2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)“What do we want? Gradual change! When do we want it? In due course!” [View all]
I think that line is a riot. In fact, much of the article I pulled it from is funny. Read the whole thing. It's worth it
Hillary Clinton Is The Jeb Bush Of The Left
Seventeen months ago, Jeb Bush announced over Facebook that he would be starting a Leadership PAC to facilitate conversations with citizens across America about whether he would be a good president.
Onward, he signed the note.
Through Washington, shockwaves pounded. A Leadership PAC? A listening tour? Can he even be stopped?
There were similarly reverential pronouncements of inevitability when Hillary Clinton released a sunny YouTube video announcing her presidential plans. Like Jeb, she put in the time in the policy trenches. She earned it. And like Jeb, she literally spent decades meeting donors, building teams, growing trust with party officials, fostering loyaltiesdoing everything right. Jeb and Hillary headed into their parties respective primaries with godlike name I.D.s and rapper money. And everyone freaked out; the parties, after all, would decideso how could they not win?
In terms of public policy, of course, the two have vast disagreementsparticularly on the issues of abortion and LGBT rights. But stylistically and biographically, the pair have eery similaritiesincluding their vulnerabilities. As a duo, theyve given East Coast pundits ample opportunities to mortify themselves. Oversold and overestimated, the pair demonstrate just how meager is the appetite for centrist-leaning, dynastic optimists. Jebs defeat foreshadowed Clintons struggles. So the facts are hard to get around: Hillary is the Jeb of the left.