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In reply to the discussion: Trump suggests he might skip ABC debate with Harris [View all]NewJeffCT
(56,842 posts)There is no way he can resist a free prime time audience.
He is just doing this so ABC will kowtow to his demands of cutting the mic when his turn and Harris' turns are over - One of the most memorable moments of the 2020 debates were when Biden made that "off mic" comment when Trump was talking. Biden couldn't do that on the CNN debate back in June.
Trump also wants no live fact checking - that killed him in 2020 when even Fox called him out for some of his blatant lies. This killed Biden in 2024 because it allowed Trump to get up and spew lies for his entire time with no pushback from the CNN moderators.
The media & Democrats are falling for the same old shit yet again.
"Working the refs" is a sports term where the coach of one team yells & screams about how unfair certain types of calls are (the block vs charge in basketball) in the hopes that the 50/50 calls later in the game will the way of their team. Coach K at Duke used to be an expert at this - he had a guy (Shane Battier, for example) that he would sell as an expert at taking charges & then get upset if the call ever went against Battier. And, more often than not, at key times late in the game, if there was a close call on block vs charge, Battier would usually win it.
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