a decent qualified woman and we dont have to guess as to why. Wrong color?...wrong sex? Laughs too much? ... But dont take all the credit as you love to do... You had plenty of help.
Criminals, thugs with flags, crosses and guns who tried to overthrow a legitimate election, spread hate and lies, praise Putin, called for the hanging of the vice President and the jailing of opposition leaders, beat up policemen defending he Capital , want to crush dissent, intimidate media and far more, are now in a position to rule. And nothing can restrain them! . In addition to the Trump House, they control both houses of Congress and most of the Supreme Court.
Thanks America! I wonder how you fucks would feel if this were a group of black folks doing all this?
And yes, Trumper are now hell bent on retribution for anyone calling out Trump and trying to hold him accountable. The gutter has come to power..and there is no restraint on them...Such patriots!! They are already calling for arrests and imprisonment of Democrats. And dont even get me started on those cowardly members of the hypocrites all of them! They say they love democracy .. and support the Blue.. Only a deluded clown would believe that!
Congrats also to all those flag waving Americans who have traded democracy for what they think is security.! And to all those minorities and people on Obamacare who voted for Trump or stayed home who will soon reap what they have sympathy from me! Reap what you have sown!
Trumpers had their prayers and answered but remember this:
"When the gods are most angry at men, they give them exactly what they pray for"
I was born when America was the shining beacon of democracy right after WW2.. and now I am living through its death.
RIP American democracy. It was never all it was cracked up to be but this is the first generation to abandon it.
Sad and angry but this is what America has sunk to..