Democratic Underground

Archives: December 8, 2004

Automakers sue against environmental protections

Sensenbrenner Statement on 9/11 Legislation Conf

CBS/NYT poll: What worries you more?

Salon Exclusive: Whitewashing torture?

In Iraq, 'Lawrence' is a must read

AP: "Possibility that... Bush did not win Ohio." Green's Cobb says

Sen. Feingold -"America Is So Much Better than This"

Is Islam Endangering 'Europeanness?'

Is Bush the Antichrist?

Crash the FR Inaugural Ball

Tape Shows Clerk Shooting Alleged Robber (Columbus, Ohio)

I would like to volunteer to help work on the link directory

Why are my innocuos threads being locked?

DU Pervs forum? (not for me, so I can put the entire forum on ignore)

Non-Demopedia questions

What is " Demopedia " and why have I been left out of it...Is it because

Hey Skinner! I'm one of the popular kids!

Jewish extremist settler jailed

Suspected collaborator killed in Bethlehem

"Ohio Too Close?"

self-deleted (dupe)

From Micheal Moore's Website

Curtis going for the $100,000 Prize for anyone proving fraud?

Ohio had a federal fund set up for the election. What happen to it?

Blackwell And Dubya Face To Face On 11/2?

The Vote Fraud Movement Needs Heart and Head: A Plea for Unity

Wayne Madsen on now with Tony Trupiano -- link to stream

So What's Up With Rove?

Inspired by Kerry

Can Someone answer me this ?

NBC, MSNBC, Pacifica Radio and C-SPAN to cover hearing tomorrow

Is Mitofsky a partisan (like Wally O'Dell at Diebold)? Anybody know?

Has anyone else heard this new report on Air America Radio???

Ignored by Kerry

At Least Local Ohio News Sites are Reporting

attn: good info from new poster fly by night

Exit Poll Charade: Why Slate is posting the exit-poll numbers

Bradblog refutes Bev's questions about Clint

DU featured on newstarget

What Does It Take To Get This Election Thrown Out

Feeney's "obsession" with voting machines

AirAmerica interview w/Clint 9 AM EST Unfiltered

Does Anyone Outside of DU or other forums, bloggers, etc. care?

New Update & Urgent Actions About Vote Fraud & Ohio Recount

Fight Fire with Fire - The FRAUD FLOAT

AP: Groups Seek to Address Voting Troubles

Have people sent solid documentation to GAO and Congress for tomorrow?

Here's a link to the Full Ohio Recount statutes...

anyone have the accuracy of 2004 exit polls for NON-prez races?

Idea: Conyers could run demo of vote switching for C-SPAN camera

Lincoln 1864: "I see in the near future a crisis approaching....

Some guy on Scarborough just SLAMMED Diebold...talking about

People didn't believe Watergate either at first!

Madsen sent me another e-mail--warns to watch out for this guy


So what happens if * is inaugurated before we prove he rigged

Election Fraud Ignored By Kerry -- Good Read/Poor Title

Mitofsky's response letter to the Judiciary

November 2nd, exit polling results 4:28 PM (Pacific Time)

CA Results: 3-5% Kerry uptick in absentees (Riverside, San Bernadino, etc)

Worldwide, exit polls are used to prevent fraud; here, they promote it.

Keith O on MSNBC NOW- said he is going to discuss----

So Far, No One that Curtis ACCUSED has said he is a fraud !

Frustrated by Kerry

Mitofsky's not coming to the party w/ raw exit poll data..... BUT!

Any election ever revoted? How about now, in NC? Yep.

LOOK! - Gov Doc showing complaint against Feeney and Yang

Innocently, while trying to help the Green Party last week - 271 votes

NYT 10/17/04: "Exit Polls to Protect the Vote"

Multiple-precinct polling places in Cuyahoga County

Why Clint Curtis is a fraud....

Edison - Mitofsky Exit Polls Method Statment

AP: "Possibility that...Bush did not win Ohio." Green's Cobb says

Someone had this website cited

Should we start planning our DU holiday party now?

The best political talk show on television:

Thoughts on a DVD-R/RW drive for a Dell Inspiron 1100?

Hey Ohio: We'll be thinking of you on Sunday

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel too liberal?

Using discrimination as an excuse, I wouldn't be surprised if the

sundance 9:00 pm

Thoughts on a Recount Request

Thought control

What do you think about the Kerry dinner in OH on Friday? should I be

The fix is always in for George W.Bush.

Military DUers: What is the significance of resigning your commission

Now on a t-shirt: "We are sorry our prez is an idiot"...

Since US commander in Fallujah said "The enemy is broken,'' 20 more dead

Sam Seder is speaking out against the DLC right now on Air America Radio

Get Your Turd Blossom - KKKarl Rove items here!

Sundance Channel at 8pm CT ; Fox, Franken, 9-11

New Nicknames for Right-Wingers

"shutup and support the troops" personified in a stripcreator comic

Our Heroic Leader Mural

Dollar Falls to New Low Versus Euro, Gold Mixed

When will Colin Powell come clean?

Name for Hypnosis Business

Blanchard Weighs Running for DNC Chairman

Was Singer Bobby Darin a victim of Joe McCarthy Tactics?

Imagine a Christian liquor peddler flourishing in Muslim Iraq

Who looks more like Alfred E.Neumann, Bush or Blair?

Rohrbacher said he figured out we were going to be attacked

John Kerry and John Edwards didn't become the leaders of the anti-Bush

Patients, Veterans, or Prisoners?

Is this true?

Are Jeneane and Sam fuck buddies?

Does anyone know how get in touch with MOVEON.ORG

Ladies: Did this ever happened to you? How did you handle it?

Uncle Sam wants your kids ... Now!

Pastor fired over sexual exploitation charges (Had been honored by Bush)

Any other smokers trying to quit?

Racist Threats Aimed at Cincinnati's Freedom Center

DNC launching top-to-bottom review of the votes in Ohio

Secret Service Protects Bush from dangerous U.S. Marines at photo-op event

Big segment on Bernard Kerik tonight on Democracy Now!

The Verdict

The arrogant AH's of the DLC have torpedoed our Presidential

Behind the veneer of a born again, bumbling underachiever, there is

Survival of the fittest

Cop on the beat: Uproar over ‘extreme fighting’ video

Who really gives a s..t what happens at the Peterson sentencing?

Tenet calls for Internet security - limiting access...

Has the time come to boycott NPR because it misrepresents reality?

"Rich White Trash"

Bush's New Little Jacket needs BADGES -- Suggest some here!!

Why Putin Tied the Energy Knot With Ankara--Daily Star

Despite Senselessbrenner and the racist house members the 9/11

"Demopedia" Help! What is it? What is wikipedia that it's based on???

Heard on TV News in Norfolk

HOPE in a parking lot....

Witch Doctor Bill Frist talks voodoo to George Stephanopoulos

It kills me how much my Mom believes MSM over me!!!


Tuesday Malloy Thread All Truthseekers Welcome

Is it just me or are some lawyers just plain pond scum?

I do not believe women will be drafted

"it doesn't matter if it had alcohol in it or not"

Has the Pope declared Iraq an unjust war?

For all the Bush supporters.

We won 3 out of the last 4 elections. Moderates won, the liberal lost.

I'm confused. Have we been winning elections or losing elections?

Rush Limbaugh defending steroid use

Robert Novak calls Harry Reid a racist!/ Video

LTTE to the Christian Science Monitor

I just saw the United Church of Christ commercial on Discovery Channel

Update on Woman who ran down the three kids in her SUV

To all the women here on DU

DLC - Crazy

Worst president ever

The DU (Slang) Dictionary (Glossary) has a new web addy...

can i trust this sorce?

Bush Jacket IDed?

Season's Greetings! Make sure you check out this site BEFORE you shop!

Michael Moore: "We didn't pick the best candidate"

Why are so many DUers pro-gun?

Creationism Science Fair

Is it fascism yet?

Did Janeane Garofolo have to show her tattoos when she campaigned?

The Ballad of Science and Religion.

Ooey Gooey Yummy Chocolate Cake (Flourless).

Looking for tomato sauce recipes.

I am thinking of ordering a fancy ham

Power of image

US Marine claims unit killed Iraqi civilians as deserter seeks asylum

UK's Blair challenged to tally civilian Iraq war dead

In Iraq, 'Lawrence' is a must read

AP: "Possibility that... Bush did not win Ohio." Green's Cobb says

AAR: Kerry Requests Recount in Ohio

Cheney: 'We're going to get it done' in Iraq

AP: Groups Seek to Address Voting Troubles

U. S. Soldier to be court-martialed for 'mercy killing'

'N.Y. Times' Attorney Expects No Decision This Week on Plame Appeal

Delay Election Fraud Scandal!!!!

Groups Seek to Address Voting Troubles

6 Thai soldiers wounded by checkpoint bomb-Origami peace bombs didn't work

ACLU: Special Ops Threatened Govt. Agents Who Witnessed Detainee Abuse

Tech CEOs Issue Cyber-Security Recommendations -WP

WP: Interior Department's No. 2 Resigns After Controversial Tenure

Is Islam Endangering 'Europeanness?'

New York State Votes to Reduce Drug Sentences

Bush administration planning to increase pressure on Iran -Knight Ridder


IBM to Sell Majority Stake in PC Business to China's Biggest Computer Make

IBM Sells PC Unit to China's Lenovo

Anti-terrorism costs hidden in utility bills

Iraq, Jordan See Threat To Elections From Iran

Wireless Tagging in Hospitals is 'Inevitable'

New York Lawmakers Soften State's Drug Laws

Retiring Senator Plans Camping Gear Line

Howard Baker To Step Down As Ambassador to Japan

Colgate Executives Get Thousands for Perks

WP: Director's Control a Concern (new intelligence chief)

Florida E-Vote Study Debunked

Forecast for Winter Heating-Fuel Prices Lowered

NY judge rules gay couples denied marriage licenses have no right to wed

Florida E-Vote Fraud? Unlikely

Time Warner's America Online Cuts 750 Jobs, 4% of Workforce

Mike Hintz-Another Republican child molester

AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works --It is past time that

Blair challenged to tally Iraq war dead

Emergency Alert: National ID/Patriot Act 2 Legislation On Verge Of Passing

Ohio election fraud uproar blasting to new level

WP: Kerik's Surveillance Activity In Saudi Arabia Is Disputed

Top US Army general calls Iraq war an opportunity for US forces

Rebels Aided By Sources In Syria, US Says

Times of London: Who poisoned Yushchenko? (poisoning confirmed)

As Iraqi weather worsens, troops try to keep warm (Stars & Stripes)

Opium Production Up in Afghanistan

Florida E-Vote Study Debunked

US House Passes Bill to Reorganize Intelligence Agencies

NYT-Justice Dept. Begins Study of Safety of the Taser Electric Gun(Kerik)

Study: PCs make kids dumber

Amway co-founder Jay Van Andel dies at 80

Candidates Officially Request Ohio Recount

Deserters: We Won't Go to Iraq (60 Minutes Wednesday)

Whitewashing torture?

Was DU down for 30 minutes or so?

Simpsons Fifth Season to be released on December 21.

A grammy award to: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog?

All I want for Christmas is... a new transmission?

You're welcome for all the copycat trolls and dregs.

Thanks for all the incessant copycat rolls and breads

Is Seinfeld better than OJ Simpson?

No special recognition when you hit 420 posts?

Buster Poindexter night onTCM 8pm!

Viewer Alert -- 8 PM Eastern on ABC

Buster Keaton night on TCM 8pm!

List All The Jobs You've Never Had In Your Life (I'll start)

What's your opinion of Macy's?

Bush declares war on Iraq to liberate oppressed Tailors

I just paid $308 for prescriptions!

I have a pretty big essay due on Thursday. What should I do?

I am baked.

I'm so confused.

When will the DLC try to stop the Ohio recount?

Do all these annoying DU polls make you want to...

Is this a stupid poll?

fuck security guards

Sundance Channel at 8pm CT ; Fox, Franken, 9-11

I just baked an apple pie. Who wants some?

Documentary about Buster Keaton on TCM right now.

No one ever responds to my posts.

This thread is for HILARIOUS image macros

Bush's New Tailor ...

Fantasy or SciFi?

A-1 or Heinz 57?

Disruptor activity higher before or since the election?

My dog is barking at the wind.

I how to lose a guy in 10 days worth watching?

My definitions on

Window Into a Fundie's Nightmare...

Biggest jerk in the NBA? Here's my nomination


Daisey and Pheobe - Funny Video

Humorus posters my nephew just sent me....

You come home from a gig at 2pm, exhausted.....

Is Seinfeld better than The Simpsons?

A call out to DU Jews

YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Warm sugar cookies!

Going to back Dallas tomorrow. Going to see my B/P specialist.

Just watched NCIS

Happy Chanukkah!

Thoughts on a DVD-R/RW drive for a Dell Inspiron 1100?

what should my 600th post be about???

Do you think that, somewhere in the world, there's a swordfight going on?

Favorite Wrestler

Amazing Race anyone?

Does anyone have high blood pressure?

Do you have a workout routine?

Is There A Worse Tasting Drink Than Diet Vanilla Pepsi?

What happened to LynneSin?

New theme song for Ohio Vote Count.

Haul Away Joe

I just dumped some Fritos on the floor, who wants some?

First Amendment Project Franken vs Fox is now on court TV

$315 Million Powerball Winner Ordered Into Rehab After 2nd Drunken Driving

Woo hoo! I got my first HATE POST!!!!

"She walks, she talks, she crawls on her belly like a reptile"

It's No Game. (Bowie waxes prophetic)

Did you have that "If we're both still single when we're 30...

Looking for a new any suggestions?

Pennsylvania Woman Charged for Home Cat Operations

Pick the Chimpinator's next new outfit!

Listening to "Celebrity Skin" by Hole

Veterinarian who told elderly woman to "rot in hell" can't be punished

I was naked.

Mars, Bitches

Hooray, I got my star!

I'm thinking of getting a haircut. What's your opinon? (pic)

Gallup "Ethics & Honesty" Poll, 21 positions ranked (sorry, no Bush)

I have a laptop and want Wi-Fi, how much will it cost me?

Considering how it was 25 years ago next month that Amb Taylor and the


I;m giving my sons giant millipedes for Christmas

OK so I have developed a bad fudgecicle habit

Any women on DU who smoke cigars?

Parents political views oppose each other or not?

Anyone hear anything about the cat shooter?

Beer or Liquor?

What will the F/X channel do after the SMALLPOX! movie?

Franken is too f*ckin funny

Mods - feel free to delete

I hid Revolutionary_Acts04's paddle

Mods - feel free to delete this one, too

If you were me, and you were stuck at work, waiting for something to be

I've decided to post in this forum

Students Given Overtly Sexual Material in an attempt to demystify sex

Are Jeneane and Sam an 'item'?

Geeky goodness! Just one more week til ROTK: EE

I'm selling my nearly brand new sony widescreen laptop. Best route???

Addicted to DU?

Chocolate Covered Pretzels: YUMMY.

OMFG! I just kicked my ass!!

Computer Question

my 600th post: on crayons and love

What is the first thing you wash in the shower?

Things NOT to do if you expect to live long

I had the stuff scared out of me awhile ago.

What's your birth order in your family?

Whoo-hoo! I have schizo-typal disorder!

Holiday Mad-Lib

Anyone else here like The Fatales?

John Stewart is rocking tonight

Do you have a "right-wing" personal philosophy?

This is just as bad as Looking up the word 'hippie' in Urban Dictionary

Best Simpson...

what is the hair color preference of the average DUer?

I need a blank US map with nothing but states drawn on it.

"Demopedia" Help! What is it? What is wikipedia that it's based on???

My new wheels get delivered in the morning.

To Professionals With Notebook Computers

I have to go to jury duty tomorrow and need to get out of it...

DU is killing me!!!!

'Potty Police' Nab Bladder-Heavy Revelers

Johnson's Motor Car

There's an old Australian stockman lying, dying.

In a couple days I'm gonna have me a 125 gallon aquarium!

If you could have one wish what would it be?

Stupidest name for a diner dish?

frictionlessO will remain naked as long as you keep this thread kicked!

OH NO!!!!! (as the 2 year old says) I am 20 steps away

Circa 1980... "Breakfast in America" Kitsch or Cool?

anchor or bouy

Detroit Tigers Outfielder Arrested For Shoplifting a $29.99 Belt

DU Group Proposal: Southwestern Democrats & Progressives

Name for Hypnosis Business

what worries you more

There's few finer substances in life than homemade cookies

Deceased pets who come back to you in dreams >

HELP!!! I need to find a gift for a friend of mine Western PA hear me

That 70s Poll: Styx or Rush

New photo of KCDem

I just hit 2000 posts.

OMFG! I just won a $215 tournament entry on Party Poker! Ask me anything!


Steak or Chocolate?

HELP!!!!: trying to pound out a new resume FAST

Hey Baby! What's Cooking??

Wooo Hooo Matcom, our Russian brides are in

Things To Do Before The Second Term

OK: Birth Order AND Parents' Political Affiliation

What is on your bed right now besides bedding?

After a great day skiing on Saturday....

More Conservative Than FoxNews

Congratulations nini!!!!!!! 5000 POSTS!!!!!!!!!

Man faces 5 criminal charges after going into a rage after a bad hair cut

Any other smokers trying to quit?

Which Children's shows really annoy you.

Will you be up at 1AM Thursday? Please watch Turner Classic Movies.

What's the worst pair of names you could give your kids?

I am embarrassed, but...

I love soy or Tofu burgers in.....

Maurice Clarett - Your opinion of his situation?

I know what basketball player Sprewell said to that female fan....

Emmet Fox on The Historical Destiny of the US

if one is suspicious or unaccepting of religious indoctrination

John Kerry - Yale (Page 3 of 3)

John Kerry - Yale (Page 2 of 3)

Primary Scab Picker: Kucinich demands Dean to end deceptive ad in NH

What the hell is the deal with Reuters "1000th American Killed" headline?

I heard on Randi Rhodes' show today that

Please lock this thread

Where are the democratic spam e mails??

These NY Dems are feeling way too safe in their seats

Eye opening chart on national debt

Anyone in need of a smile...

Scalia To Synagogue - Jews Are Safer With Christians In Charge

Man who says he developed vote-rigging software details purpose

Perhaps Du'ers knowt his already but the best site for flash media

Hope to see Americans protest peacefully like Ukranians!

Why Can't Democrats Give Reid A Chance?

Programmers weigh in on vote-rigging idea, some details confirmed

what is up with

Developing from Rawstory; programmer/Delay watchdog group

DLC: Us or Them

AP: "Possibility that... Bush did not win Ohio." Green's Cobb says

C-Span video is up now with David Jones and the ad.

Controlling the debate: Subverting the message of the Regressives.

Pic of Bush in his "uniform"---in CA today

Ok, say Dean isn't the DNC chair

What's to prevent them from stealing the next election too?

Lyndon Baines Johnson was the most liberal president in US history.

How to annoy the hell out of a Conservanazi !

check out my run in with a freep

Is it me or is FOX NEWS endorsing Hillary Clinton for '08?

Let's start the "Leviticus 20:10 Law" to freak out the Neocon Twits

McClellan storms out of press conf when asked about 2nd coming

Just saw a guy on Hardball who says that a united Europe is

Winning in 2006 requires that we quit savaging each other in 2004.

Is Liberalism Dead?

NYT: In Europe's Jails, Neglect of Islam Breeds Trouble

[PINR] 08 December 2004: U.S. Retreats from Theory of Democratic Transfor

Ukraine Vote Also a Referendum on Tycoons

Gene Lyons tackles spectator sports

Missing and Presumed Dead! A Memorial to the Unreported News of 2004!

Wigwam worries

The 'Stop Loss' Scam, It's based on a lie

The Advocate: Dear Republican Friends... by Christopher Rice

Jesse Jackson: "In Cleveland as in Kiev "

Who's behind the oil-for-food scandal?

No question here, Kerik's their man

Peter Beinart | Dec 13 '04 | TNR | " A Fighting Faith"

Dems can stand up for rural America , it's past time they learned how.

Your Boss Is Watching

The Indelible Evil of this War ( A MUST READ)

Election protest in NYC this Saturday

ATTENTION ....Northern Cali DUers ..Sunday Sacramento

the time to demonstrate

CourtTV--The First Amendment Project--Truly Stunning Television

Deserters: We Won't Go- (5500 troops) on 60 Minutes tonight

I bought Sirius last night...

Jack Cafferty: CNN Right-Wing Gasbag Asshole

Weapons of Mass Deception: The Movie

Worried about "Housing Bubble"

I think we are nearing the point where we won't be able to float debt.

US Reps. At COP-10 Dismiss Kyoto, Block Linkage Of Climate, Disasters

Higher Energy Prices Altering Americans' Lifestyle

Honda Greenest, GM Dead Last In Clean Auto Technology - UCS

Europe's New Anti-Exhaust Law

400 Square-Mile Red Tide Bloom Reported Off Florida Gulf Coast

US Farmers Demand More Ozone-Destroying Methyl Bromide

Lee Raymond, EXXON CEO, on Charlie Rose

Sun-tzu chimes in #2

Sun-tzu on bin Laden and Bush

Sun-tzu chimes in #1


Question regarding polls

How do we delete our account?

Demopedia password tip:

Nominating something to the home page that's not exactly a post?

Re: Search feature...would be possible to separate "subject & text"

When did the "Name Change Amnesty" start?

Demopedia password

DU Group: Propaganda Debunker

Pls. review mission statement Interracial/Multiethnic group

France praises Israel's 'restraint'

IDF probes Palestinian teen's death during soldiers' hike

AIPAC Probe Intensifies

Is this true? 1,100 (or more) Israelis didn't show up for work at the WTC

AA 11: Still looking for a definite flight manifest

How do you define patriot?

Has anyone been able to log in to the Demopedia? a questionn...quickie here

Letter from DNC today about WA and Ohio recounts

More fraud documentation from Ohio

Ohio Recount = Return of the Orange Terra' Alerts??

I am in the FU*KING Twilight ZZZONE! US support Ukraine on CSPAN!

Do I have tinfoil on my head???

Will the most extreme push too far?

EXPOSING FRAUD: (F)actually (R)easoned (A)nalysis (U)nmasks (D)eception

Jesse getting press at

Let's get Helen Thomas to ask Scottie McClellan about fraud..

Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski's e-voting experience

We're running neck-n-neck with Ukraine - Yushchenko confirmed poisoned

Grand Jury? A hootinholler post

Delete this thread

Feeney and NASA's O'Keefe (I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine)


BRAD BLOG Response to Bev Harris...

Re: Adam Stone, North County News (NY)


Can someone put together a boycott list?

Has anyone seen

WARREN COUNTY SPEAKS!...(kinda).....

Do the states log machine errors?

My letter to Mitofsky.

Clinton Curtiss is on AAR soon! His First live interview- this hour!


The raw exit poll data,why NBC and Olbermann should/could have them

Virginia Wiretap Case Brings Down GOP Leaders

West Coasters, it's starting right now! 7:00 A.M.

So did the freepers freep the election?

What was that site that's airing a live webcast of the Conyers hearing??

Jesse Jackson writes article for the Guardian/UK on FRAUD


Wake up, West Coasters! Fraud Hearing Starts 7 a.m.!

TruthIsAll, where art thou? I need your help with this.

WATCH the Ohio Irregularities Forums on C-SPAN now!

Quick! Someone move the water pitcher from Steve Rosenfeld's face!

Are your Senators and Representative at the forum?

I think I saw our own "William Pitt" at the Ohio Hearings on C-Span.

I missed Arnebeck Did he lay out solid proof of fraud ?

MSNBC NOW - Scarborough Country and SHOUTING ABOUT FRAUD!!!

Arnebeck is kicking butt on CPSAN!!!

What action is next?

What will KKKarl Rove pull out of his ASS to distract from Voter Fraud?

Kerry Campaign Advance Team Having Trouble Getting Paid

Can somebody get a shot of Conyers looking like he's about to..

Update on No Confidence Movement

Moss is up now on C-Span....

Do you think the MSM will be covering this Conyers forum

C-Span 1 on Now! Forum on Ohio Vote! l0:00 a.m. (est) Tune In!


C-SPAN soooo great it's giving me goosebumps....

I thought the Curtis issue was suppose to come up at the hearings?

In 2000, not one U.S. Senator would challenge the electoral results..

Has anyone else been able to access the Howard Dean web stream?

Conyers Voting Irregularity hearings audio on internet at

Clint curtis on Thom Hartman right now!!!

What's Zogby up to?

Madsen doth protest too much...

Bush got 16% of Ohio blacks!!! (says Zogby)

AP story-Poll: Fla. Voters Had No Voting Problems=misleading headline

In light of the recent Clint revelations about NASA, etc.

Call to Republican observers on DU who voted for Kerry....


WILL PITT - From the Hearing

Conyers' Hearings today on C-Span at 10AM! Yeah!


Wexler states that he never heard of any incident where somone tried to...

No repugs on the committee were present


Clinton Curtis on Unfiltered


This just posted by Will at his blog:

Anyone know if the Conyers Hearing will be re-aired later?

Curtis is on Tom Hartmann

Anyone else think the congressional questioners completely sucked?

Was Fisher ever the Dem nominee, or just a candidate?

Jesse Jackson:"Let's not wait for M. Moore to make his next movie....

guy saying he called the FBI. - FBI turned case over to OHIO Atty Gen

Equal Protection

Suggestion: when writing to the press about coverage

Thank C-SPAN for covering the Conyers Hearing today

Write CSPAN and ask for continuos coverage n/t

Kerry should at least show up to this hearing, even if he says nothing.

The precinct I worked only had 2500 voters

Link to Will Pitt's Live Blog of the Conyers Hearing >>>

Conyers hearing....feel like I'm watching a football game!

I'm very disappointed that the GOP couldn't attend today's hearing.

Was C-span the only MSM covering the Conyers Hearing?

If You have TiVo or VCR Record CSPAN hearings and pass it on...

Did anyone hear the Conyers "not seating Ohio electors" moment?

what about a class-action lawsuit


Governor Dean's GWU Speech Transcript

I'm "calling myself out"

How do we continue to spread this info to everyone who is unaware

The lesson from the hearing for all of us "regular citizens" is:

I'm curious, has Franken discussed the hearings today...

They can't both be right? Can they?

What was the case# at FEC Enforcement Query System, Feeny vs Yang Ent.?

Open letter to (some of) the Conyers panelists:

Election Fraud Directory (external)

Worried about backlash...

Just watched the Conyers session: Feeling bad about Kerry

Petition for a nationwide revote

Here Is The Link With The Statement Jeff Fisher Turned Over To The FBI

Wouldn't you love to see

Conyers Forum on Ohio Voting Now Archived - CAN WATCH

DU Programmers? Triad Governmental Systems tabulators find

Will any member of Congress challenge the electoral college vote?

Jesse Jackson is eloquent on CSpan!

randi talking about it now/n/t

House Ethics Committe Should Investigate Curtis Claim

My interview with Jon Bonifaz is up on the blog

Thank MSNBC for Michael Rectenwald NOW! DO IT NOW!

Whats in the Intelligent Bill that they had to hurry through ?

As I watch C-SPAN I see the whole room full of Democrats

Damn, I need a a juicy LBN link on Conyers hearing to send skeptical

I applaud the Dems who stood up today

My interview with Cliff Arnebeck is up on the blog

msnbc is doing extensive coverage

Demopedia Election Fraud pages

INFRAGARD, "Guarding the Nation's Infrastructure"

Have you all watched the film on Must see...

We CAN STILL WIN, and legally too

Randi continues talking now

Link to 2000 media recount in Florida where Gore won? Anyone?

sharper now

C-Span 1 on Now! Forum on Ohio Vote! Thread 2

Election protest in NYC this Saturday

Wired article: Site Bars Black Box Voting Head

Scarborough Country for Dec. 7 --->Transcript

Get Up, Stand Up

US/Ukraine election fraud: Orange works as symbol for both

Palast address on disenfranchisement of black votes (Democracy Now!)

Hackers Join Homeland Security Effort

I sent this to the networks

Here is the link to Conyers' Judiciary Democratic Forum website

Who here is participating in the marches on the 12th?

Jeff Fisher... Jeff Fisher

Election Fraud and BEV HARRIS

What are we going to do about this stolen election?

Have any websites captured preliminary vote counts by state by county?

American Coup : Mid-Term Election Polls vs Actuals (2002)

Greg Palast will be on Democracy Now, shortly.

not just the MSM...many of the left leaning blogs and commentators

what happened to Geo?

Randi Rhodes just said on her show that she has been pressured...

Look how desperate Diebold was to get Ohio contract...

Randi talking about people waiting in line to vote with I.V.'s?!?!?

WOW! Julia Davis-

PASSION - what the repugs are lacking

Anyone know Arnebeck's plans for the lawsuit?

What is the posting time on this board? It ain't EST that's for sure nm

Is there consensus on Curtis yet?

HOW in the name of everything that is GOOD, can an election official

Why wasn't Maxine Waters at the hearings today? nm

is conyers frustrating anyone else?

General questions about Exit Polls

Green Party

Is this the new neo-nazi look???

Bev Harris has not trademarked "clean up crew"

Please take a moment to say thank you

Madsen on "Whispering Campaign" to suppress the truth

Jesse Jackson Jr. Made an Excellent Point about the Constitutional Rights

Are you guys as stunned as I am??? So many contacted FBI

Sharpton just handed Novak his ass

How can the mainstream media ignore this?

One thing we REALLY need is the raw exit poll data. I have no idea how

New Protests/Rallys/Demonstrations Listed!

Just watched the Conyers hearings feeling great about Kerry.

smoking gun on Blackwell, Bush, and diebold

Major fraud in Oklahoma?

American Democracy : Our Finest Hour

What pissed me off about the hearings today........(Nadler in particular)

AP: "Jackson Vow to Continue Ohio Vote Probe" + Kerry Statement...

The hearings on C-span today - now what?

What will happen to the Senators & Congressman that won through fraud?

BRAD BLOG TOO: A Few Curtis Updates and Tidbits...

MSM sightings of the hearing: Post them here

Kerry's popular vote percentage on a slow, steady rise.

I was struck by Arnebeck

Can Kerry or Edwards be the one Senator that the house needs to

Forum is available on C-SPAN archives now

Dean can eat my underwear

Twenty amazing facts about Voting in the USA

BUSTED? Pynchon thinks there's something rotten in Volusia

Susan Truitt, you ROCK!!!!

As I watch CSPAN I ask.. where are the DEMS? :( this is a disgrace ro..

Shutting down the internet?

Will C-Span rebroadcast the hearings? Is there a text-based transcript?

Impounding the Machines at the Conyers' Meeting

Are you Ready to Stand against the Freepers and the Mob?

Dragged back out of the Archives, Major Toms Post on Actionable Fraud

IDEAS.. A comment from the hearing stood out to me.

I would like some help in understanding how a recount would

Curtis on AirAmericaRadio

Mathematicians: Anyone know the significance of this? (Important)

Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, calls it "a faux hearing"

Progressive Leaders and Organizations Failed Miserably AGAIN in Votergate

AP: Poll: Fla. Voters Had No Voting Problems

Military Votes: Were they counted?

Still no reports on MIlitary vote?

So how is everyone feeling about the hearings?

Article on Faithless Electors Watch

"Fahrenheit 9/11" has been nominated by the People's Choice Awards

Most promising words from Will Pitt's interview with Arnebeck...


Russian Election Techs/programmers Working for Enron in Houston

"Project California" - Part 2

THURSDAY: San Diego Protest of Media Blackout: At the Union-Tribune

In Sacramento: No Kings on TV

State Dem priority must be to get ARNOLD out of ANY political office

*** SACRAMENTO *** NOON *** SUNDAY: democracy's last stand

Ok a call to action Iowans, and others

Ed Fallon for Gov? Know much about him?

Mosque in Springfield burning as I type

David Brudnoy doing last radio show tonight

John Kerry's B-Day is Saturday - Sign the card!

Who would you like to see

IE keeps deleting my cookies

How can I get rid of old words typed

Don't miss these DU threads about today's hearing - Ohio Vote Forum

Bad news for Erie Dems...

Tarrant County Texas DU folks....should we try to meet up with

Houston DU Meetup Weds., 12/15 *NEW LOCATION*

Kinky Friedman for Gov. of State of Texas December 12 needs a WI coordinator

Colgate-Palmolive Plans to Cut 4,400 Jobs

Paul O'Neill (fmr SecTreas) discusses TRUTH on Jon Stewart's Daily Show

Gas vs. electric, and where do you live?

In all seriousness: When will the UN and/or the rest of the world

A really good pro choice site

David Cay Johnston (Pulitzer) on taxes -- Streaming with Bernie Ward

Moonie Times: Bush 'disappointing' some pro-lifers

How Will Bushco/Rove Bury the Conyers Hearings Tomorrow?

"One cannot but be struck by the almost cookie-cutter mold"

FDR talking politics, back in the day.

Words of wisdom for everyone

the three topics (at a very minimum) that will start a flame war...

Buxh sure is a good judge of character(s)

Conservatives now want to make documentaries like Michael Moore

Internet censorship

while we are spending billions on killing people

Discussion on provissional ballots just started on CSPAN

Falluja in pictures

Voting Machine discussion following the current one on

Baghdad Airport Rd: "a symbol of Washington's troubles in Iraq"

The mystery submarine identified...

My e-mail to CNN about their poll on scrub accomplishments

Bush chides Iraqi soldiers for lack of initiative...

REAL values now in place in Afganistan....

CNN poll on area where Bush will "accomplish most" in second term

Women in Afghanistan - Report by Amnesty Int.

I am willing to bet Abstinence works.If it is abstinence from war.

George "Mussollini" Bush----"Facism is good for the Fatherland!!!!!"

Blast the Media - Tell Your Friends - CONYERS HEARINGS WEDS 10:00 AM

Why is there not more pressure on George P. Bush to enlist

Just Watched Nightline - Afghani Women Are Doomed

James Wolcott on Al Franken's dittohead Friend, Mark Luther . .

Confidentiality of a Reporter's Sources - Matt Cooper on c-span shortly

Does anyone have the vote total for the Intel bill by party

State Dept-CIA allowing terrorists into the US?

Anybody else just lose AAR?

Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have Liftoff! Draft Howard Dean for DPC

Clinton Curtis to be interviewed this moring on AAR!

what did Cheney say to the troops..that is all aflap now.. was on BBC..??

Falluja: They're eating the flowers they were supposed the toss at us.

'Beckham Nativity' Tableau Outrages Churches (Bush as wiseman!)

Who is nick davis? and is anyone else recieving emails from him?

"...and stay away from the military. I mean it."

"Drug Lords Develop Genetically Modified Cocaine Tree"

Army coverup of torture in Iraq

F*cking Rumsfeld...what a knob-jockey

Hey, weren't steroids ok when Arnie used them?

Houston DUers - turn on the election hearings now 90.1 FM KPFT

Your most hated Christmas Carol....

GPS lets law’s long arm grow.... This is creepy and good at the same time

I (heart) John Conyers

Questions about Kerick.

"I'm dreaming of a 10 trillion dollar deficit!", new holiday song...

I watched Showtimes' movie DC/911.

Feeney and the Federalist Society.

poignant political cartoon for the holidays

Colgate Execs lay off thousands get MILLION$ in perks

My message to Kenneth Blackwell

HAPPY HANUKKAH to our Jewish DU friends

wtf? moonie times commentary: "Is the Bush administration certifiable?"

Buy Blue!

Media Monoliths will Grow as People continue to Pay for the Garbage

Fox News.......Bush adored

A co-worker came to work today wearing desert BDU pants...

This administration can care less about the troops!

Poor mister Blackwell

AAR signs Al for 2 more years.....

Email this Dirtbag

Gold is down $18.00 an ounce today

Why do conservatives make such a big deal about Hollywood?

Dem ahead in possible NY Gov. Race

Conyers on C-SPAN now, 9am CT nt

"Internal travel restrictions"? Already here -- try driving in the SW

USO accuses Al Franken of making fun of troops

Listen up folks, the UCC commercials and the real reason NBC and CBS BLOW

The next question for me,

CSPAN caller tells blacks to stop being prejudiced against Bush

historians- has congress ever refused to acept electors?

I have had it.

Rumsfeld to troops" Tough Luck!/Video

Would somebody please explain to me how we got into this mess

Anyone else having trouble streaming AAR?

The War in Iraq from another perspective

I once owned a Security System called the Dubya-9000

We need to stop being afraid to lose.The Republicans, starting with

No more "big box" designs for Mal-Wort.

deleted (why bother?)

You must read the latest post at The Media Elite blog...LMAO

Jeb BUSHitler, what a piece of CRAP!

How can I convert American Dollars to Euros?

Congressional Hearings: La Rouche Youth Movement?

Links to video of Rummy telling troops to F-off re; Armored vehicles ?

Okay, now that we have Demopedia...

Steve Earle's "Rich Man's War" video now online >

Stewart's "America" Book of the year: Publisher's Weekly

If you aren't watching CSPAN I, Turn it on, call fellow Dems, and . . .

This from K. Olbermann's Blog from 12/05


Rightwing nutz place blame for poorly equipped troops

C-SPAN1: Ohio Vote in the 2004 Election

Bush Gave $20 Million to the Palestinians!

Pentagon sugar coating Rumsfailed's comment on CNN

So were the vote fraud hearings just for show or will they actually

Argentine plastic artist Ferrari does smirk

Poll: Spitzer Leads Pataki in NY Race

Is Voting a Dead Idea - Do we need some other way?

BERNIE'S STUNNER (Kerik alreadys puts $6 mil in his pocket)

I think I missed something important on C-SPAN

Why isn't the Justice Dept. investigating vote fraud, they are the dept.

How did the Republicans during the Reagan Era manage to sell

any one else having problems getting AAR's stream?

AIPAC probe intensifies

evidence bushgang hates children

Can we all take a moment and be thankful for C-SPAN?

The DLC has called Michael Moore "anti-American"

So is anyone else excited about the Earthsea mini series on Sci-fi?

Whats happening to the brilliant Bush team as they depart?

Battle over God in U.S. history class

Bush "Mussolini" photo, huge, on frontpage NY Times today --

Paul O'Neill and Swiss bank accounts on The Daily Show

What did Clinton do to create jobs? How did Bush lose them?

Can we start a collection of inane quotes from the right wingers?

A most excellent response to Rummy's tap dance today (from Yahoo message b

What a coincidence......Stolen election....

Conyers forum....OK are some of these NUTJOBS KKKarl Rove Plants?

Wouldn't it be great if the military turned on these neo-con...

Proposed DU Group needs a few more members

does anyone know the legitimacy of this email?

Rumsfeld tells soldiers tough sh*t.

A Good Use for all the "Magnetic Ribbons"

Anybody got a copy of Elizabeth Edward's post election message on DU Forum

Rush Limbaugh on Armed Forces Radio and Television Service

CNN: Fine tooth comb coverage of the NBA fight

Okay so if someone throws a drink on me

Anybody know what Larry Elder is spouting these days?

Whats in the Intelligent Bill that they had to hurry through ?

Anyone find connections to BushInc in IBM deal

Any Media point out that bush* too scared to....

Is this true? 1,100 (or more) Israelis didn't show up for work at the WTC

Congress can't even pass a bill that simply states their support of

missile defense system question

How fundamentalism hurts societies

John Conyers forum on C-SPAN: Video review

diabolical manipulation of Christian rhetoric

Michael Jackson to open Daycare Chain.

Spyware deletes other Spyware/Adware

Unhand her you freak! PIX > > >

Funny Freeper Protest of the ACLU


Children of Hispanic Immigrants Continue to Favor English, Study Finds

Wow, the media couldn't have been more 1-sided w/NBA brawl, footage is on

Remember the school that "banned the Declaration of Independence"?

Bush's "never ending wars" spells end to the New Deal (that's the intent).

Randi: discouraged from discussing voting

Ticket to the Dreams: Green Cards and the Draft

Zogby Representative at the Conyers Panel

Anyone have sources on GOP attemps to kill NPR/Public Broadcasting?

Is KFC cannibalism? Human and Chicken share 1/2 of genes

Creepy! - Caption needed.

In support of the sanctity of democracy

Memo Ordered Silence in Iraqi Abuse Case

"Disgruntled Troops Complain to Rumsfeld"

10PM EST Tonight CSPAN will ReBroadcast Howard Dean's Speech n/t

Election fraud and read down for other disturbing articles

Free Republic Lawyer Disbarred - HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Phx DUers:....billboard query

AP on Ohio hearings

Another Bush unitedization! Najaf Shiites meet to form own country

Whitewashing torture?

John Lennon was killed 24 years ago today.

Who is feeling confident after the hearings on Ohio Fraud who is not?

Is the United States a democracy?

WTF?: AP reports on Ohio hearings today

PHOTO: "So, come here often? You like cowboys?"

Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary diagnosed with leukemia

How wierd is this?

I saw the Soldier question Rummy on CNN but NBC showed

Corporate Ethics Vs. Societal Contracts

Armchair Commandos support the troops..unless they refuse

Honoring a North Dakota Guardsman's last request

Will the Pentagon punish those soldiers who dared to question Rumsfeld?

busholini* (the pro-lifer!) Kills Pregnant Women and Children!

Just overheard a Freeper discussion at work

"They can't throw us all in jail"

So apparently Clear Channel's plan

Election Fraud Hearing Starts 7:00 a.m. Pacific time: Listen live on-line

Who do you think Shrub will nominate to be the new Dir of Intel?

To cable talk show guests who will be discussing the 2004 election.

We need to step aside and watch the avalanche.

Screw privacy. Put RFID tags in everything

Exclusive: Saddam key in early CIA plot-MUST READ IRAQ HISTORY

WTF.......Chinese firms buys IBM's PC Business

Me thinks DU has an artist group!

Republican scumbag: "Drugs, drugs, drugs; n*gg*rs, n*gg*rs, n*gg*rs"

Which of the the '04 red do you not consider to be true red states?

What state do you think is the most free with the least restrictions?

Do you regret ABB?

In light of the Nov 2nd election, should we abolish the ELECTORAL COLLEGE?

DU The People's Choice Awards

I need a little help on how to reply to this.

'JUSTICE'--an uplifting political movie--Have you seen it?

Word of soldiers coming home with mysterious terminal illness

That Rumsfeld. He's one tough bastard.

Short of impeachment (which is an impossibility), what can we hope for ?

The national ID card system was a recommendation of the 9/11 commission

Florida DU meetup reminder

Can somebody cut through the shit on the Patriot II thing?

they want you to "resign yourself to the inevitability of RFID"

screw the "All Volunteer" Military! make it ALL REPUBLICAN!

DU this Poll - F 9/11

Another day, another obnoxious remark from Arnold Schwarzenegger

I have a question, who the fuck is Karl Rove?

City Hawk Evicted From Fifth Avenue Nest

Ted Rall nails the popular coverage of the Pat Tillman story.

Homeless Iraq vets showing up at shelters

Let's all take a moment of silence for John Lennon

I understand why our candidates are unable to energize our own base.

Mia Hamm to retire tonite. Former coach says:

Church shock at Beckham 'Nativity'

Will Bush eventually start wearing a Commander-In-Chief uniform?

How do you Feel about Immigration?

Who Killed Margie Schoedinger?

Why don't americans care about prisoner abuse?

Post your best ever cheese cake recipe.

Hanukkah Pork

Favorite Pasta ?

O'Reilly vs Canada

Air Force's Top Lawyer May Face Charges (fraternization)

Just Watched Nightline - Afghani Women Are Doomed

Marijuana, tobacco petitions still in doubt in Nevada

He says pre-election violence in Iraq expected to escalate

Evangelicalism: A worldwide epidemic


Roadside bomb wounds six in Baghdad

NYT: In Europe's Jails, Neglect of Islam Breeds Trouble


Fingerprinting to Debut on Canadian Border

Ukraine's Parliament OKs Electoral Reforms

House passes historic intelligence reform bill

Ex-US marine: I killed Iraqi civilians

Bush voter and cultural warrior guilty of adulterous affair with a minor!

Top US Army general calls Iraq war an opportunity for US forces

NYT,pg1:(China) Sale of IBM PC Unit Is Bridge Between Companies & Cultures

Staggered Elections Plan Backed in Iraq

China's Lenovo buys IBM personal computer business for 1.25 bln dollars

Job cut plans accelerate

Pakistan test-fires [nuke-capable] short-range missile

NYT: Freed Captive Tells of Jidda Attack (contradicts State, Saudis)

Stay out of our polls, Iraq warns Iran as vote concerns mount

Whitewashing Torture?

Job Cuts 'Will Be Nothing Like 10,000' - BBC Chief

Docs Confirm Yushchenko Poisoned

Suicide Bomber Kills Three Iraqis, Amid Clashes

EU Holds Out Prospect of End to China Arms Embargo

Home, sweet home for SA coup accused

Fighting Rages in Iraq's Rebel-Held Ramadi

North Korea feared to have 6 nuclear bombs

WP: Insurance Firms Subpoenaed in New Probe (excessive malpractice rates)

Donna Frye on Air America right now! Wants all votes counted

Meeting in Baghdad Presages Outcome of Iraqi Elections

C-SPAN1: Ohio Vote in the 2004 Election

Economic analysis reports Nevada flunking

Women bear the brunt of war, Amnesty International says

Golf Drives Out Military Base in North Korea (enticing S. Koreans over)

AP: Bush Asks Americans to Support Soldiers

U.S. tightens reins on money transfers (specifically $ xfr businesses)

Court Sidesteps Cheney Ruling (Energy Task Force)

Arrest in Omagh bomb inquiry

Bush pressed for more Net security

Bush acknowledges toll war taking on military

Red Cross chief to meet US officials amid Guantanamo, Iraq concerns

Anteon Int'l signs $10M contract with Lockheed Martin (urban warfare train

Wigwam worries

Translators' fears disrupt vital lines of communication ("very few left")

US Buys Flu Vaccine Not Approved For Use

Saddam's lawyer meeting cancelled (they've never met)

1st AD captain to face court-martial in shooting death of wounded Iraqi ma

Dick Cheney makes Shannon (Ireland) stopover

Former Glenrock cop loses appeal of rape conviction

Poll: Fla. Voters Had No Voting Problems

Rabbi spreads Jewish word in Mormon realm

Disgruntled troops complain to Rumsfeld

Intimidation Against Iraqis Slows Rebuilding Work

1st AD captain to face court-martial in shooting death of wounded Iraqi ma

U.S.: Iraq rebels aided by sources in Syria

Syria funding Iraqi insurgents.

Blair Rules Out Iraq Civilian Death Toll Probe

Three die in Japanese suicide (>32,000 last year)

U.S. Combat Deaths in Iraq Climb to 1,001 (grr)

Blair Rules Out Iraq Civilian Death Toll Probe

John Snow has agreed to continue as Treasury Secretary: White House

Sikhism via poster for sceptics

Earlier Report of Prison Abuse - WP

Edwards, wife to attend NH Democrat fundraiser

Gulf states makes noises for security independence from US

Homeless Iraq vets showing up at shelters

Snow to stay at Treasury

Honeywell’s Secret Five Year Globalization Plan Exposed (5,000 jobs)

Yahoo: Dick Clark suffered 'Mild' stroke ....

Gifts Broke Rules, DeLay Trustee Says

Kitty, Cut Loose and Put Out (The Revenge of Smirk)

Survey Shows Downtown San Diego Workers are Being Left Behind

Hoeffel, Rooney considering 2006 Senate challenge to Santorum

Diana's lover 'was murdered'

Man gets 18 months for beating puppy to death

Marines in Fallujah 'Get By' With Armor

ACLU says prison abuse witnesses threatened

Cathay suspends four Boeing 777-300 jets after engine falls apart mid-flig

Five Pacers Charged in Basketball Brawl

Students give Khatami turbulent reception

Bush Gives $20 Million Directly to Palestinians

Holy row over celebrity nativity in London

Zell Miller To Head To Lawfirm

U.S. Senate to Pass Intelligence Reorganization Bill (Update1)

New threat to aviation: food contamination

AP: Veterans Secretary to resign

Many Tennessee children living in poverty

Rio protesters oppose tax-funded 'cure' for gays

Town set to penalize unruly parents

LAT: California, U.S. in a Housing "Bubble," UCLA Forecast Says

Pop music icon Dick Clark hospitalized for stroke

WA state Rejected ballots take center stage

Congress sends intelligence bill to Bush (passes Senate 89-2)

Bush Pushes MLB to Address Steroid Issue (Protectin the legacy o'Baseball)

Venezuela to Create New Petrochemical Co.

Father convicted in circumcision attempt

Hutchinson to run for governor

Missing votes found in machines

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 8 December

U.S. to Require Lap Belts in Rear Seat

'Immaculate Contraception' Ad Withdrawn

Jesus statue the target of vandalism

Dollar rises against yen, euro driven up by concerns over Japans weak econ

U.S. vets from Iraq war emerge at homeless shelters

Rumsfeld Query No Shock to Soldier's Wife

UN Members Back Annan with Lengthy Standing Ovation

WP: Schwarzenegger Lends Women His Muscle

Three killed in NASA van plunge (five people trapped)

God cut from Dark Materials Film

Troops Put Tough Questions to Rumsfeld

Group Wants to Develop National Mall in D.C.

Natural Gas Pipeline Explodes in Russia

US soldiers punished for Iraqi prisoner stun gun abuse

IRA Says It's Ready to Disarm; N. Ireland Talks Stall

Ten Commandments Backed by Bush Administration in Court Fight

California to sue over federal abortion funding ban

Chilean judicial department to rule Pinochet case: Vice President

Four Calif. Teens Charged With Hate Crime

(SUV) Driver who hit teens labeled as mentally ill

Anyone else suffer from insomnia? Any good remedies?

I watched the saddest story last night about parent less children

he's Baaaaaaack...............

The New jigglebells aka Shotgun fire!

Who thinks they might have something that hasn't been diagnosed yet?

Announcement: This is my 400th post! :)

Funniest tattoo pictures! Post 'em here! I'll start!

Scientist Says Prairie Dogs Have Own Language

Is this thing for real?

My cat is trippin!!!

After The Daily Show, On Chappelle's Show, "President Black Bush"

Greatest Hits (HILARIOUS!)

It was an odd day for me food wise. (I ate two out of three meals naked)

Yuck! Shrub poisoned the air I breathe today! Yeccch! Air Force One...

Is there a quick free virus scan?

Cool Jazz Songs ......

So if this is a real lounge with a jailer, I'm drinking glaucocma water,

Don't you hate it when you ...

Favorite Movie Rating?

With this post

Top lounge topics in freeperland. Submissions welcome.

What would you say a Moran is?

Philip Morris (aka Altria) can't hide...Flash animation

What kind of nasty old, 4-month-old type food do you have sitting in your

Here's a picture of my dad protecting our freedom in WWII

Coolest, greatest hard drive in the known universe

What is the weirdest thing ever sold on eBay for a lot of money?

If you are not in PST or workin early... GO TO BED !!!!!!!!


I grow old, I grow old

finally done!

Well, BRAVO Finally Made a Reality Show I Like.

Q: What does it mean when you feel a pinkie in your navel?

Just a song before I go,

Listening to Roger McGuinn and Gene Clark do "Knockin' On Heaven's Door"..


It was December 24th on Hollis Ave in the dark

Dec. 8 birthday people, what's our horoscope today?

Republican Foreplay ?????

And so the day begins

Online School That Gave Cat an MBA Is Sued

Good morning DUers!

According to Ray Taliaferro.........

Anyone else think is no longer funny, but sad?

Yippie!!!!!! 400 posts!!!!!!!!

High Heels: How high?

The Depressed Democrat's Guide to Recovery...

Matcom if ya got some spare time nothing is better than

The "First One Eliminated" CAPTION

Man Wants To Build Giant Model Of "Star Wars" Transport Vehicle

Studs Terkel Appreciation Thread

Financial independence

Outfielder steals $29.99 belt

Itt: please recommend a mattress for me.

I need to change my name to Ouzo-Boozo

Ghostbusters is on - favourite line?

So...I gotta think of a name for something...

Destiny's Child singing 'Soldier' on CBS this morning

One for the early morning: Whatcha listening to?

Police Say Fight Ended With Girlfriend Being Set On Fire

Reese's Pieces or Rhesus Monkey?

Gift Idea:Chantal Thomass designs for Victorias Secret

Parents Pitch Tent, Move Out Of House To Protest Their Children

Dukakis on RateMyProfessors

Are my ribbons tied?

Smirk is making me sick. Literally. My ulcerative colitis has been in

The "Pride and Priorities" CAPTION

pick your poison

Freepers: best used for cannon fodder or shark bait?

Hey Underpants!

When Lifesavers ATTACK!!!

Woman Gets Threatening Letter After Hanging Up On Telemarketer

I saw Michael Dukakis picking up litter this morning; ask me anything.

look at my boobies!

Who came along for the ride? Hey, you can’t come inside!

Aunt Jemima vs Mrs Butterworth - who wins?

Where is the gallery?

Is it faux pas to nominate your own thread?

Check out George in the chow line (cartoon)

Great songs with horrible lyrics

O come let us adore him

Philly set to start fining parents of screaming kids in movie theatres!!!!

tongue 'n cheek-- Vision of Jaysus



Modem Butterfly vs. Aunt Jemima

Rwandan coffee used to make beer

Photos show US presidents at play

Is There A Worse Contemporary Artist Than Kid Rock?

Don't buy anything from Cincinnati Bell!

Fridge Headline Magnets = Hours of Meaningless Fun

Police: Sponge Bob Not Stolen From Burger King - He Melted

Your most hated Christmas Carol....

Holiday timesaver-"Stork Parking"-if you have it

The Holidays Versus the Happy Daze of all CAPTIONS!!!

So, I got an e-mail from the Gephardt people, but the From: was truncated.

so what's bev harris up to these days?

A Christmas poem for those involved in animal rescue:

Dude -- professor studies 'dude'

Saw "Closer"last night & now I wanna marry Natalie Portman!

Mac or PC?

Well, How About Inagaddadavita?

Drew Carey closes Conservative Comedians Association

And what about " Louie Louie"

I'm deeply depressed.

Lawnmower-Riding Man Captured After Chase

Parents go on strike against kids, move to front yard

A semi-tame Downy Woodpecker!

find the typewriter with the "dropped y"

Canadians need to do something about their freaking geese

I'm an Orenthal: I don't own a butcher knife!

Admit it - you can't solve the damn thing either

find the keyboard with the "missing w"

What kind of Facial Tissue do you use?

Saw The Incredibles - didn't like it.

My Amazon order just arrived wrapped in BUBBLE WRAP!

'Immaculate Contraception' Ad Withdrawn

'Skip And Go Naked' Among Beer Party Drinks

Whatever happened to Winona Ryder?

It Hurts To Look At This Picture...

What should we send the wife of a Soldier in Iraq for Christmas?

What kind of Toilet Paper do you use?

It Hurts to Look at THIS Picture

Anybody else lose their AAR stream?

Anonymous Tipster Declines $40K Reward

I'm a Neanderthal: I don't own a cell phone.

Linguist Deciphers Uses of Word 'Dude'

so what does demopedia do?

Anyone else here miss Suck mag?

For my money, there is no better band in rock than Styx.

My "I hate shopping" vent

Whatever happened to Red Ryder?

How Come GW Bush has NOT appeared on any Simpson episodes in 4 years?

'GM cocaine grown in Colombia'

Holy Crap!

Miami Dolphin Finally Victorious - Punches Female Security guard in face

so your preference

Two questions

AIrAmerica Stream.....

Favorite Danielle Steel novel?

My grandfather is going to pass away

PETA lets fur fly with worst dressed list

Does Elizabeth Edwards still post here? New meds news from the BBC.

WARNING: Sexually Explicit Photos!!!

Martha Stewart May Get New TV Show

Jurassic Park - Best song of all time?

Black Man Refused Service By Dunkin Donuts Clerk - Sues For $300,000

Man fights off tasers, pepper spray, K-9s before finally getting 'cuffed

from another chat board.....

Sorry for the self-serving post

Why does Toby Keith's voice vibrate like that of a goat?

self deleted - dupe sorry

I brought my son to work today. Ask us anything!

What New Voting Technologies Will Be Used For Iraq's Elections?

Geeky timewaster

Salary Negotiations(or getting royally screwed)

Canadians need to do something about their freaking bacon

Can you believe this....

A case of the "Red State Blues"


The Lizard King would have been 61 years old today

Favorite Lennon solo album

Amazon Knows WAY too much about me

The Mother Trickster of all CAPTIONS!!!

FYI: Jon Stewart on Larry King tonight. nt

GreenTea makes everything right in the world.

How cool is a country that has a logo?

What do have as your cell-phone ringer?

shopping help

Quick, Name a reason you should not be sent to the cornfield!

Nice cologne, but must you marinate in it?

The Moldy Eggnog of all CAPTIONS!!!

Light a candle now for Conyers and Ohio Electors

What Kind of Drink are You?

My kitchen sink just exploded with water.


New Women's Store Caters To Hookers, Strippers & Other Sex Workers

Tacky Holiday Gift Assistance Needed

In Appreciation Of Sammy Davis, Jr... Happy Birthday!!

Bob Dole hand?

Help me to help you....please

Kitten survives 440 km next to car engine

Hope cross-forum posting is OK. Steve Earle's "Rich Man's War"

Ladies - THE song when it's been one of those days

I just realized the significance of today's date...

Cracks me up every time:

So is anyone else excited about the Earthsea mini series on Sci-fi?

The High Five of all CAPTIONS

Moby Dick

Do you like Dean Martin paintings?

What's Your Favorite Planet?

Pop-up Loophole Opens Browsers to Phishing Attacks

The Onion: Wal-Mart Announces Massive Rollback on Employee Wages

*KICK * this thread

how do you put pictures into your posts?

see what happens when you Leave the Lounge

When was the last time an advertisement enticed you to buy the product?

If you were captured by enemy agents and submitted to torture....

Any "Looney Tunes" experts in the house?

My Dervish Won't Whirl!........Help!

What musicians have made for decent to good actors in TV, theater, films

What drug turns you into a zombie?

How does the relationship between a network and affiliates work?

Man Gets Bad Haircut - Punches Security Guard

Family Of 'Urinating' Officer Says Act Not Malicious - W/Video

Gorillas Pay Last Respects to Leader

If you were captured by torture agents and subjected to enigmas....

Do you like Steve Martin paintings?

Is there a good headset/handsfree system for land line telephones?

TV really was more wholesome then - just look at the Rifleman

My Washing Machine Won't Spin... Help!

Pigs (three different ones)

do you like normal rockwell paintings?

Favorite McCartney solo album

"Love is a many splendored thing"

Dealing with window contractor re: warranty issue - need input



Weaver of words, who lives alone, in fear and sorrow,

How do you spell Heineikken?

Pavement vs Silver Jews

33 Years Ago Yesterday

Tony Blair, George W. Bush and the Duke of Edinburgh as The Three Wise Men

Cat Food Quandary

Attention: Computer Dunces.. I have found a wonderful new tool

24 years ago last week (Dec 2 - 4)

I'm JaneKleebMcLargeRosenPenis. Ask me anything!

"Where'd Binky Go?"

70 years ago today....

My Road Rage Experience Today (in Florida, of course)

So - do you like my new avatar?

John Winston Ono Lennon.

If you were captured by torture agents and submitted to enemas....

32 Years Ago today

Love is...

Anyone seen Moonbeam Starlight?

Apologies to Kathy in Cambridge

ODB's autopsy reveals plastic bag full of white powder in his stomach

need to find mugs with funny sayings

I've never been with a man before.

I'm sixty years old today ask me anything

What Does Recommend for You?

I HATE Office Potlucks!!!

If you were counting votes and had a chance to steer another 2% to Kerry,

Simon and Garfunkel's SIlent Night/7 o'clock news:

Michael Jackson to open Daycare Chain.

I've never lived as a man before. What should I know?

Alaska Democrat needs 500 more dollars for a recount

anyone else Love Argentine tango?

Need plumbing advice!!!

It was December 24th on Hollis Ave in the dark

How does one put a picture on a coffee mug?

It's a Miracle- All the socks paired up

How to liven up an office party?

Name the unidentified f*cktard #1

How does one put a picture of the Chimp in the bowl of a toilet?

Carlin to Vegas: I HATE YOU!


Wireless Mice: Wonders of Technology or A Good Idea Gone Wrong

God, it was unbearable...

The Reach-Out-and-Touch-Something of all CAPTIONS!!!!

May I bitch?

Sid Vicious- Tragic Burnout or Over-romanticized Genius?

8-year old girl Suspended over Jello Shots

Hmmm...Colin Farrell to guest star on "Scrubs" next month.

A bit of sad news: Paddy's great-uncle Ernst passed on last night.

oh my god in heavan. have you seen this yet? i think it's a little old...

Do you suffer from depression?

E Tu Rupert?

Do the Big Eye Paintings creep you out?


Is There A Worse Contemporary Artist Than U2?

Word of warning

Favorite velvet painting subject

James Dean: American Legend? Great or Bad Actor?

Jan Berry: Tragic Coincidence or Poetic Justice?

Support Our Troops

Do You Like Paintings of Elvis on Black Velvet?

For Hey-HEY and other polar bear fans

HELP! My cube-mate bought her sick kid to work today

Oh, won't you take me to...

Gremlins! Everywhere!!

Rod McKuen: Obscure Third Rate "Poet" or Misunderstood Bard of Mediocrity?

Do You Like Don Martin Paintings?

If Kleeb gets to be a lesbian, I get to be a Straight Woman.

If Placebo gets to be a straight woman, I wanna pony.

Why are "Starbucks" so big in blue states?

Dish TV

I am now an honourary lesbian!!

who has an enlarged picture of Bushies new jacket

If Matcom gets to be a lesbian, I wanna be one too

Why the hate for Peckers?

If DrWeird gets a pony, I wanna rock.

Mac OSX experts. Need tech help



Another entry for the Names hall of fame: SOMAN BABY!!

is anyone familiar with StreamRipper for Winamp ??

Eva Cassidy - What a voice that woman had!

you LoungeLizards Need To STOP!!!

I have a lesbian dilemma.

Pet shops offer fuzzy dreidels, kosher cow chew

For all the "this is the worst song ever" threads-a parody of syrupy songs

Admit it: You enjoyed the Pacers/Pistons Brawl

God loves a Perrier

What is the cheapest high speed available?

Can I just give everybody here a great big ol' Christmas hug?


The Saints will be on TV in New Orleans this Sunday

Goodbye, DU....

Pontiac Sunfire

Rockin' DVD night at my place! Which should I watch first??!!!

Don't make me come over there!

Kitty Sleeping Pose Olympics

God loves a terrier.

Word Software

Name one of your personal Heroes/Heroines

I am now a FULL-FLEDGED lesbian!!

"Bush" on Jay Leno

UGH! My cat just rubbed up against my Lollipop!

Wha-wha? Stephen King on the Daily Show

Rummy and Diet Soda

"Wisconsin: Come smell our dairy air!"

Naked thread puts yvr girl over 2000 mark

Anyone out there still believe in sexual liberation?

Worship Me

How to make a link to a picture instead of embedding it in your post

Korean man complains of severe headache

At liturgy today, the sermon was on John Lennon

A Question About Chicken Eggs

Man charged with assaulting store clerk with hamburger

My 2000 th post .

"Les Miserables" is coming back to Chicago in March.

God loves a Harrier

I HATE Orifice Padlocks!

Why Are There So Many Intelligent People in Blue States?

Sex workers, glass blowers and those in witness protection, check in here.

What style of dress do you like best on a potential mate?


The "Once in a Lifetime" CAPTION


24 years ago today!

New State Slogans

Jon Stewart...Tonight on Larry King Live for the full hour!

Is this the worst song ever recorded?

What's playing on President Bush's IPod?

Please help me find a reason to be happy.


Are there any German DUers here? Or those who speak German?

What is the most replies a single thread on DU has gotten?

Uh oh.. There is going to be a fish fry at my house tonight... *OOPS!*

What Song Are You Listening To Right Now?

Oh, great. Our exchange student is freaking out.

Tom Lehrer Musical Genius

DU Group proposal: Propaganda Debunker

There's a new Group in town...

What's The BEST Christmas/Holiday Present You've Ever Gotten?


What Children's Shows Do You Like?

If Your Pets Could Talk... What Would They Say?

downloading attachments with SBC Yahoo DSL

Alright, since everyone else is posting their hormones, here's my

"40" is the new ____________

If you could only put 5 people alive today in hell, who would they be?

I Saw the Pixies Last Night! Ask Me Anything!

Why is Miracle Whip labeled "Salad Dressing"?

Who has cable DSL?

which group of people most annoyed you in high school?

1st Annual Golden Flame Award: and the nominees are:

DU Men, you now have magical powers, conjure up your ideal woman

If you could spend one day in another time, when would it be?

I SWEAR, this really is the worst song ever recorded.

McArthur Park - Best song of all time?

left handed?

Question for PhD DUers.

I need new music to listen to. Please help.

Nashville Duer's -- HELP!

Modem Buttefly vs. Mrs. Butterworth

Do You Like Poker-Playing Dog Paintings?

I've never lived with a man before. What should I know?

Would you move to a Red State to elect a Dem President?


do you like thomas kinkade paintings?

Penn and Teller poll

Why the hate for Hooters?

Favorite Fast Food joint?

I LOVE Texas!

Birthday Card for Kerry

BigMcLargehuge...Lock My Thread!

I signed up as a lesbian last week. And I still don't have my toaster!

Who here plays online poker?

Western Mass. DU meetup

Post in this thread and I will call you an inanimate object of some sort.

I Drop $1,441.75 on Starbucks every year

My site is back up!!!!

Why are "Hooters" so big in the Red States?

Please help stop The Betta Vase

Adah Menken 100 years ahead of her time

Happy winter holidays for those of you who celebrate 'em!

Rio protesters oppose tax-funded 'cure' for gays


Twins sign Radke...Thank God!!!

Kitty sleeping pose olympics

Happy Holidays from my Pets to Yours!

Dec. 8 birthday people, what's our horoscope today?

Happy Dark Days of Winter!

Question about Vet health coverage

Light Up The Darkness blog & web site

I'm really surprised to see all these Kerry supporters here

John Kerry - Training - Getting Ready To Head Off To Combat

Has ANY cabinet member (& above) EVER admitted they made a mistake?

Malloy furious about the proposed slaughter of horses

The Comptroller General should give the State Of The Union

It has closed up in the popular vote

OBL? bushCartel? American fundies? No difference, identical agendas

Whats happened to all the leadership? Strange

I need some help concerning the employer healthcare deduction

Maybe it's just me, but I really don't like attacking Dems

How do we find out who our DNC committee person is?

Funny Cartoon

If I Were A Penguin And George Bush Came Walking By...

It's HARD WORK being WRONG as often as BUSH is.

holy christ- look at Yushchenko before/after he was poisoned!

Emergency Alert: National ID/Patriot Act 2 Legislation On Verge Of Passing

U.S. killed unarmed Iraqis, war-dodger hearing told

Liberalism and anti-militarism do not necessarily go hand in hand

Kitty Kelley and Washingtonian Magazine parting ways

General George W. Eisenhower?

If you doubt the possibility or probability of intentional vote problems

Osborne plans to narrow political future in January announcement

Afghanistan's "Spike in poppy cultivation"...LET FREEDOM REIGN!

This is who * in his new "Uniform" reminds me of...

Patriot2? National ID? Big Brother? Bring it on!

Mancherian Candidate

WhereWe Went Wrong

Have Matt Cooper and Judith Miller of NYTimes figured it out yet ?

C-Span 1: Forum on Ohio Vote.....10:00 a.m. (est) John Conyers!

Yes! C-Span to broadcast Dean's speech....don't know if live. Link.

Very worried about new "Intelligence Bill" passage

This just in: Bush to back anti dope proposal

Reminder:Beware of the Jedi mindtricks on this one

Rumsfeld: "You can have all the armor in the world and still be blown up"

Just sent this email to Candy Crowly

Powell: Europe relations "will improve further when President Bush visits"

Do we need to reissue to the Declaration of Independence to **? Please

Kerry Advance Team not getting Paid?????


Should I get all frothed up about the recount?

Who's the most "under-rated" Democratic President (20th Century)

Ray Taliafero: Why aren't we bombing the hell out of Saudi Arabia?

Hearings? What hearings?

Joe Biden was just on Imus. He's thinking about running again.

Donna Frye fights for mayoral race: needs money now!

One way to get word out about the hearing is word of mouth

Randi Rhodes: "What's the fun of meeting with people who are going to die

Good transcript I ran across from old democracy now program

Who is the most "over-rated" Democratic President (20th Century)

Anyone have a link to Dean's speech?

My political intuition is right

Transcript of Dean's speech today .

Who Was The Most Conservative Democratic President And Why?

I am so disgusted with the news right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Troops Ask Rumsfeld Tough Questions

Republican Billy Tauzin Concedes to Democrat in Congressional Race in LA

DLC is representative of the Democratic Party as a whole?

Friends Don't Let Friends Believe The Lies!

Call Durbin now and make sure Senate version doesn't include Patriot II

Military deaths now exclude many categories....

Spitzer leads in the first poll taken so far

Anyone want to talk to Scott Maddox about the Florida Dems?

Richard Clarke for President 2008

That "values" thing again

Ken Mehlman Outed, Daniel Gurley's Adultery

Anyone have anything against Russ Feingold in 2008?

God help us if Dean isn't the new DNC chair

Your top Senate/House matches (Political Compass Type Test)

Paul O'Neill on the Daily Show

Florida DFAers winning majorities in local DECs. Two examples.

Is John Kerry interested in overturning the result in Ohio??

Trippi for DNC chair !!!

CNN itemizes $388 billion bill, no mention of $2 mil for Bush yacht


Bob Graham for DNC seat?

Dean said we need a 50 state strategy...DLC agrees today.

Larry Flynt nails Rep. David Dreier

C-Span 2 will air Dean's speech tonight at 10:05 .

Soldiers are finally asking questions...

CNN whores for the Pentagon

Pentagon damage control on now.. Live CNN (Now on CSPAN1)

With the Patriot act 2 passing/National ID cards what is next

Big Al is representing the left on Crossfire.

If anyone has to wait approximately an hour to vote....

Will the Democratic Party survive?

We need a "leader" to step forward....

Patriot II, Mandatory Nat I D Cards,Mandatory Job requirement passed House

Heil Bush?

DU is representative of the Democratic Party as a whole?

Will Pitt reports live from the Conyers Hearing

Who was the most radical president in US history?

Who's the most "Under-rated" Republican President (20th Century)


Demand Pelosi's resignation. She sold us out to Patriot II

A friend of mine decided they're now Libertarian...

Why did our House Dems let the Repubs slip Patriot II into Intel Reform?

God help medical marijuana patients if Dean becomes the DNC chair

If you're not pissed at Kerry, tell me why not

Howard Dean: 'The Future of the Democratic Party'

David Jones admits "527" which "took Dean down" funded by Kerry & Gep.

The DNC is meeting this weekend