Democratic Underground

Archives: January 30, 2005

When Bush says "Freedom" he means Fascism

The Bitter End of the Left: Scenes from a wartime inauguration.

Did US invade Afghanistan for Caspian oil deal? [too]

A Brief Guide to the Iraqi Elections

How did the Dems forced a Senate debate on Rice's confirmation?

30 days from today

American economic dominance over?

An Israeli rediscovers his Iraqi roots

Analysis: Abbas has reason to smile

Parents fight to learn why Israeli sniper shot their son

Dems forced a Senate debate on Rice, how about for Gonzales?

Black Baptis Leaders united against "*"

Two Worlds

Repukes want a Voter ID? How about a VOTE-COUNTER ID?

The Unmaking of the President: 2004

Are you willing to indulge me for a Saturday evening Primal Scream?

Never Misunderestimate Letters to the election

This is perverse and WE ARE FIGHTING EVIL, INDEED


Crushing the Coup: Purging the bush theocratic neocon cabal from America

So tell me about San Francisco

Report on your town's caucuses

"A Vote for Granholm is a Vote for Racism"

My address bar is above my toolbar for some reason.

Ohio I.D. question...

Is there an anti-war protest in Houston or NOT?

Feingold tests waters for possible 2008 presidential run

If you were an Iraqi would you vote? Why or why not?

Anyone else having trouble making a call via Cingular?

Attorney General Nominee Gonzales' Stepson Connected to Hustler TV

what is a good virus protection?

How can I see who my firewall is blocking?

enola gay

FYI: Voting in Iraq starts at 11:00 pm EST tonight.

Please de-freep this issue: Can a woman get pregnant while on her period?

Got a Shovel Ready??

How Much Power Will the Iraqi Government Really Have?

I hope insurgents attack Geraldo. (again)

Something I noticed at Free Republic.

Which will last longer: Jacko's trial, or the U.S. occupation of Iraq?

Campbell Brown/MSNBC: "You get the sense something ugly is brewing"

Did anyone watch the NBC Nightly News tonight?

Have I got this GMT thing right with regard to the time in Iraq?

Did You Hear of Georgie's Tour Aimed at Democrats??

If Radical Christians ran America....

We're getting Air America in Texas!

Iraqi policemen (in plain clothes) carry RPGs?

Have you all seen the "Latest" from the ACLU? Orwell's Pizza?

BBC audio interview with Jimmy Carter (including views on Iraq)

Bush and his Brink Policy....

What Do Haiti and Iraq Have in Common?-Chaos and the US

Weapons of Mass Deception - WMD (the film) coming to a theatre near you

Negroponte answers questions on Iraq's election on White House forum

Wal-Mart stinks. Anyone know a good site for info?

(Slovak) Man peed way out of avalanche

Is anyone "exit polling" the Iraq election?

Margaret just said "Reagan befriended Saddam to prevent an Islamic

Karl Rove's plant in the White House press room

Afghan drug trade-Karzai won't "allow" US to spray poppy fields-hmmm

"Turnout down 20%, voters confused by choices."

doesn't it feel good

So, Smirk couldn't sleep one night........

Protecting the Homeland from Pizza Delivery Terrorists

Freaking mega corps - unbelievable

Why the need to run a Senator for President?

What's missing from this story???

New "Red State Road Trip" video posted... more distrurbing than ever!

Will we regret our failure to focus on destroying the "neoCONimperialists"

Nazis aren't that bad really, bush's Grandpa was one, & a senator too

Iraq: The Blue State Cost

US warns American rastas heading to Marley fest of Ethiopian drug laws

Iraq Elections: Farce of the Century

Margaret Carlson today on Capitol Gang

I want to bring Air America to my county, how should I do it?

Do the Iraqi ex-pats who are voting have to return to Iraq?

POLICE WEAR MASKS: Iraq security forces are hunters, hunted

Sunday, bloody Sunday lyrics: Appropriate for today.

Money, Media & the Mess in America

How do you like the new more confident, more relaxed bush?

Anyone know the latest statistics regarding US soldier suicides?

whois ?

Jenna's such a LADY! Caption this:

Congratulations IRAQ....the polls are OPEN....

The polls just open in Iraq.

Will tommorrow be Bloody Sunday in Iraq?

Forgive us our DEBTS and we forgive our DEBTORS.....

Can anyone explain how today's election actually works?

Weird story--military orders up before 9/11

Faux News: "This day as important as the falling of the Berlin Wall"

What was news like before the internet?

What major U.S. media news source tends to be the most fair in reporting?

Made my 1000th post today already (yay!) & now want to discuss Iraq voting

Does anyone...

Official Allawi Victory Thread

When you think "Bush" do you think "Freedom"?

So, Will hell break loose in....44 minutes and counting? (Iraq polls open)

Sen. Intel Chair Roberts (R-Kan) breaks ranks, questions democracy in Iraq

****Caption this photo****

The media's spin of the Iraqi election will be...

Another Bush Halo Picture! Caption this:

Official Iraqi Election violence report thread

Jenna's such a LADY! Caption this:

has everyone seen The Paris Business Review?

US to slap tariffs on EU, claiming unfair rice barriers

This just in from Iraq.. (pic)

America is led by a CONVICT!

USA brings "Freedom" to Haiti-Here's what it looks like

Would you rather have a trial by jury?

The Christian Right is growing out of control!

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Tom Ridge: Another attack on US is inevitable!!! BOOGA BOOGA!

Fisk telling the truth again, election that will 'change the world'

For the record:"US declares Iraqis can't save seeds"-Pay Monsanto or die

Bush Doesn't See Ghosts in White House

Here it is..official PNAC request for the DRAFT.

My 1,000th post. "The Children of Iraq"

Time for a new coffeemaker

Can anyone tell me how to make carrot-raisin salad?

Chocolate chip cookies

Anyone use Mastercook software?

Homeland nominee vetted CIA methods advised agency on legality of coercion

Celebrities at Social Forum plug free software to eliminate divide between

Top Saudi Diplomat Predicts Women Will Vote in Future Elections

In scarred Falluja many will ignore election

US businessman targets fat employees with slim or quit threat

Bush and Brown (UK) head for showdown on debt relief

Indonesian Leaders, Aceh Rebels End Talks (failure?)

White House Has High Stake in Iraqi Vote

California Sen. Barbara Boxer Steps Into Spotlight

Blogger Takes On U.S. Military

Bill Aims to Curb Out-of-State Abortions (by a few thoudand teens)

Violence rages ahead of Iraq vote

LA Times: Governor will seek new donors (seeks nationwide $ millions to..

Opposition strike grips Bangladesh for second day

Bus, Tractor-Trailer Collide/NYS Police term "mass casualty accident"

Questions Persist About Ohio Reservist's Death

Iraq facing threat of bloodbath

Three Electoral Contenders Carry Considerable Baggage -LAT

Mid-East papers scorn Iraq poll (BBC News)

World Bank, IMF make first foray into debate at World Social Forum

Polls Open, Voters File in Across Iraq

Texas lawmakers cancel trip to Mexico amid safety alert

Lip implant tissue link with mad cow disease

Judge postpones serial killer's execution (attorney reprimanded)

Iraq extends emergency laws by one month

WP: Bush Aims to Forge a GOP Legacy

Prime Minister John Howard stands up for Bush

Soros Says Greenspan Lost Credibility in Helping Bush Campaign

"Dangerous" global warming possible by 2026-WWF

Virginia Military Institute to investigate Nazi outfits and other costumes

SEC: Must Be Ready for Hedge Fund Crisis (Reuters)

China has created brand-new form of capitalism: Bill Gates

Christians give Bush ultimatum to ban gay marriage

(Russ) Feingold Tests Waters for Possible 2008 Presidential Run

AP: Sen. Barbara Boxer Steps Into Spotlight

Shell to make history with $18bn profit (The Observer )

BBC admits Iraqi deaths error

Detainees 'beaten to death'

I'm BROWN, I'm STRAIGHT, and I need to SHAVE!

Predict the next GOP Scandal... AND

I'll never call Steers again...

I am being whored to death

I am being Lored to death

what is a good virus protection?

Bob & Doug's mean big brother Dick

Randy Newman on PBS NOW

do you know people who talk about themselves in the 3rd person?

I am being ignored to death.

What a way to go!!!

Psst. Did You Hear?

A friend bought a bottle of absinthe at the liquor store.

I'm Celtic, I'm (seriously) twisted and...and..I must confess

have the forum (viewing) gone skewy for anyone else?

Million Dollar Baby

I have a purring parrot. Does your cat do this?

I am being gored to death

What's next for Bush? Going against a Sicilian when death is on the line?

Cranberry Juice + Vodka

Scream Network (Canada): Vampire movie festival begins Feb 11!!!!

I covet sleep.

"Whiskey for the men, Beer for the horses"

Anybody else frozen in carbonite?

I covet sheep

Best Randy Newman lyrics ever!


Question about fancy cheese and how to present

I now work for the evil Domino's Pizza corporation. Ask me anything.


Minders. The Damn Bush Admin Is Using Minders To Deal W/ The Press


Just got an interesting e-mail via my Soul Express Website.

Can I hear some reviews on the flick "Open Water"?

Everyone, a rousing heartfelt round of applause for Treacher's.

Pixies on Austin City Limits tonight...

Anyone reading Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld?

I love Florida Keys!

I love Alan Keyes!

I am being bored to death

Evidence that Pieface is really a man.

I lost my Elantra keys

Great Republican hypocrisies

I love Alicia Keys

I love Alt Keys!


Ok so I am hyper tonight, and I love it

I love Al and Keys

Quotation for the last Saturday in January...

Good Morning Baghdad! (6AM in Iraq). This is it, folks.

Praise the Truck Farmer! Bow down before him!

How to keep the peace for just $2.99

Read DU, then watch TV

Cat Cruelty, Part Deux

let me take you down

are you supposed to soak the rag in a molotov cocktail, or leave it dry?

how can i try to explain?


Should I watch "Chupacabra:Dark Seas" on SciFi

For the Saturday night crowd, here's my retaliation for that "Disco Duck"

Penelope Cruz. Is SHE hot hot, or not not?

Favorite Impressionist

I'm Too Fat To Be Gay.

The sad thing is that I've had actual conversations just like this

You know what?

Is anybody else here used to another board?

So yeah, I'm sitting in a room

Just how sick have I been these past 48 hours?

Just how slick have I been these past 48 hours?


Is it always wrong to generalize?

More great Randy Newman lyrics

Queen, Ween, Bean, Gene, Dean, Jean, Keane, Lean, Mean or Teen?

Why Do Some Threads Get So Many Replies?

Kleeb? More like WEIB lol


SNL is a repeat...Colin Farrell guest hosting.With Scissor Sister.

"We Polled A Recent Studio Audience And Got The Best Response To This..."

I'm too gay to be fat

In the Whitehouse, the mighty Whitehouse, the Chimpy.......

I'm eating a Cheeseburger in paradise with a son of a son of a sailor!

Who is this KLEEB?

Most trivial invocation of God's name

I have got my OWN computer!!!!

Yeah yeah yeah yeahhhh

Look at these Diebold voting machines in Iraq:


The "last updated date". How is it that the time is 6 hours ahead?

The yeah yeah yeahs

I'm too fat to be gay

Any other Dish Network subscribers having TV trouble tonight?

This SNL is a re-run, right?

I'm your mamma, I'm your daddy, I'm that nigga in the alley

Boxing on HBO

Have you ever had a friend threaten a DU intervention?

Lot's of soul searching in the Lounge tonight.

OK! Who brought in a cat in their shoe?

Always single: Ask me anything.

Somethings wrong with my dog!!!!!

Okay, Kleeb, Progmom and Rev. What you got for me?

THE PIXIES are performing on Austin City Limits on PBS right now

Newly Single: Ask Me Anything

Sporks ....CHECK IN!!!

Make instant mashed potatoes

Saturday Night's Alright For...

Has anybody seen my good friend Abraham...

Before I go to bed, here's a little something for you RIGHT-WING LURKERS.

Pixies on Austin City Limits

Well, THAT was fun

So, I have all of these great songs...

Manchurian Candidate

Chrissie Hynde Is Great

Dorks check in!

Let's get one thing straight: Oasis SUCKED!

Let's get one thing straight - Midnight at the Oasis RAWKED!

Salma Hayek: Hot, or really, really hot?

What are your favorite oxymorons?

I'm getting ready to watch "Fahrenheit 9/11".

Has anybody here seen Hank?

Name your favorite 60s-70s-80s rock songs.

I'm so fat I have to be straight

Try my blog. Stuff on the hypocrisy of Bill O'Reily and more!

Is anybody here taking a prescription diet pill with a large pizza sub?

Look here!


Annual checkup for my pets today

JimmyJazz listens to Anita Bryant!!!

Everyone, a rousing heartfelt round of applause to teachers

Can I tell you the funniest thing that's ever happened to me?

Best WHO song

Any spoilers for that new Clint Eastwood boxing movie?

As a matter of fact, I *do* know the half of it. Any questions?

Free-Association Thread

Top ten favorite movies of ALL time?

Oasis had five platinum albums when they were together.

Should I be ashamed to love art that could be interpreted as pedophilic?

best term for mythic mischevious little people

Univ of Oklahoma fan (PIC)

I had a boyfriend in college who could speak Russian fluently.

Never leave the Oreos out on the table if your dog likes them

SNL is a rerun. Let's flash back to the October 4, 1997 episode.

I grew up eating Ukrainian food,and still love it.

Child Custody Protection Act to stop out of state teen abortions

I confess, I dated a " Cockette",

I watched Paragraph 175 today

I....Just got home from the KU vs TEXAS game...

Really, really stinky cat poo - help!

Help ! For a dry, itchy dog ...

BehindtheAegis or anyone--last night's dream...


Town Democrats plan meeting

Check out C-spann

Calling WLS, reaming Condi, Powell and corporate media

Fisk on the Iraq Election

Who is your pick for 2008?

ABC News: Sen. Boxer Steps Into Spotlight, Blogs Pick Her for President

Yet another '08 poll, sans Hillary

Boxer needs our support on the Yahoo Boards...

Project for the new American Century out with a new letter

Again Cultural Insensitivity Marks US Efforts To Reach Out!

CNN hyperventilating over elections, looking forward to the violence

CNN to offer o Primer on how the Iraqi election works -coming up after

Watching TV news today--it is all about the glory of Bush one way

Pearl on Joe Scarbourough NoW

An Edwards/Boxer ticket could be awesome!

PLEASE vote NO on this poll for Ahhhhnold for President

Iraq runs out of the little "I voted" stickers....

Free ITunes Song, "When the President Talks to God" Must have

Allawi WINS!

We just got the call.

Divide and Conquer; what are our chances?

If the nomination in 2008 was between Gore, Clinton or Warner

Sunday: NBC's "Meet the Press" - Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. (nt)

Photo of the next President of the United States, News

Thomas Sowell mocked protesters, here is my LTE

Scarborough's lies against Clark and other Dems: watch out for this tactic

Should we boycott the corporate media?

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE Boxer...but...just but...

Kristof: Those Friendly Iranians

The al-Sistani factor in Iraq election

Iraq elections, a solution or sedition?

Now Playing: 'Anybody But Dean, Part 2'

Torture Chicks Gone Wild or "The Geneva Monologues"

A True American Hero - Dahr Jamail

Dana Stevens on Margaret Spellings and "Sugartime"

Greenspan and His Inner Circle Guide Destiny of Millions Behind Ornate

Delusions of grandeur at "Focus on the Family" (from Bloggermann)

In Interview, Bush Belittles Gay Parents

Time to stop using the word "spin"let's start using the word "torque"

Real Freedom Still Far Off

McNabb shoulders unusual burden (McNabb, Rush, and Armstrong Williams)

Bombs, bullets, ballots, by Oliver North

Human Rights Investigation Calls Haiti “More Violent and More Inhuman”

One died for rights; the other raised her children

And Now a Critical Moment: The Press Sizes Up the Iraqi Election

Iraq has history of democratic elections

Brief Guide To The Iraqi Elections

Carlysle group owns 'robo-soldier" and also Anthrax vaccine co.

Torture Chicks Gone Wild, Maureen Dowd

"Why I am Obsessed With War" by Harry Browne (f**king brilliant article!)

Has political correctness gone too far?


Amy Goodman is coming to Dallas, Tx on Feb 18th, Please help

Ideas to counter the freepers

Constitution says Bush should be impeached

Why does our Media not have doubts about election? Mitteldorf, Ph.D doubts

Media frenzy to erupt as Jackson trial begins

my email to Tim Russert

Sunday sermon: "The Godly Must Be Crazy" author speaks on environment

Record Arctic Ozone Loss Possible In Coming Weeks - BBC

Outgoing Shell Boss Seeks Post With Climate-Related NGO - Times of London

UK Climate Strategy Has New Focus On Adaptation, Not Prevention - BBC

Lack of snow cancels annual Race to the Sky

Which Democrats and Republicans actually served in the military?

The grammar of the Second Amendment

A special plea for unity in the gun dungeon

For the record...

Are we allowed to call someone a "Freeper"? Someone recently posted to me

Can we have an election 2008 board....

Have you changed the number of posts required

About a post of mine

Ignore list

I have been a DU member

getting a star

The Most Important Democratic Underground Forum Ever

How many posts do I need to send a private message?

PA official: We will deploy in 4 West Bank cities Wed.

Hamas Victory Rally Erupts Into Shootout

Time to break the mold

Israel promises U.S. it will check E. J'lem land seizure

WP Opinion Piece Claims Europe Fixated on Israel

Border Police plans to destroy Arab neighborhood in J'lem

Paper: Israel Report Shows Illegal Funds

Looking for photos of engine found at UA 93's crash site

To Those For, and Against, MIHOP, Please Kindly Help

No Tweed & Thompson this week

Pantagraph: Democrats urged to help party's image

Okay, so what's the consensus on Sosa?

Chicago Sun-Times: Donations and deals raise eyebrows

Governor intervenes on behalf of laid-off, handicapped IDNR worker

State Journal-Register: Governor to target child-support rule

GRAPH: Kerry state exit poll deviations as a % of Margin of Error

We Need More High Profile Voices For Edwards?

NashuaAdvocateBlogspot - Shut my comp down twice - HELP

A Boxer comes out swinging

Looking for background info on 1818 electoral college challenge...

From Mark Levine's INSIDE SCOOP Today's Blog..........

Warren Stewart to review NM votes, plus Ensign bill - live on radio

Meanwhile in Washington - Republicans on Democrat Felon Hunt...

(AZ) 27,878 Provisional Votes thrown out.

In iraq they get paper ballots and see through boxes

Sunday 1/30 Election Fraud, Reform, & Updates Thread

The Nashua Advocate: G.O.P. Election Reform Bills Drop Like Bombs on U.S.

Green recount volunteers found signif. irregularities inmost Ohio counties

This will make you mad --"Voter Intimidation - Ohio v. Iraq"


(CO) More Ballot Scanning Trouble

TiVO-DVDs and tapes-again.

Math Guys: Are the ODDS 1 in a TRILLION or 1 in 10 MILLION?

The Nashua Advocate: USCV Report Drops Bombshell -- Mitofsky Is Wrong

To those co-sponsoring a Republican designed "electoral reform bill"

John Kerry on Meet the Press...

Please give me an opinion on my first newletter to friends and family

Observations From Orlando Election Fraud Hearing 1/27

JK:"We were rising in polls and then went flat before Election Day"

Machine Mis-calibration, Malfunctions and the Bottom Line


Lets find a way to get complete election fraud info to Seymour Hersh

"Don't Outsource Democracy" Lawsuit To Be Filed

BITCH COULTER FIRED! "Final straw: during elect when she attacked Cleland"

US Senate Exit Polls == Why are they so different than Presidential Poll?

Schwarzenegger bio on A&E tonight

I was asked to post this here...Let us know if you see these Billboards!

RAGBRAI takes northern route for 2005

Mass dem platform delegates register here - meet-up in Lowell

Gov. Pawlentry gets nat'l attention for his "Welfare Healthcare" meme

Considering WiFi - total newbie needs advice

Interesting web site for Texas political gossip

I had no idea the Texas Republicans were such an evil bunch...

Vo Still Standing: Challenger Should Withdraw

Austin: Meet Vo at Meetup

Lawmakers push state ethanol mandate

Fahrenheit or Celsius

Faux News: Iraqi election flower pot watch

Here Is a Great Cartoon Please Wait For The End Hope You Like It

Do they have to walk 10k to vote?

Dawn (A Poem Close To My Heart)

I keep hearing there are 14 million registered voters in Iraq

Neocons-Neoconservatives and PNAC

Dupe post. Sorry...

Suggestions for Dem DVD

Outcome of the Iraqi election

Has anyone explained why 60 million ballots were sent for 14M voters?

Wow, FOX/CNN live coverage of the Iraq election is pathetic.

L.A.'s the Bait; NFL Still Hasn't Switched (LAT)

Critique a half-finished "Democratic Majority" graphic?

Global warming-Ebola-AIDS. Is it earth's way of saying "F*** you man!"????

Before Sept 11, 2001..(remembering how it was)

How does one go about buying "Euros" ?

Allawi Wins!

Changing the definition of science?

Today's Sermon: How bush suckers Christians

"Teens arrested on murder charge" Should the death penalty be applied?

The pentagon IS the media in Iraq. We will never know real numbers

US and Coalition forces kill 60% more civilians than "insurgents"

Whitman: GOP foiled security efforts

Benito Mussolini on Fascism: Should Sound Familiar to to Us...

The Question that needs asking...Why do they torture?

Some have already read this sorry if duplicated but this bushit!

Prob. a stupid question... but ill ask it anyway... Where do we get all ..

So if the elections "go well" will bush ever shut up?

Baghdad Bob has morped into Iraqi election officials.

CFR dolt on NPR painting picture of "big win" for Bush administration

Taser Training

Today's RW meme: 'better than expected'

Iraqis are NOT voting for a new government! They are NOT voting for a

How's Kerry doing on Meet the Press? I'm dying of anticipation...

Will rightwingnuts ever have math skills to realize MORE SHIA hate bush,

Bush was right. The elections have spread freedom like wildfire .....

14 attacks 36 died so far in iraq

Trolling for gaffes & screw ups in tonight's C-span interview of bush

I am looking for a copy of that MORAN picture

Looks like Condi-Liar is everywhere except MTP this morning

What aspect of the Media Whores/Pundit Payola irks you the most?

John Kerry on MEET THE PRESS today

No Food For Troops Ordered To Be At Inaugral; From A Mother On A Blog

A different take on the elections

Anyone remember the BIG Election in Vietnam ? 1968 I think?

Iraq Will Elect a Shia Govt.? Bush Is Itching To Attack Shi'ites In Iran?!

"better than expected" is a US media meme. Foreign news is not using it.

'What a bloody charade'

'Crazy' teddy row hits US state

43% of Iraqis vote amid violance

The Mystery of the Republican Party

When I saw this, I thought of the way the United States is

Condi is breathless with excitement. ABC

Anyone have links to the #'s of abortions ...

MSNBC whoring "the vote" in Iraq...

Iraq-It's the Economic Conditions not the Elections-CPA Orders Stand

How many Iraqis registered to vote?

How does ANY truth exist when ALL reporters are imbedded.

I wonder if FAUX news cover this Iraqi election

Pinochet security service chief imprisoned

The grammar of the Second Amendment

Meanwhile back in Afghanistan

has this been posted before, if so sorry. found it on Micheal Moore's site

What will the US State Media say in 2 weeks???

"Support our troops" ribbons

It's kinda cute how Americans think elections = "road to democracy"

American Enterprise Institute--They're everywhere.

Was Diebold et al involved in the Iraqi elections?

The Iraqi people were brave, a toast to them

Kerry on Meet the Press

bush talks in 1 hour-CBS(at 1pm Eastern)

Freedom in Wonderland - Must Read

Good Voter Turn Out/Lessons...

'80's, '90's, and the image of the sixties

I BETCHA this sham of an "election" will be...

I am feeling exactly like I did when Baghdad fell... cognitive dissonance?

Next on CNN....Ahmed Chalabi.....Remember this criminal???

Ku Klux Klan robes auctioned for up to $1,425 in Howell, MI

US (neo-con) foreign policy in a picture

Breaking - Chimpy to speak LIVE about the Iraqi elections

World Economic Forum dinner

Doonesbury pulls characters out of Iraq

Please post every talking head you saw make the 72% turnout claim.

smirk has won another one - has put american blacks in chaos

I believe the 72% turnout claim, about like I believe the Bushco claim of

Bush* speaking so soon may backfire on him.

I need help and fast in Dallas, Amy Goodman is coming on 2/18

Does th 72% voting

Iraq, according to Nightline and Ted Koppel

Has Bushco overplayed its hand with the Iraq "Election"?

SNL and the Bush Twins/Video

The entire country of Iraq is 'Locked Down' ---Free Elections????


AP news NOT chanting the bushCabal mantra! No bush cheque???

Is the Iraq "Election" the greatest Propaganda exercise in U.S. History?

Army hangs banner of instructions in Iraq

Perfect comeback for any and all liberal pundits on screamer shows

Michael Graham whores himself on eBay!

Pres. Cheney's Attire at the Auschwitz Ceremony, Bad Form or no Biggy?

Yay! We gave Freedom™ to Iraq! Only 10,000 casualties & 1/4 trillion $!

a mother leaving to go to work

Spanish American War tax might be put on internet use - really

a TV commercial on taking back your vacation, did I hallucinate it?

Caption This....IRAQ VOTE

The Magna Carta- birth place of democracy?

Bush is about to commit the ultimate Iraq

Was the Iraq election illegal ? (Under the Vienna Convention)

Alert: CNN is outfoxing Fox on Iraqi elections.

C-Span NOW Iraqi Elections (LIVE)... hosted @ Nt'l Geographic...

Group Wants Lawmakes to Give Out Chastity Belts

Backtracking; Anyone got 50% yet???

Millions Vote in Iraq Despite Bombs...Did they stand in Line 10-12 Hours?

*WARNING* Michael Jackson releases trial video

"Lets not jump to conclusions , lets just do the reporting...."

Has anyone else had trouble getting Air America today?

Elections sole aim to lend legitimacy to invasion and war crimes

Is bush having another "Mission Accomplish " moment again?

Proof of Fraud

Troops in Iraq redeployed to protect us from SpongeBob.

Please take care of these flamers....

Read last line of this article (Annan's son's oil confession a non event)

Somebody answer me this please

We got duped

I am thinking of selling everything buying an eco-lodge in Costa Rica.

Halliburton pulls out of Iran-Business environment "not conducive"

a stunning upset in iraq elections

James Dobson.................. I need help on this DU'ers

the Iraqi Information Minister quotes - the jokes on U(SA) now!

Hillary, Daschle Helped Bankroll Dem Radio Hosts

The Bush'* Idea of Democracy...

Fear not, these CRACKPOTS can be saved

after a whole day of not having the tv on out of disgust

How do you feel about the Iraqi election?

Alert to those of you wishing to see CBC's doc. on the media in America

This is crazy

Bush has just been rebooted, y'all

Lying Monsters. I am so sick of them.

The "elections" are over- can we go home now?

Are there any mother/parenting boards that are liberal

Immigration Policy: B* vs GOP Round 2

you know, if Chalabi got a tenth of the press coverage given other felons


So let me get this straight. When F9/11 showed people in a cafe...

Does any other "Free" country have a Fox News-like Network?

U.S. Soldiers going around asking people why they're not voting

My relative sent this insane e-mail.

I agree with Juan Cole's latest blog entry...

Who won in Iraq?...

And, now for a little levity - Olbermann swipes at the Focus on the Family

Listening to Kerry on Meet The Press

How Do We Fight Against The MSM's Iraqi Election Propaganda?

10 million mexicans living in US. 250,000 in Oregon

Any ideas on this? Strange added bar-codes on magazines?

Polls deserted in Fallujah, Ramadi, Beiji and Azamiyah.

Vo Still Standing in Texas: Time for Republican to Withdraw

One of Iraq's four Ayatollahs opposed the election

Isn't it ironic?

So who exactly are the candidates running in these elections??

What is the conservative mindset concerning the war?

"Bush to Parents: 'Turn Off Indecency' "

Jed Babbin and Lynn Woolsey on MSNBC 5:15 ET: Paraphrased fist fight

'We are in Iraq at the request of the Iraqi government???????

How turnout shows the Iraq civil war to come, not democracy

The Emerging Picture

Wish for fair, accurate, honest, widespread elections in Iraq in one hand

A "Free" Election . . . Under An American Occupation

But hey, the U.S. 'security' worked as planned. "Only" 40 or so killed.

Let's discuss Mann II

Now that Iraq has had elections

FOX (Cavuto): "Big Macs in Baghdad?"

So the election was an overwhelming success

We are marching toward total corporate governance

For those who have Pagan beliefs

who is next?

Do we get ANY truth out of Iraq?

Lou Dobbs said someting about this is the first step toward Iraq becoming

Bush to Save SS!!!!

Will other countries in the ME demand the right to vote ?

If Iraqis are brave enough to vote, they can protect their own damn countr

the enola gay sits benignly on the nh me. border in portsmouth

Republicans Prepare Anti-Abortion Agenda For 109th Congress-Scripps Howard

You know what election I'd like to see in Iraq?

MSNBC: "8 million Iraqi's cast votes today"...1.5 million out of country..

DR. Rice warns Iran: IRAQ is not happy with you!

If the US pulled out of Iraq in say November

MUST SEE !!! - If You Missed Cy Hersch On Democracy Now, Here It Is:

Taser used on 75-year-old woman in S.C. nursing home

I believe the resistance chose to melt away during the election

Gerald Flurry? Religion, Politics & Propaganda

Dick Cheney and the Inauspiciousness of January 30th

Has anyone seen or heard about a study that concludes "some " alcoholics

For those of you who think DUers want failure in Iraq, here's the deal:

Help me on this re: Dr Dobson and Dr Phil

``The ol' dollar, it's gonna go down.'' - out of Gate's mouth

Anybody else getting tired of "...democracies don't go to war with

It is time for everyone to revisit "The UnHoly Alliance". Everything

I give up!

Do you consider civilization to be "progressive" or "circular"?

What was the article on Uncle Mike's story time on friday?

Faux News witch compares Iraqi elections to 1776??

'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'

DR. Rice on FOX: "We are in Iraq under UNITED NATIONS mandate" oh & 9/11

OKAY here is the perfect NCLB talking point

A poll regarding the vote in Iraq

Trouble with Anti-Bush site:

Comments Please: It's the Right Time to Bring Our Troops Home Now

We have been waiting for something to blow up in Bush's face..

Why on earth should we be happy with a sham election in Iraq?

maybe a good thing happened today in Iraq. I dont know

DU this poll

So, there's NINE BILLION DOLLARS missing in Iraq

A question about veganism

enjoy today... ALL MEDIA ENDS tomorrow, you know....

WAKE UP, Workers of America - They Have Declared WAR ON US!!

Alcoholics shouldn't be allowed to adopt children, since studies show that

DUers rooting AGAINST the elections??

Fox News reporting 57% turnout in Iraqi elections...LOL n/t

Conservatives say that we won't leave Iraq if the new govt. asks us to.

Do we live in a free country?

OK...Looks like the vote counting in Iraq is up to Ohio standards...

Gooooood morning, Iraq! (cue Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World")

Does the "Jeff Gannon"/ Talon News story have legs?

So I chose to lose a GOP Bush voting (though Boxer too) friend over...

All time favorite protest songs. Nominations please.

Guess WHO is behind the "72% turnout" bullshit?

Chertoff's client Dr. Elamir - brother Mohamed has ties with bin Laden

18-year-old student sues over paddling

Something I Need To Bring To All Of Your Attention!

'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'

Black Baptists for 1st time in History Unite & Oppose Smirk Policies

Why do I always get spammed from this website?

Anyone here get new TIME mag on 25 most influential evangelicals?

Females/ Mothers... how many do we have here?

Are you thinking of becoming a Bush Refugee?

Michael Jackson is a Victim of Racism....Discuss

''Kill yourselves, seriously.....''

Hollywood Producers Racist Accuses Halle Berry

my new mixer--- creaming shortening and sugar

Anybody make beef jerky?

Cooking Tips & Lore

Cop wins RCMP settlement after highway search

One World: The Concert For Tsunami Relief, Vancouver

Sadr Group Warns of Post-Elections Sectarian Conflict

Researchers say they've cracked security system used in millions of cars

Texan craved front-line duty

Iranian (Foreign Minister): 'No Rapprochement' With U.S.

(U.S. Appointed) Iraqi president casts one of first votes in polls

Iraqi Shi'ite Cleric Urges Election Boycott

BBC: US oil companies return to Libya (shocked ... I'm shocked!)

RCMP reach settlement with off-duty policeman

U.S. Is Close to Eliminating AIDS in Infants, Officials Say

Habib may seek compensation

AP: Iraqis Vote in Election, 17 Die in Attacks (3 suicide bombings so far)

Reuters reports bomb goes off in Western Baghdad polling place

Bombers target Iraqi voters

Gun battle rages in Kuwait City

AP: At Least 27 Die In Attacks At Polling Places

Iraqis vote amid mounting attacks (BBC)

Russia: Russia-U.S. ties threatened by Washington's Cold War attitudes

(While visiting the White House) Chris Rock hidden from President Bush

Bush Aims To Forge A GOP Legacy (Undercut Democratic Pillars)

Report: Firefighters Arrive Later to Scene

State GOP discusses 2006 strategy

Reports: Bomb Explodes in Hotel in Spain

Zarqawi And the D-Word

'Crazy' teddy row hits US state

Freed Briton reveals horrors of life inside Guantanamo Bay

Prayers ride shotgun on U.S. convoys

MSNBC whoring "the vote" in Iraq...

Summary of attacks on election day

Albritton Live from Baghdad on Election Day

WLIB News -- C130 Transport Plane down north of Baghdad

Blast hits Basra Voting Station

18-year-old student sues over paddling

AP: Iraqis Vote, 31 Die In Attacks

KKK paraphernalia auctioned in Howell (MI)

Italy to air pogoing Pope cartoon shelved by BBC

Iraq Electoral Commission backtracks on turnout (60% from 72%) - 44 dead

Bush getting set for State of the Union speech focused on Social Security

US sees 'great day' for Iraq but predicts more violence (no US withdrawal)

Market cautious of Social Security plans for privatization

"Why one state ditched public pension switch"

Zarqawi Group Says 13 Suicide Bombers Hit in Iraq

Blair speaks! (video tape on CNN right now)

China and Venezuela sign oil agreements

Have you noticed?

Baghdad's Green Zone Is Center of Infant Democracy

Aljazeera: Confusion surrounds Iraq poll turnout

AMS critical of Iraq elections

They Invested Years in Private Accounts (Chili, Bush, Soc. Sec)

Iraqis show mixed response to polls (aljazeera Arab newspaper)

US troops will never overcome insurgents, warns senior officer

Ephraim Kishon, Leading Israeli Satirist, Dies at 80 in Switzerland

"Iraq election declared 'success' "- mostly peaceful other countries

Austria's Uneasy Government Coalition on Brink of Collapse in Dispute Over

Greenspan and His Inner Circle Guide Destiny of Millions Behind Ornate

* interview with Brian Lamb, 8 & 11PM est, CSPAN

Rationalizing war, its financing

OPEC Warns That Oil Prices Will Stay High

Watchdogs berate Congress, Groups call for whistle-blower protection.

Top German Judge Says Far-Right Party Ban Possible

Muslim anger at terror plot in TV drama 24

Vendor plan for Medi-Cal criticized (CA, privatizing w/dubious firm)

Statement by the President on the Iraqi Election

Acting N.J. Governor Bows Out of Race

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Halliburton to pull out of Iran !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regression after 'Year of the Woman'

Rice: Iraqi Voting Exceeds Expectations (Kerry quotes)

Spanish hotel rocked by explosion

Iran expects benefits from democratically elected Shiite government in Ira

U.S. government is invoking the powerful state secrets privilege

Reports: Bomb explodes in hotel in southeastern Spanish resort town

Halliburton to pull out of Iran

Hollywood Producers Racist Accuses Halle Berry

Blair: Troops die in Iraq crash

British C-130 Military Transport Plane Shot Down In Iraq (unconfirmed)

At Least 232 Civilians Die Doing U.S. Work in Iraq

Two Years After Columbia's Demise, Excitement Over Shuttle's Return

Aljazeera: Iraqis show mixed response to polls

Back from Iraq, ailing Marine fights for his life

Money behind No. 1 hits raises crucial eyebrows | Tennessean

Dangerous Global Warming Possible by 2025--WWF

Boxer is likely to oppose confirmation of Gonzalez

Iraqis Brave Attacks; Voter Turnout High

Venezuela's Chavez Heads to Social Forum

Security in Iraq Out of US Control

Al Jazeera Voted Top 5 Brand, Apple Pips Google

Only 150 voters out of 600,000 so far in Ramadi, Iraq

Bill would ban fast-food suits

1,000 Say Goodbye to Slain Wal-Mart Clerk

Donors overlook tsunami-hit Maldives, UN warns

Venezuela and China Sign Oil Agreements

Annan urges UN to consider sanctions on Sudan

Iraq Minister: Allies May Leave in 18 Mos.

AARP: Don't mess with Social Security

Bush to comment on Iraq election -WHouse (1 p.m. EST)

232 civilians die working for US in Iraq

Ankara may not Recognize Election Results in Kirkuk

Turkey Calls for Withdrawal of Foreign Troops from Iraq

Lip implant tissue link with mad cow disease

Kevin McGuire vows to push through with his agenda (neo-nazis in Montana)

After Tsunami, Indian Women Are Cast Onto One of Lowest Rungs

Officials: U.S. Rebuffs Europe on Iran Nuke Talks

Kofi Annan’s son admits oil dealing

Iraqi Voter Turnout Placed at 72% (AP)

Pelosi joins tribute to Zhao Ziyang

Worker Salaries Losing to Inflation

Assyrian Christians say Kurds wouldn't let them vote

Freed detainee describes Guantanamo torture

Global warming claiming prehistoric glaciers

A 'stop-Dean' effort arises at DNC forum

Ridge: Boston Terror Tip Shows Intel Woes

British Military Plane Crashes in Iraq

Soros Says Kerry's Failings Undermined Campaign Against Bush

Abstinence programs: lessons in futility? -Dallas Morning News

Chertoff Buried Early Evidence of Bush Torture Campaign in Afghanistan

Audit: $9 Billion Unaccounted for in Iraq

I'm too straight to be thin

Awe, shit, two cats right behind me, ready to kick each other's butts...

Jailcam=hours of entertainment.

Hell... Hot or Not?

Return of the Jedi on TV right now.

Bill Gates: HOT or NOT

I can't stand that stupid Microsoft Keyboard!

What are your favorite oxycontinmorans?

Can SmileyBoy have a thread of his own??

PE's "It Takes a Nation of Millions" is the best rap CD ever- discuss.

Sheryl Crow (on PBS now) - HOT or NOT?

Bea Arthur: HOT or NOT?

Listening to Metallica's "...And Justice for All". Ask me anything.

On SNL...the Scissor Sisters are pretty cool.

The Definitive Question... Cheney: HOT or NOT?

Free ITunes Song, "When the President Talks to God" Must have

Anyone know how to change the language on Microsoft Word?

That "gasolina" song is being played everywhere...

"...And Justice For All" is the best description of 2000's America.

Here's looking at you, kid. (picture)

Hudson Leick hot or not.

Ugh... injury or illness?


OJ Simpson... HOT or NOT?

Butt paste: HOT or NOT

Dennis Leary was right - www.what the is a real place

3 Beauties: Hot or Not?

Is "Deliver Us From Eva" a good movie?

The Sun: HOT or NOT

The funkiest bassline in the last 10 years

Corky from Life Goes On - HOT or NOT?

Darth Vader: HOT or NOT?

You Can't Do That On Television = Greatest Kids Show Ever

What gets a poster the most recognition in the Lounge?

My Canadian friend was denied entry into America last night.

It's time for a cool change

7th_Sephiroth Hot orn(h)ot?

The woman who sings in ScissorSisters- Hot or HOT?

Shit, two cats right behind me, ready to kick each other's asses...

Hot Pork never dry always Juicy

I just saw Michael Ian Black live! Ask me anything!

5555 posts

anyone know where I can DL music by the band "The Suburbs"?

Is USENET dead?

Larry the Cable Guy: HOT or NOT

Half-way to 1,000 posts at 2 in the morning!

"Sports TV" fans, ATH, IMax or PTI

What are your thoughts on Lucy Liu?

Check out this site: - all sorts of stuff from the 80s

Milla Jovovich: Hot or Not

Milosevic, Hot or Not?

Your oven: hot or not?

Attention Wal*Mart boycotters! What are your favourite items to NOT buy?

I just saw Wanda Jackson rock the house in Hollywood!!!

I watched all 12 episodes of Huff today.. It's not a bad show

Alpha Cat Wars-Pick a winner..Hilton, left, Morpheus, right.

My dog is growling and yelping in her sleep.

If you are ever in need of pictures..

If only chimpy read the papers...


Have you been to Trocks?

White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane reminds me of something

You wanna know what's really fucked up???

My Mom, Dad, Both Grandmothers, And Both Grandfathers Have All Died

Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?

I hope this urban legend is true (except the implied ending)

Behold! The "No Preaching, please" door plaque!

I've found Cheney's undisclosed location on eBay.

Love is all around.. Old people, young people, and in-between

Do not type up posts whilst beans are cooking

I keep seeing the "Knit yourself a uterus" thread

If you are up, please do check in

Now here's a DUI test!

For when you need to walk on water


Whoa, I'm like 30 posts away from 4,000.

Jon Stewart: HOT or NOT?

Hey, "City Confidential" writers:

I'm starving....

Can I get an Amen??

Rocky's back!

where the red fern grows- great movie

UnAustralianism? Oh no!

The Haul: Last night's Mardi Gras parade.

What is this?

WorldNetDaily: Women told, 'Work in brothel, or else' - lose unemployment

okay, what does the word "Hoosier" actually mean?

Spears worst for autographs

The 2005 "Idiotarod" in NYC

My roomate dropped some serious ass before going to mass...

I am watching SpongeBobSquarePants

Is your cat indoors right now with the cold weather....

Ok. This is upsetting. I find myself furious

GRRRR, When It Rains, it Frickin' Pours

Order of songs on Tool - Lateralus

a funny little story for you smokers (like me)

Are there any low-carb alcoholic drinks?

Your Sunday Morning Is INCOMPLETE w/o ZombyCoffee!

Post movie spoilers (not the movie names--just spoilers) HERE:

I started a row in the GD. Anybody got a good recipie for prime rib?

OMaGod!!!!!!!!! Help me Quick !!!!!!

I'm drinking a soy latte

Battle of the Bands: Captain Beefheart versus Captain Kirk

Sunday Morning Pixies Singalong! Gouge Away!

"Hi Joker.."

How to drive your kid crazy:

Uno, dos, tres,


Been going through DU withdrawal symptoms........

4 Real now... Tori Amos: Hot or Not?

"Barking Mad" on Animal Planet.


Does the SAT/ACT measure how smart you are?

Any brown nosers here?

Howard Dean.

Keira Knightly as Elizabeth Bennet?

De Niro: No longer brilliant? Recent Films underming his legacy status?

Question for everyone?

Boy the freaks sure are out today, aren't they?

That's no moon...that's a space station! No, wait, maybe it is a moon...

Is anyone else's DU mailbox down?

What's the best way to flame war?

Spooky's yellow spongeball wins Iraqi election....

GREIVOUS fashion errors committed by asthmaticeog in the 1980s

"The Omen" coming up on AMC, aka

How much faith do you have in ?

Crazy story.

A month into 2005: How are your New Year's Resolutions going?

Hey Ladies! Johnny Depp on Inside the Actors Studio - Bravo Channel

looking for spooky kitty's yellow sponge ball...

Taylor v. Chavez was replayed on HBO. I can't watch boxing anymore.

CAPTION the unfocused

Have a listen to my iTunes mixes

i hate old, northern, religious, gay canadians who love John Kerry!

forgive me, but... please help me find nothingshocksmeanymore

"Will and Grace" has yet another special guest star this week.

OK, Watching I love the 90s, 1991.

Okay, what's a shocking plot twist that has never been done before?

I have to sell my Fahrenheit 911 DVD!!

Would you pay $2000.00 per night,(3 night min)for Superbowl?

You know what's even more fucked up?

Fahrenhype 9/11

I wanna live in a geodisic dome!

I'm shipping my wife off to the Great White North

ssshhh wife has the remote-now watching "The Partridge Family"

Tycho Brahe must have died a horrible death

Howard Jones

Has anyone here leased a new car?

Kids Still Traumatized 1 Yr. After Seeing Partially Exposed Breast On TV

The Dark Side of January 30th.

I am the Happy Fun Ball of DU

Sponge Bob wins Election in Iraq!

IBM Thinkpads...or any IBM laptops...does anyone have an

Dodgeball is one of the funniest movies I ever saw!


Straight Women and Straight Men - A challenge

I just saw "Closer"... kind of mixed feelings about it.

I just saw Gay...

Worst MTV inspired fashion of all time? Tip of the hat to asthmatic og

Any other Liberal IRC chans?

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Mardi Gras

And when you're done washing the snake, clean your room!

"We're the chipmunks, C H I P M U N K, We're the chipmunks!"

Caption this!

Gift for the eyes of everyone tired of snow, ice, sleet, cold

You remember the Guy James show at its new time, or you forget, like me

Congrads to Revolutionary_Acts04 on 4000 posts

ARRGGHH! Trying To Get My Kid's PS2 Network Adapter to work!!!

DU these polls

I just saw Ray...

which of 6 senarios is most likely in Iraq 6 months from todays vote?

State of the Union buzzword BINGO

Why the hell would you put the Benny Hill theme in an anti landmine ad?

A cold "haar" just blew in from Loch Jocassee.

Regarding sex threads

X-Ray Song

Tonight's "The Simpsons" Marge leaves Homer for Moe?

It's the Sunday earworm!

L.A. DUers...Air America is coming back on Feb 3rd.

I don't care what Bill O'Rielly says about the CBC

These southerners don't seem to understand snow ball fights too well

New Beginnings

Jackie Wilson or Sam Cooke?


Inspiring story I saw on another list

Was I out of the loop last night or is it just me

LOL!! A little kids show is naming an episode after "The Big Lebowski"

New Simpies tonight

Is it super dorky to wear a zip drive on a lanyard around your neck?

After one year, time to bid farewell to Ann Coulter

Question about Surreal Life

Fucking banana phone!

Does anyone else think the "Oxy-Clean" guy is drinking that stuff?

why isn't "palindrome" an actual palindrome?

A message/request for gay DUers

Oh no... 11000.

I have no gay friends in real life. Is there something wrong with me?

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........freedom pudding

Hard Times by Studs terkel - it should be required reading in school

Take an LBN or GD thread, add "your mom" to the end of the title.

"Well we're living here in Allentown"

John Kleeb is not my offspring.

Quotation for January 30, 2005

I just found out that I am a little weird but you knew that all ready

Tell me which photo you like better

A Windows Media Player Update Is Currently Available...

Old lyric masters, I need your help

I missed my

Check out this McDonald's ad

A happy ending to a potentially irksome situation

67 Minutes to Robert Redford on "Inside the Actor's Studio"

QUICK! turn on comedy central for Carlos Mencia

Knit yourself a uterus:)

Does anyone remember the cartoon, Rocko's Modern Life

Question Of The CENTURY!!!

D'you think in the Italian equivalent of Starbucks....

woohoo!! Bring on the hydrocodone....

CRAP! I have to show up for Jury Duty in Santa Maria tomorrow!

Do you have any permanent scars?

I just found out my little brother crochets hats for fun. He's made 15.

Billie Jean Is Not My Lover

uh oh! I'm watching "The Omen" and when I looked at my thermastat...


Mike Piazza marries. An ex-Playmate, no less.

Why does * use the word "thug" all the time?

Has anyone here seen the movie Birth of a Nation?

A message for/request to gay DUers.

OK, Confess... Who had a Starter jacket?

Ok, I caved! Surfing with Mozilla Firefox right NOW...

Do you think she's too fat?

I saw The Aviator on Friday night

Question for digital/graphic artists or computer folks

I'm looking for a good tirade. Can somone please post a good tirade?

"Dawn of the Dead" (2004) Really, Really Sucks...

What would you do with a million dollars?

Do you have any really bad birthmarks?

When will you file your taxes?

A round of applause for LONGGRAIN, please!

A HUGE Toast To LynneSin!!!

Is there a way to prevent a dog from

Have you ever been to a Presidential library?



Shut the hell up now Matcom!!!

Help with Firefox.

I saw Sideways earlier tonight

Quick, what are you listening to?

Sweden's Oldest Twins Turning 100


The first CSN album was pretty damned good, no?

Choose your favorite King

Sports movies in which "THE team" loses?

When the NHL starts playing again, will fans comeback?

Who has more acting talent of these?

I'm Birthday Boy Cheney! Ask me anything!

I am the killer of all threads. Bow before my greatness.

Prime Rib Roast: Check - Artichokes Steaming: Check

I'm having panic attacks (A serious post)

Who will we invade next?

I am really detesting "B. C."

eBay users -- send your questions to this 'seller'

And the winner of the second DU Photo Contest is...

Any DUers fancy themselves as caustically funny? Submissions for...

The Less-Used Free-Association Thread

a question about milk and cows

Emergency rooms not filled with the uninsured

Pompeii - The Last Day (Tonight 9pm ET on Discovery Channel)

The Science Of Collective Consciousness

I have had HIV for 17 years, says MP Chris Smith

Has anyone seen "Family Fundamentals" about gay kids of fundies?

Japan in the Footsteps of Yukio Mishima - Gay Tokyo

U.S. Evangelists Invade Canada To Fight Gay Marriage

Have you or someone you know ever been outed?

Peter Leko wins Wijk aan Zee Tournament

The Grande Dame vet update


It's the year of the ROOSTER

Women, Enlightenment And The Divine Mother

The Science Of Collective Consciousness

Fun stuff!!

I placed almost an entire thread on ignore

I think we should stop posting "Stop the Kerry bashing" threads.

Can you guys tell me what you think of my first newsletter to friends

Meet the Press comments?

Which way for the left?

I'm annoyed. Why do people keep trying to divide people and use JK

Tell me which photo you like better

Comtemplating Joining - How's this snapshot I took last week?

Plant your own flags of freedom (supply your own....terrain)

Do you know who got THIRD most votes in November?

Jeb Bush urged to restore felons' rights

A thought for this day; I wish the Iraqis well

How can the American Press cover the Iraqi elections from green zone?

Fox just said that there was a 72% of turnout (Iraqi Nationals)

Sunday talk show line up.

Should a company that's a defense contractor be allowed to

My post to Darryl Cramer's web site re his article on DU....

"going better than expected"

Payola to the media?

SNL and the Bush Twins/Video

I hope Iraq's elections go safely and smoothly

Let Freedom Reign: "There are no rules. There is no law. This is freedom?"

Venezuela Obstacle to US Plans for Regime Change in Cuba

The Ends does NOT JUSTIFY the MEANS>>>> This so called elections

Anderson Cooper, "four explosions, nothing out of the ordinary".

US oil companies to return to Libya (BBC news

PM admits: no flowers for Cherie

time to laugh so hard milk squirts out your nose.

Abstinence programs haven't influenced Texas teens, study finds

DU ALERT: Clinton's interview from Davos Repeat C-Span I: 1:00 est!TODAY

Iraqi Election Results Begin Pouring In!

"Iraqization" is the next step in the process of withdrawal...

A couple of SSI points


Liberty Is Not Spread at Gunpoint

Darwin put to flight in Bible Belt

Kerry Demands Investigation into Fraud; Small Business Groups Cheers

My cousin must not know me AT ALL

Wish in one hand and......


Two articles on DNC race, FYI

Question: Who is counting the votes in Iraq and who is monitoring count?

Let's not forget about Iraq's oil.

Heads Up- John Kerry On MTP At 9:00

Bush argues his Social Security plan aids blacks/Rangel comments

Confusion has surrounded turnout statistics in Iraq's election

So why are the women and men separated to vote?

Why (who says) Muslims can't live in a Democracy?

Why is that pantload Russert beating the Swiftliar crap

As much as I like Conyers and Boxer.....

The Iraqis show the Americans "much love"

Cheney waiting for the 2nd half to start!

AP: Photographers were only allowed at five polling stations.

"U.S. Declares Iraqis Can't Save See," by David Deschesne

Well Here is my two cents worth.

Outing McManus--Pundit Payola. Is the junta tossing out

Want to know what will happen with Iraq?

Joe Biden says Bush is a realist and Europe should just get over it

DNC chair: We don't have to wait until Feb. 12 to find out who gets it

The Bush Whores, How Much Propaganda is Enough for America?

1/30 Rice / talk show interview transcripts: CNN, CBS, ABC & Faux

AARP: Don't mess with Social Security

Only 5% of blacks voted in the last US election, but it was a success!

"If we feel like gambling, we'll play the slots." (AARP)

I have a theory about the 'High Turnout' myth...

what are other ways to fix social security?

Where the hell is the media??

I need a link about the percentage of Iraqis who turned out today.

So. Who won this stupid Iraq Election?

To Iraq, I say good luck. I hope your election turns out better than ours.

WTF is this "UN mandate" Condi kept talking about this morning?

CNN: "Resounding Success" FOX: "Democracy Wins"

Negroponte exposed as 'major player' behind death squadrons in Central Am.

Scary sh*t! Important to read!

Burnt Orange from the heart of Texas... Endorses Dean

Is this what the DLC is all about?

Do politicians pay taxes on political donations?

The Ten Worst Corporations of 2004...

OK...what are the numbers breakdown for Iraq 'vote'?

So who won the damn election?

A thought about those "jublilant" Iraqis celebrating their "freedom"

Kerry Supports Dean For DNC Chair & There's No Thread On It?

Does the low Sunni turnout increase the liklihood of Civil War? n/t

Are your local delegates undecided about the DNC chair?

Should the US attack Iran?

Jeb, Marvin & Neil - 3 Profiteering Bush Brothers

WTF? Winners of election will only serve an 11-month term?

Wasn't Chalabi passing sensitive info to Iran?

Seriously. Why did it take a woman to....

Time mag says the state chairs exec committee endorsed Fowler for DNC

El Mozote.

Do we want the Iraqi Election to be a seen as a success?

Geraldo Rivera Cheerleading like a fool/Video

DNC Chair Debate on C-Span NOW (started around 6:30 est)

Is the left united on Iraq?

Quiz Time

Is there any chance that Cheney will seek GOP nomination in '08?

* / Brian Lamb interview transcript; broadcast CSPAN 1/30 8 & 11PM

Thune- who stole the election form Daschle- teaches his cohorts a trick

A GREAT David Horsey Political Cartoon

Five quick thoughts on current events

Democrates who voted against Rice

72% Iraqi turnout?? How overinflated is this? Compare it to Ohio.

The Kerry/Kennedy Split on Iraq means "lines are drawn" in the Party.

Regardless of your views on the war. . .

HOLY CRAP! CNN has no shame today!

Guess who's going to the Super Bowl...Why it's "SUPER JESUS"!!!

The next time someone asks you "Do you think you could do a better job?"

Why Dean is the Best DNC Chair Choice: Individual vs. Corporate Donations

Excellent comments by Kerry on "SS Privitization" on Russert Today!

Bill Moyers: There is no tomorrow

The Trashing of Condoleezza Rice ... PUHLEEEZ

New hate campaign against AARP

Al Gore In 2008! Come and join the fun!

Clark, Dean, Edwards, Kerry: a challenge to their supporters!

A new frame for taxes?

9/11 Documentary: In Plane Sight (Video)

OUCH !!! - Danziger Lays It Out There For All To See !!!

How to counter Southern Dems worried about Dean (read 'civil unions')

Debunking 'Centrism' ('Corporatism' in Centrist Clothing Hurts Us All)

Constitution says Bush should be Impeached!

FOX is attacking Kennedy - saying he's encouraging terrorists!

After a few months of reflection, I'm putting my site back up

Soros Says Kerry's Failings Undermined Campaign Against Bush

The Iraqi Elections Were A Resounding Success

Gee Kerry bashing is alive and well today