Bernie Sanders
In reply to the discussion: Wow. I would have voted for Hillary and encouraged friends to, until this... [View all]denvine
(828 posts)It's very frustrating to vote for someone who you feel is a part of the problem and no needed changes will be made. I feel the same way, but if we can't get immediate change, we have to play the long game. Let's say Hillary gets the nomination. She will be running against any three of these wackos Trump, Rubio or Cruz. Remember the long game and leaving the gates open for future change which comes down to this, THE SUPREME COURT! With a friendly court we have hope further down the line. With a very conservative court, we don't, i.e., Citizens United. So, I respectfully ask that you consider this before sitting out the election. I am a Bernie supporter but I will not slam the doors on change in the future. Thanks for reading and again, I truly understand the frustration with the politics as usual and the ridiculousness of being blocked by Cha! That says a lot on it's own.