Kick back with some popcorn and watch the Republican party collapse. [View all]
The Republican Party has had control of the House of Representatives for about nine months now, and the way they are managing to accomplish absolutely nothing is reminiscent of the Whig Party in the 1850's, right before it collapsed into nothingness because of the pressures of abolitionist and slavery proponents within its ranks. Read some of the history of that time, change the issues, and you'll marvel that the ink is dry on the page.
Celebrate good times! Come on! The words to the song by Kool & the Gang are going through my head these days as I watch the news and see what is developing in Congress. When was the last time we had Republican members of the House openly talking to Democrats about working together to defeat their own party's speaker and keep the government from shutting down. It's almost unfortunate that there are some Republicans, probably enough to avoid the disaster of a government shutdown, who see what's coming and are taking steps to avoid it. Almost. But we are getting close enough to disaster that the damage to Republicans is a certainty.
We're in that period of time, to use an analogy that works well, after the victim has already drank the poison, waiting for it to take hold and bring death. The poison has been delivered in the irresponsible blasting of ridiculous words from their former orange headed buffoon of a President who insists on continuing to talk as if that matters at all. The man can't deliver a coherent speech, he just has several monologues that he plays over and over. He's lost in his own world, not realizing he's tanking in polls and his rallies are not even half-filling small venues. He's so out of touch that he doesn't realize a government shutdown will not stop his prosecution, but it will end his party's slim chance at winning a congressional majority in 2024, as well as ending what little possible chance he might have at winning back the White House.