As this graph shows Thailand had premier status as world exporter

One other issue warrants comment. In the wake of Yinglucks exceedingly generous rice price support for farmers there were concerns, echoed in the World Banks assessment, about the reduced competitiveness of Thai rice exports.
They have completely destabilized rice prices and made it impossible to pay the farmers a subsidy because they bought high and sold low, creating a 5 year low for rice prices.
The current level of Thai rice inventories can cover 50% of global rice imports. Now rice markets are nervous that Thai rice will flood the market and result in significant price drops, thus impacting farmers in India and Vietnam
what do you expect when you select a person who would make Sarah Palin look like Albert Einstein in comparison. Unfortunately with the tremendous overage in inventories it will mean that all poor rice farmers around the world, not just Thailand, will suffer from depressed prices for years.