Democratic Underground

Archives: December 26, 2004

The Solution To Afghanistan’s Opium?

Tennessee Muslims dealing with ignorance and fear

Believing in miracles

God and country

Anonymous Man Doles Out $35,000 in Cash

Dissent is not disloyal

Why the U.S. must withdraw from Iraq

Center for Bio. Div. sues windmill companies for killing endangered birds.


Where's my star? eom

5 Jewish girls under house arrest for attacking Palestinians

Mathematics and Elections

Freeps quakin' in their boots tonight! Soaking up all info they can!

Will Bush be Inaugurated on Jan 20th, 2009 ??

Google "bible demystify"


John Conyers may be the person who saves America's Democracy

I heard GREAT news from Andy Stephenson today!

Prosecuting The Election Fraud Conspiracy


To the Whistleblower.....

New bbv.ORG site up


Kerry unconceding on January 6th

It’s Not the Paper Ballots – it’s the HAND COUNTING that’s Important.

FreePress: Another third rate burglary - at Ohio Dem Offices

Phantom votes in Orange County Florida?

Happy Holidays to you all!!

I'm not going to wish people "happy holidays" anymore

We should remind evangelicals...

PHOTO: caption rummy on his imperialist visit to Iraq.....

To A Friend Whose Work Has Come To Nothing

anyone remember Honest to God by Bishop John Robinson???

A Prayer for Everyone On DU

"Hope Was on the Way"

Who exactly is committing treason here?

What has the democratic party done for you?

A new American flag

Breaking apart stereotypes

About the bombing in Mosul

Russian Pres. Putin Year-End News Conference

Interesting... PHOTO shows Halliburton's plan to arm Iraqi army

Should we start displaying flags on our cars?

I wrote to Senator

I just wrote CostCo and told them of a real estate opportunity

The true power behind the RW. It is called NET

UCC.....god loves All the people

Now more than ever, Union members need our support

Delta ruined my Christmas, and then FOX added insult to injury

Rumsfeld: Iraq failure fault of common Iraqis not trying hard enough...

Was the Mess Hall Bomber a Private Contractor?

60% to 70% of the homes and buildings are completely crushed and damaged

Time Magazine Man of the year 2004: Bush. In 1938 it was Hitler

NAFTA is a crime against United States citizens.

Question about John Kerry.

AP: Castro announces new discovery of crude off northern Cuba

Revealed: the UK's secret terrorism agency

Carter backs civil unions for gay couples

El Salvador's President Says Troops Will Stay in Iraq

As Nuclear Secrets Emerge, More Are Suspected -NYT (Kahn)

Mother Strangled, 2 Children Die in Fire

WP: Further Detainee Abuse Alleged

Conservative Students Target Liberal Profs

NYT: U.S. Is Suggesting Guaranteed Role for Iraq's Sunnis

Tenn. Muslims Face Resistance to Plans

Nine Reportedly Killed in Indonesian Quake

Churches condemn terror spend

US to Take Bigger Bite of Iraq's Economic Pie (privatizing oil)

'Secret coronation' for Charles

WP: Evolution Shares a Desk With 'Intelligent Design'

Castro Announces Crude Oil Discovery

Conservative Students Target Liberal Profs (Horowitz)

Iran to shoot down ‘flying objects’ near nuclear facilities

Anyone else host Christmas dinner at their place this year?


The Sound of Music is on ABC

A child, a child...shivers in the cold. Let us bring him silver and gold.

and you thought your office Christmas party was bizarre!

About 15 minutes ago, Scut Farkus got his ass kicked for the 12th time

My 500th post! A thought about parenting

Mrs. Beast Man clobbered me at Monopoly (3 times)- ASK ME ANYTHING!

Anyone remember this song by The Cure? "Killing an Arab"

Freeper relatives and booze...why do they go together?

Hallelujah! I think I've been saved!

Ho! ho! ho!

It's Xmas there should be more "Yule" Brenner movies on

RE: all the Steve threads...

WHo's ripped?

Holiday Movie Fun Fact: H. B. Warner from "It's A Wonderful Life,"

Am I the only one that still enjoys the hell out of When Harry Met Sally?

A James Brown lyric that pretty well sums up the neoCONS.


I had a perfect Christmas and I am THRILLED that it is over!

Thanks to the DUer who told me about eggnog and absinthe!

Don't ya love it when your parents lie?

I said something at dinner.....

Thought he was a nightmare

George Lucas is an assclown!

I get to go home!!!!

Merry Christmas to all our DU Republicans!

Howdy Ho!

"Blue Hippo" Computers - What a Rip-Off!!!!

Am I the only one on the frikkin' PLANET who's ever heard of "Autograph?"

Everybody say hello to my family!

anyone bought a laptop from Sager, Cyberpower inc, or Prostar?

anyone bought a laptop from Carol Bayer Sager

Help! Sound problems trying to watch DVD on tv w/sound thru stereo!

***Official Utah will kick Pittsburgh ass thread*** (leaving the 700 club)

exercise equipment

Christmas STOLLEN!!!

Calling all espresso/cappuccino drinkers...

Interactual DVD software blows......

Had a Christmas fight with my mother today, long-distance.

Is it me, or was Zell Miller one of the Blind Witches in Clash of

Do Joy Division fans celebrate Christmas?

Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.

What I believe we need to do to deal with Asteroid 2004 MN.

Sick of Christmas

Anyone catch Elizabeth Smart skit on MadTV?

I just used my new Loofah

does anyone else love to watch the Bonus/Special Feathures on DVDs?

Canada 7 Slovakia 3!!!!

01010011 01100101 01111000 00100001

I'm watching "The Ladykillers", Tom Hanks. It's very sick. I like it!

Is the President lying to me?

Am I the only one on the frikkin' PLANET who's ever heard of "Stryper"

I just used my new Luftwaffe

Question for People with E-BAY knowledge.

Are there any DU geocachers out there?

"Stuck On You" With Greg Kinnear and Matt Damon...

A domain name I want is taken but a "who is" says it expired two wks ago?

Fairytale of New York - good Xmas song

Your favourite polka band?

"Master of Puppets" is great xmas evening music.

Who else had a Christmas dinner without green bean casserole?

Am I the only one here?

The first time ever I saw your face

Am I the only human who has never watched "A Christmas Story"?

Who's The Biggest Jerk on "American Chopper"?

So I'm watching "Sound of Music" on ABC, AND THERE'S ADS

Am I a dolt, or was "The In-Laws" pretty funny?

Honestly WHY the fuck is TBS running A Christmas story 25 hours?

Has anybody here used CloSysII?

"Walkin' Round in Women's Underwear..."

I'm starving!

Just Saw The Silliest Thing On the Road

David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust persona: Sexy or Strange?

I just watched a "Lost" Marathon, ask me anything.

Have you ever been attracted to someone's mind?

Christmas Cursing thread!

Just watched .."Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"

Anyone have a favorite videogame character?

Fweepers Say "Christmas Song Sends Wrong Message About War"

Deck us all with Boston Charlie...

Jewmas was great today.

are there any WIFI cards or USB adapters that will work on WIN98 First Ed?

Nick Saban (New Head coach of the Miami Dolphins)

OMG My doorman gave me a Christmas present

The WORST 80s Hair Band, and yes, Winger is one of the choices

Things you wanted but didn't get for Christmas:

Your favorite Bourbon Brand

I got a lot of great stuff. Should I feel guilty

What are your favorite sounding words?

Best Pauly Shore Film?

advice wanted

Name a movie you were excited about

If you popped your eyes out of your head

Just saw 14 copies of "Farenhype 9/11" in the bargain bin at

How many PCs do you own?

Spiritof Christmas - which family member would you most like to hit?

"Anonymous Man Gives 35K To Homeless" Most Fweepers Outraged

Neighborhood juvenile vandalism/hate speech situation.

Your Favourite Vodka Brand?

"A History of God" coming up on the History Channel

Freedom From The Known

Aromatherapy oils 'kill superbug'

Morphogenetic Fields And Beyond


Did you get married in a church?

John Kerry - Describing Himself (2003)

Bush and Blair Detain Santa

Conservative Students Target Liberal Professors

Ann Coulter Is Out Of Her Mind. Check This Interview She Gave

Photos Show George W. Bush Seriously Ill Physically

Do you support Howard Dean for DNC chair

Paycheck has yet to make recovery (Chicago Trib)

Dupe - delete

Friedman: Sunday News Quiz (Good column on * screwing U.S.)

Would this be the "democracy" Bush keeps yammering about?

"you occupy the Iraq you have, not the Iraq you might wish to have later"

TP: "Pissing Against the Wind", John Horvath

Undeniable Global Warming:

"Pessimists peddle myths of poverty"

Saudi Gov. Approves Kyoto Protocol: Australia Moves Away From US Stance

UK Major Polluters Fight Freedom Of Information Laws

Grass Now Growing In Antarctica - Times of London

French Magistrate Widens Bin Laden Finance Probe

Everybody is happy but NRA - State Sees Instant Results in Electronic Gun

Unblock says I need to post this here...

Wisdom of the "original post" rule in LBN forum

? about my locked threads in LBN....

How come....

Anytime I have a thread to start I guess I'll just post it in every

My thread, "DU has made newbie me feel unwelcome" is locked...

Can we get a peace sign as a smilies option?

Please help me with this. (Mars lumber---JPL photo thread)

Arafat ally backs 'negotiations'

Teaching Hatred of Israel and Jews in the New Palestinian Authority School

Rumsfeld makes 9/11 gaffe - "people who shot down plane over PA"

Great LTTE in 12/26 NYT

Video Footage of African American voter suppression in Ohio

MSM doesn't want to be Kerry's friend

"Uncounted Votes in Cuyahoga County" by R. H. Phillips. How many??

2004 election fraud discussion

There May Be Congressional Hearrings in 2005, But They Wont Be Bipartisan

Kerry at the Bat (a pome)


Rally at NY FBI Offices and Washington State Update


Drudge: Pro-West Yushchenko wins Ukraine rerun vote: exit polls...

Jump-Starting the Battle

Ohio Election Officials Obstruct Recount

Question from a VERY non-tech person..

When Kerry actually "unconceeds" lemme know. Untilllll then , shudddddup!

A call to all DU'ers to Boycott ALL MSM on Jan 20

Its comforting to see the faith we have in EXIT POLLS....

The "New York Times" says the truth tires Washington Voters!

What happened to the "What really Happened" vote Fraud page??

I just joined my local League of Women voters. You should too!

Better than Freeman

President of Triad Present During Montgomery Co. Recount

Nation gets better at vote counts

Newbie needs help from politically savvy DUers!

If no one is inaugurated on January 20, does Bush remain president?

NY Times Op-Ed letters to the Editors On VOTER CONCERNS!

Election Fraud Fantasy World

Will the Political Smokescreen Tomorrow Be Human Ashes in Mosul?

We all know that no matter what, ** won't give up power.

Call for assistance - blackboxvoting.COM

If Bush is installed anyway, should we still have to pay federal taxes?

CNN Pirate Radio article, just a thought...

If you're feeling small and powerless, just rememeber this...

12/26 Election/Fraud/Recount thread

"Oversea Visitor" - please check in.


Assassination by ballot-box

The Sadness

A small 'Kerry filing' update to pass the time.

Lytel: "The End is Near: The Coming Constitutional Insurrection"

Votergate: we need just one major domino to fall

Everyone should see this video on 'Dominionists'

Overview of news stories, MSM et al on Ohio

How many Kerry/Bush inauguration/Jan. 6th threads do we need?

To TruthIsAll and other Mitofsky exit poll aficionados:

Iraq: Thanks but no thanks to US



Favorite DVD+/-R brand?

Firefix 1.0 history and cache occasionally VANISH! GRAAAAGH!

FireFox Tweaks

What color is Kroger?

Freeper Mole Thread

Has Reggie White Died

OK people, particularly homosexuals, I need answers

Will Pitt's Night Before Christmas......hadn't seen it

Let's dream for a minute

Should I feel this way...

An idea for an inauguration protest....

Karl and King George....

Have you seen this correlation between state IQs and Red state voting?

Lost Generation of Iran Seeks Escape

HAHA - Rummy: This wasn't my idea!

What is a troll?

Where can we find on DU, if possible, the page that gives

Rumsfeld needs to Explain Himself or Leave....

a little whiff of OUR White House for xmas (PHOTOS) visitors allowed

When do we start hearing results from the Ukrainian election? (nt)

Hot diggity, KonicaMinolta to expand in China!

Bush to return to compassionate conservative

Is the real reason for Yahoos refusal to give dad of dead soldier password

good news about my neice who is graduating from West Point . . .

An Iron Wall of Silence.

Time in Can. has different person on cover - not smirk

the enduring IDIOCY of "Tweety" Matthews....

Has anyone begun to notice the worthlessness of the dollar?

"Renewal in Iraq:" White House website needs updating

Hey, let's create fake outrage over Valentine's Day

One Tin Soldier

Keep Hands Off Social Security

People who said Bill Clinton was 'wagging the dog' = Traitors

I want to scan a picture and

Qaddafi claims credit for Bush victory

No Iraq News on TV Today? It Must Mean Things Are Great! *Graphic*

Write Your US Senator and tell them To not CERT on 01/06/05

I hope Sen. Obama is on every Sunday for the next four years.


The best & the worst sayings I heard from people I know this year . . .

To those who believe Freepers need to be defended...

The man with the reverse Midas touch.

It Appears The Mosul Bombers Filmed The Attacker and The Attack!

Rumsfeld makes 9/11 gaffe - "people who shot down plane over PA"

what I never knew about Nativity scenes

I've been reading some of this crap on CU and it's pissing me off.

So, you want Iraq to have democracy, eh? Well, so do they. Butt out!!!..

Need help, please. Cannot find

Is the God of nature sending strong message? Warning to Dominionists?

Know your enemies! They are pretty well organized

Lumber on Mars? Can anyone explain this JPL photo?

I have been looking for

Reggie White died at 43

Mea Culpa. I broke my own rule and watched CNN.

Mosul bombing video! Should we post it?

Troops at FOB Bernstein, Iraq have only MREs to eat and they are

DoD may have a solution to shortage

Yushchenko, projected winner in Ukrainian re-match

6 Best Daily Shows of 2004 on Comedy Central Tonight 9PM EST

"US Soldiers re-enact Ben Hur prior to Fallujah assault"

The Duel/Zell VS C. Matthews/Video

Blacks die early - should love SS privatization

PNAC and 9/11.

In the New Year , I have decided that no Democrat will receive any

What Is the right name for a Democrat's Party the Democrat Party or the De

So far, Saddam has been more correct about Iraq than US intelligence.

Kyoto -----> Earthquakes

Merry Christmas to Homeless Veterans in DC ! (PHOTOS)

UK flu doc: 'mass casualties, role of police and armed forces'

Vote For The Most Inspiring Controversial Person Of The Year


Go buy your SUBARU's!!!!!!

Will Kerry Unconcede on Jan 6th? Triad Voting Systems?

Bush should dump the extravagant Inaugural and buy the troops armor


The ENDS Justify the MEANS??? I was taught early on this is not good

Ever since the Coup d'etat of 2000, I have come to think that Bush

SURPRISE!!! Guess who might be thinking who the Anti-Christ might be.


Crafty College Conservatives

Where is Alan Dershowitz? This gross out character used to pop

Cokie Roberts, Dan Rather, Robert MacNeil and the CIA.

On Monday, will our world be different?

Who is the MEDIA WHORE of the YEAR

My family and I had the best Christmas ever!!!! Here's why

Who in Congress is advocating withdrawal?

Abortion situation, only vaguely hypothetical.

Ukraine Election

End of year review. Pick the low point for the media this year.

Criminy. Yushchenko's turning into green cheese!

The Changing Face of Poverty

Should Iraq be partitioned?

Trade abortion for natonal health care?

Christian School defends slavery booklet

Former Packer Reggie White Dead at 43

A couple of summer time side dishes

CBC Rebuts the National Post

Ukraine stands on brink of unknown

Gunmen Assassinate Iraqi Police Officer

EPA balks at requests to police demolition of building near ground zero

Ukrainians Hit Polls to Elect President

General: Bomber Not With Iraq Nat'l Guard

Tidal Waves Kill More Than 2,200 in Asia

Tidal waves and tremors hit Asia

At least 160 dead as tsunami waves hit Sri Lanka

torture is so un-american "Further Detainee Abuse Alleged"

Iraq Rejects U.S. Talk of Bolstering Sunni Vote

Airline glitches afflict holiday travelers

Castro Announces New Oil Find

Earthquake Trigger Tidal Waves in Asia, Killing more than

AP: U.N. oil-for-food probe hindered by ghost firms

Spitzer Says He Won't Drop Any Inquiries Begun by State

NYT: Big Farms Reap Two Harvests With Subsidies a Bumper Crop

As Nuclear Secrets Emerge, More Are Suspected

Rumsfeld makes 9/11 gaffe - "people who shot down plane over PA"

Uzbek Leader Scorns 'Revolutions' as Nation Votes

WP,pg1: Studies on Painkillers in Jeopardy (pall cast over research)

Iraq 'wasn't worth it' (Australia: almost 60%)

Military Seeks Tech Tools to Train MDs

HUMAN EVENTS Names Its Man of the Year:

Over 1800 dead as Tsunami from Indonesian quake hits India

Lost in Translation: Iraq Interpreters Live in Fear

Author Rushdie Angry After Sikh Play Scrapped

Touring With the U.S.O. in '04, It's Still Thanks for the Memories

Spitzer Says He Won't Drop Any Inquiries Begun by State

GOP Likely to Battle Over Guest-Worker Bill

An image taken, a choice made, a life altered (GI coffin photographer)

AP: Oil, Gas Bonds Leave Taxpayers Exposed

U.S. Urges Fair Vote Count in Ukraine

Cuba Counters Prostitution With AIDS Programs -NYT

Votes Tallied For Governor, But What's Next Is Unclear (WA)

Iraq Militant Group Posts Video of Mosul Attack

Iraq Rejects U.S. Talk of Adjusting Vote Result

US push for Sunni seats rejected (Aljazeera)

WP: FAREWELL to a LIFE (bush* cabal DEPORTS an autistic man)

WP: College Republicans' Fundraising Criticized

Pope, Europe Leaders Call for Quake Aid

WP,pg1: Tribal Money Linked to GOP Fundraising (not reported to FEC)

Rueters: Death Toll Tops 11,300 After Asian Quake, Tsunami

(California) Manufacturers' ($82M) tax refunds rile critics

Iraq poll hangs on overseas vote

Massachusetts Only State With Shrinking Population

Baghdad's Sadr City goes to the great sheep give away

Exit Poll Says Liberal Yushchenko Wins in Ukraine

When a bigot dies, an angel gets its wings.


This Christian's view of Evolution

Thanks to my DU friends for getting me through this long nightmare!

It's...the Lounge after hours!!

I Ate & Drank Too Much Today.


Bubba Claus

George Carlin's Views on Aging

I'm drunk. Fuck off.

Meet the Fockers

I'm drunk. I love you, one and all.

Have you ever been attracted to someone's behind?

A Christmas toast to the one whose day it is - Jesus!

I have to say, I cooked a pretty damned good prime rib today

I just made some mother fucking, bad ass sugar cookies...

Is there anybody who likes 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb'?

I was watching what I THOUGHT was PBS

7 reasons why you might not get a x-mas present this year

Christmas is over!!! Get rid of your Yuletide avatars already!

i'm drunk on xmas night, ask me anything

Democrat Mouse - we miss you

Christmas free association thread.

Doonesbury takes on "The Hand" LOL

I love Lil Jon to death but...

I drank a whole bottle too!

Does anyone else think

Proof of UFOs?

Tech savy people, I need your help!

Christmas is Over . What will the RW GOP whine about now?


If you had to lose one of the five senses,

How does a Middle-Earth Hobbit find an Elfin partner?

Let's make fun of the way Pickles dresses

One day I played Black Sabbath at 78 speed

December 26: My favorite day of the year!

Design your own bumpersticker

Albedo 0.39

Considering the mood you are in right now, would you rather:

"Falling in Love" w/Meryl Streep & Robert DeNiro is a piece of shit movie

I wonder which window is missing its drapes?

Bad news for you Dish Network customers!

Dial-up - Netscape and NetZero slammin' AOL w/ satire ads

I had two glasses of Champagne and my whole Christmas Dinner is missing

Does anyone have respect for Juan Williams?

Best 80s "Arena Rock" band...

i drank a whole bottle

Saturday Night Live...

::shiver:: anyone venturing to the stores today?

I am new to Wikipedia. How can it work if any Tom, Dick or Mary can edit?

What's the last great song you downloaded?

My dog eats something in the back yard. I think it might be his own shit.

Psalm 2004

What Is With My Cat?

I was just on NationStates appointing a spiritual advisor...

wierd present thread...

DVD question

Callin' out all Dead Homophobes. Eat shit! Go ahead, zap me from beyond.

Movies you have no problem watching on cable

A Vanity Post

Ann Coulter decapitated in car crash

Happy Boxing Day Everyone!

Reggie White, Laura Branigan and the DLC eat babies and hate fat people!

can anyone help me fix my coffee urn?

The Clash in Concert on DirectTV!

Listen to my re-write of "Shiver Me Timbers" by Tom Waits (please?)

Happy Boxing Day

Rachel Yamagata...

My mom's dog sings with the harmonica

A Jane Austen spam I got.

The office door closed early. The hidden bottle came out.

Republican Parent names its man of the year.... (edited)

The real reason I'm giving more to the poor lately:

What's the difference

Need help from a math/logic enthusiast.

LOL, one of my Dem activist friends sent me a holiday card

I have a cat on my head

Looking for wifi card advice. Please help!

I got Yes: Close to the Edge for Christmas.

GOOD. Christmas is over and now I can let my true hatred for bushco OUT

Blues guitarist Son Seals died earlier this week.

Not sure if this is new news, but ... CREAM REUNION !!!

Crackers in soup....

Best places to download for ipod?

From Chicago? In the 50s? Remember these cartoons?

The Giants REALLY suck.

let's all piss on the graves of our founding fathers and Abraham Lincoln!!

Got my Christmas present set up.

what I never knew about Nativity scenes

Delusionary Bush names self winner of Olympic figure skating pairs event

Am I the only one wondering this about Reggie White?

I need a really angry fucking avatar

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

I can't see.


There must be something wrong with me.

Bachman-Turner Overdrive "She looked at me with those big brown eyes"

Good King Wenceslas looked out

Chicago Bears ripped off by the officials today

I just got back on line

How much is a parking ticket where you live?

Are you far away from home? Military, on biz, or moved away from hometown?

Earlielr...who was looking to make a voterfraud tshirt?

Is it possible to upsample/interpolate a picture's quality?

No Nativity in DC This Year

So my husband is putting together a toy pirate set for the kids...

Father in-law had a Christmas heart attack last night

Is Citizen Kane as good as people say it is?

Take this should be easy.

So I'd like to use this picture in my sig line. Thoughts?

Question re: volunteer fire departments

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka the Amazing Chocolateer.

I am perfect.

Nobody's perfect,

How did the 700 Club(the True one) gets it's name?

Egg nog??

Has anybody ever been to the Round Up in Dallas?

How can I find out the book value of a motorcycle?

I'm afraid to go into GD.

Ok WHO is still in their pajamas???

Oh, gawd... so bored.......

Is there much of an industry for photjournalists or graphic artists?

Silly, silly people!

Black Russian or White Russian

Sergio Leone westerns

I'd like to jump naked into a giant pecan pie

DU parents: help out my "parenting" "instincts"

radfringe got runover by

Only 364 days until next Christmas!!!!

If you haven't seen "Napoleon Dynamite" you simply MUST rent it.

My dead football player is better than yours

OK, who made absolute PIGS of themselves at Christmas dinner?

need vs. want

I need a mobilization of the DU Good Vibes Army.

So, how old were you when you found out there was no Santa Claus?

Anyone else have a One Shot Coffee/Tea maker?

Gay Men: Are you a "FLAMER"?

My 77 yr old Uncle checked into hosp. for bad cold, came home w/ oxygen

100 Posts

I got the new U2 album for Christmas.

inept insurgent blows up his whole family...

It's official. Time to change avatar's from Rudolph to the Steelers!

My message to all bushbots everywhere AND the mainstream media:

What song are you listening to right now?

Reggie White: Not a hero

My wacko neighbor- just venting for a moment

I am not perfect.

I just got a digital camera and I want to know....

When a girl says she'll "see what she can do about it" she really means


Why does it take cats an HOUR to sit down?

trying to find out the name of this song

anyone here have experience with a beer machine?

Any good (non electronic) games?


I blew off - so should you!

Do you find your laptop's cd drive to be reliable?

I am prefect.

Worst gift received - FESS UP!



Any DU members dating each other?

A Report Card on Psychic Predictions for 2004

Former NFL Player Reggie White Dies Of Heart Attack

REGGIE WHITE Quotations...

Just saw "The Aviator" what did you guys think?

Jeez, my buddy needs to stop drinking

My cat just pissed all over my leather jacket

Your top ten favorite movies?

Wow, the 'news' is running a report saying parental involvement decreases

Your favorite brand of el cheapo rot-gut?

Hey, Minnesota DUers--just two days left

Anyone see White noise yet? what's that like?

1 assumption, 1 f act and one conclusion

More Brain Tumors Now-a-days?

Monk baffles scientists

Homosexuality in World Religions...

"In Praise of Young Men"

Saints win!

I was watching the Spengler Cup today.

Magic Rat's Jets are great...

Lions 16, Bears 0 at halftime

Reggie White, RIP

Siberian Buddhist Leader Baffles Scientists

THE MOON THREAD - by StellaNoir & Pallas180

Massive Tsunamis sweep the Indian Ocean

How does an atheist cope with death of a loved one?

John Kerry - Challenges Americans Face As They Balance Work & Parenting

John Kerry - Talks Out About Health Care

I just saw Going Upriver

Artsy Fartsy photos - how did you do that

Question Re: Digital Camera Battery Life


A little hope for your holiday weekend

How elaborate have wartime inaugurations been in the past?

Who actually gets to vote for DNC chair?

Donald Rumsfeld shamed his family and our country

(re)framing / reclaiming the debate

is clark to the left of dean? (thread 3)

Faux Snooze predicts Roe hater Michael McConnell to replace Rehnquist

The Duel/Zell VS Matthews/Video

Are there ANY gop Senators we can count on to help stop the nuclear

VA Dems--Looking for a good way to spend your day after Christmas?

HUMAN EVENTS Names Its Man of the Year:

Vietraq and Iraqnam.

DU has made me, a newbie, feel totally unwelcome

Please help with voting information collection

My thread, "DU has made me, a newbie, feel totally unwelcome" is locked

Can anyone spot Rummy's latest Mis-speak?

After Christmas two-fer; Bush Cartoons

We're not in a war, we're in a quagmire

You Break It, You Pay For It

Do what you must...

On being a Democrat and being anti-Blair. . .

'Art for Armor'

Perfect reason for Bush to invade Cuba: New oil deposits found

Is American Liberty Imperiled? Cato Institute discussion on C-Span 2

Who controls the historical record?

Fox: Bush faces a "major rebellion within his party" (Guest-Worker Bill)

Does anyone remember the great anti-war song:

Falwell on CNN, saying Bush is hated solely because he is a Christian

Twas the day after Christmas

Can this be for real?

C-SPAN Special: Thomas P.M. Barnett, Author, "The Pentagon's New

Is the DLC the Neocon's Trojan Horse?

Third Way; Six Dem Senators and From form Senate Advisory Board

George W. Bush hilarious vid!

Do we need a new workers' party?

"We are reminded to love our neighbors as we would like to be loved ..."

Both Dean and Clark are to the left of Kerry

Is Social Security issue a potential big winner for Democrats?

PROOF that Clark is to the left of Dean

none of it matters. *none of it*

"I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal." John F. Kennedy, September 14, 1960


Do we need to rebuild our Party from the bottom up ?